06: Clever Girl

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(total and utter fluff)

You stayed at Hannibal's home for the afternoon, Jack had called saying there was no need they come to work today so it was a day off.. Though Jack still wanted a word with you, except Hannibal took the phone and answered, "Jack, she is unwell mentally.. We're working on it." and hung up.

You blinked twice, hand still up as if you were still holding the communication device. Will was busy placing the cutlery and plates into the dishwasher to really get a read on what was going on a few rooms from him.

  "Ub-wha? Why'd you go n do that? I'm fiiiine.." You said confusedly.
"Y/N, you just cried to us about your issues. I don't believe anyone would call you 'fine', even if you seem fine. We know you aren't." Hannibal bluntly exclaimed.
  "Mer mer mer myerrr, I'm Hannibal Lecter and I know fucking everything apparently!" You mimicked in a teasing, rude tone.
"That's rude, Y/N." Hannibal stated.
  "Oh no, what you gonna do about it? Fight me?" You asked.
"Not with my fists... no. But tickling? That's another story~" Hannibal reached out for you and drew you in.

  "Hannibal.. What're you- No... NO. NOO HANNIBAL NO!" You screech out as he attacks your sides with tickles. Good god, you wouldn't find Hannibal this way anywhere but with you and Will perhaps.. he truly had been changed by you.

Will hurried in, a lighter and candle in his hands as that was what he was doing at the time. "HANNIBAL, you pro- wha-T?" Will cried but then stared with utter astonishment and confusion to see Hannibal's mouth on your stomach mid-blow of a raspberry as well as his hands under your shirt mid-tickle.

Will stared horrified.

"Come join me, Will, we need to give her some sort of discipline~" Hannibal cackled darkly looking down at your jittery  form.
"Y/N.. Have you been rude?" Will asked and you had been so you mischievously said, "maybbeeee" drawing it out and laughing. 

Will got down on his knees, placing the candle and lighter on the nightstand as they were all now in the spare bedroom.

Will tickled your your sides while Hannibal cackled against the skin of your stomach.

You cried a wheeze for them to stop and finally they did. Your eyes crying tears of joy as you try to turn over and sit upright. Your back leaning against Hannibal hesitantly. He could feel how your back muscles were still tense, knowing you were still not letting your guard down completely around them and he tutted softly with his head shaking a little and his tongue prodding his teeth. 
Will however was still laughing at you and smiling as you slapped your hand softly to his open palm. His brows drawing up as you do so. And then you grasp his thumb kindly and he realised how much smaller you were to him. His eyes did a double take and rose his brows again.

You then began to get up, still holding Will's hand. You try and drag him up but he only rose slightly and you trustingly leaned completely out and away. Hannibal smiled at how trusting the two of you had become. 

Hannibal stood up on his own and brushed his morning suit off.

  "Seriously, Hannibal do you have no other clothes or something?" You asked Hannibal.
"Well.. Not really, in my profession, this is all I need." Hannibal stated.
  "Geez.. I was gonna offer we go on a walk... But I don't want you to dirty anything so fancy shmancy as what you got on now!" You said, now standing beside Will.

"We can go on a walk if you'd like." Hannibal suggested with his usual quiet demeanour returning.
"I'll join you." Will nodded with grace. "I'll put the candle back first..." 

You started laughing weirdly.

Will slowly turned and asked, "What're you laughing about?"

  "Hehehe. You gonna commit a Crime-Brulee~" You joked and Will smirked, shaking his head and chuckling as he left the room. 

Hannibal x Reader x Will (NBC)Where stories live. Discover now