08: Business Girl

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(lead up to nsfw)

Jack knew about Hannibal now.. Will was meant to be on the side of the FBI and you were trying to fix some family issues, become more independent, you know, all the like. You were getting ready to say your farewells to Will, Hannibal and the team but not in the likely way most would. You would very likely be discreet and then begin to blur with the grey, returning once again into the darkness from whence you came.

But today? Today you were waking in Hannibal's therapy room, laying out on his futon with your bandaged shoulder and torso. 
Those goons really had taken their toll on you.

But so had the horniness from what you had pressumed to be just yesterday.. when in fact, it had been 3 days. You had slept for 3 days and Hannibal had told you this when he came in with a nice hot tea for you.

  "Is that-" You groan from the pain, "-mint?" You sniff it and then realise with the taste of the warm thing, you say, "Nope.. not mint. I don't thiiiink it's poisonous.. congrats, you're getting better!"
"I tried to find mint as you had shown me.. I just assumed from its smell it was the same? Though I was not so convinced when I found the purple flowers on another branch.." Hannibal said.
  "You're learning, that's all that matters. Also.. it's not toxic at least.. I might barf or get itchy but I won't die." You smiled at him, rocking into him and resting your head against his. 

He kisses your head and plops his chin atop your scalp saying a soft, "Well, that's all that matters then, yes." A soft smile encelopes his face.

  "Hey, is Dr Chilton still alive or did he get.." You made the sound of someone's neck being snapped with the motion of a knife severing your head from shoulders.
Hannibal stared down at you for a brief moment before answering, "I believe he is under... 'construction' in the hospital at the moment... Why?" 
  "Oh.. Good to know." You replied mysteriously.
"Why?" He repeated.
  "He's hot. Good to know the lil bottom is still out there. I gotta keep an eye on my prey, Hanni, you should know that better than anyone!" You began to cackle before hissing from your wounds.
"Hmm." He hummed in answer and stroked your hair before gripping the back of your hair and pulling your head back, leaning over to your ear, avoiding eye contact before whispering hotly, "Careful now... You and Will, you and I... Do you not think we own you now?"
  "I'm a free bird. And this bird is waiting for you guys to sort out your sexual tension." You said getting up and hobbling over to his desk, picking at a tatty book which Hannibal got up to remove from your hands.

Hannibal hummed a laugh before he got up to take his sketchbook away from you.

  "Why can't I take a look? I thought you said I was allowed to look at your art..?" You asked him. But before he could answer, you interrupted, "Oooo is it cuz you sketched out Will's cock and cuz I haven't seen him below the anything... I'm not allowed to see? Or are there nude you and hims just getting down and dirty? Bumping uglies and tonguing one another thoroughly? Cuz if I had money, I would pay to see that-"

Hannibal put a hand to your lips and made a short 'shush' sound before saying, "You're rambling again. Not that it is an issue but we have company.." He then sniffed the air and you quirk a brow, about to say something innappropriate. "It's Jack. Go and hide, you shouldn't be here, remember." 

Hannibal had told you with stern, caring eyes that actually did make you move it move it before Jack could ruin your groove its groove its.

You looked around before just ducking under the desk and sitting there with your knees to your chest.

Hannibal rolled his eyes as he opened the door to a very expectant Jack Crawford.

Jack stormed in in his usual way and began ranting about Will being Will. Hannibal stayed calm and meandered to the desk where you hid before sitting in his lush seat and Jack paced irritatedly.

You sat there boredly for about 3 minutes until you realised you had been given a very interesting and once in a lifetime opportunity. It was now or never.

You watched Hannibal spread his legs in his chair as if welcoming your innappropriate ideals. Practically drooling at the thought, you lick your lips and silently slip a hand up the man's calf, earning a twitch from him. But he didn't move much as he knew Jack was not stupid. We couldn't have him finding out, now could we?

We could not.

You and Hannibal could not.


Your hand slips higher, tracing circular motions and nice intricate patterns into his thighs that he would never forget. You weaved your other hand into the same motions, identically different as you edged ever closer to touching the forbidden fruit.

Hands reaching like children's hands at a candy store - towards his family jewels. And you were sure his jewels would be divine in your hands, in your mouth.. in you.

Hannibal could practically taste your hormones. He liked the scent of your wetness. He liked it all. Even while listening to Jack go off about Will. Almost as if he had his two favourite people in the world with him here and now.. Except he knew it was Jack. Jack was not one of his favourites by far.

And then, out of nowhere he felt your palm rubbing up and down at the length of his thigh, between his jewels and his thigh. God, just go a little closer. He wanted to pin you, he wanted to make you feel this torture but Jack was not leaving any time soon and he cannot bring any more attention to himself as to rudely tell Jack to just up and leave now!

He had to bear it.

But your finger 'booped' his ball and that was it. Hannibal suddenly stood up, sending his chair away with such force that it fell over and hit the floor.

Stilling Jack in his ranting pace.

Jack stared in disbelief, afraid for his life, having realised how capable murder is by this man's hands. 

Though, what was on Hannibal's mind was nothing to do with murder. It was to do with a 'little death', I suppose but he only wanted to eat you alive. To eat at you, revel in your juices and drink you up.

His head was spinning with lust and passion.. and hunger.

Jack asked, "Is everything okay, Dr Lecter?"

He didn't respond at first. He more or less tried to concentrate before doing anything too out there.. Although it was as if animal instincts, predatory and lusting had blurred his reality. All he could feel was the itch to copulate with you.
To fuck you like a animal.

"Leave. Jack. I have some.. business to do." Hannibal practically growled, looking up from beneath his fringe dangerously.

Before Jack could ask why he was so rude... 

You jumped out from under the desk and said, "I'm business~"

Hannibal x Reader x Will (NBC)Where stories live. Discover now