07: Red Girl

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(i sound like a psycho writing this chapter... bit nsfw at the end)

It was on a sting that it happened. Will had been captured early on after being discovered, Hannibal, Jack and yourself were next. 

"Do exactly as I do." Jack told you, knowing you may not get out of this alive since you were not for these operations, only coming along on a whim spilt from Hannibal's lips, saying it may be good for your mental state. When in all honestly he was going to use you as a weapon.

Now you were tied to a chair with handcuffs around your wrists and feet tied to the chair legs with rope. The same had been done to Hannibal and Jack.

Though at this moment Hannibal was getting hit and asked by 3 goons who he was working for. Except... Hannibal wouldn't tell them anything and who they should have been interrogating like this was Jack.

And only when one goon filtered through Jack's pockets, did any of them realise that he had the badge.. meaning Hannibal was useless to them.

Hannibal was thrown back into his chair and then tied up once more but only with rope this time which he quickly began working on getting out of.

Jack started getting hit and you watched idly.

Once he was beaten and bloody, a tooth knocked from him, you asked, "Hey uhh, am I supposed to get hit like this for a while too?"
Jack turned to you, head lolling with blood dribbling, he spat. "No! We need to get out of this mess and save Will before it's too late!" He whisper yelled as though it were obvious.
You stared at him with precisely blinking eyes. "Oh. Why didn't you just say so?" 

Hannibal smirked at your remark as he rocked in hsi chair attempting to loosen the slowly unravelling rope.

Jack cringed as you got struck across the face for being so annoyingly loud.

  "I wish I had a speaker to blast some awesome beats right now.. Oh well, my voice'd better do!" You say taking a quick breath and closing your hand like a propelling squid in its natural habitat; before quickly whipping out, free from the handcuffs. 

They say strange fascination, infatuation
A lunatic~"

You began to sing, making the goons perk their heads. Hannibal took note of how different your vocals sounded. They sounded freed. Completely in your element.

You wrap its chain around the man's neck closest to you and choking him while another pulled a gun to shoot you, but you use the strangled man's body to take the bullets.

  "Call me what suits your taste, I just wanna taste
And I've always heard it's what's inside that counts!"

You snap the goon's neck as the bullets aid in killing him, abruptly finishing your line of song with his snapping vertibrae as the beat. 

His body hitting the floor working as your next beat, the leap and step you took where you began singing again, a little more breathy now with the workout.

  "Cause my insides are red
And yours are too~
And the red on my-

You poke a finger into the goon's bullet wounds flicking the blood in the eye of another goon, he struggles to see, wiping the back of his arm to his eyes. Your flick was when you punctuated your last word.

Continuing your song:

  "Is matching you~"

You gesture to the goon as he's temporarily blinded.

  "And goodness you're bleeding!
What a wonderful feeling!"

You ecstatically say, you hear Jack say a muffled, "Y/N, stop, they have Dr Lecter!"
You turn to see and Hannibal breaks free of his ropes, strangling the man who previously held him at gunpoint and shot him twice in the chest. 

Hannibal x Reader x Will (NBC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz