10: Red Girl 2.0

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(A/N: This is my playlist up top.. there were other songs in it but liek.... copyright sucks :/ anyway, happy reading, enjoy~~ And I drew the art image XD)


They held your funeral on a dramatically stormy day, knowing that's what you'd have wanted, being as theatrical as you were. The rain poured, tears were shed and the people mourned.

Jack lost his wife only days after your funeral and Will had set out to find Hannibal. You were of course still alive, unknown to everyone. You lived under the name of RED as all you would spill for money was blood. You became a secret whispered among the mafia and those with hands in dirty deeds. 

You had become a mercenary and honestly, you loved this life. You went from job to job, killing people you needn't know the backstories of, only once did you kill a baby by default as the woman was pregnant but you weren't too worried as you knew babies are born every minute or whatever. Humanity needs a little trim every once and a while, overpopulation is a problem, after all. That was your mindset honestly.

And truly, it paid well, sometimes you had fun with it as you got to torture certain ones and drag them into a heavily armed den, knowing no one would lay a finger on you cuz you're the best they had.
It was truly the most fun you'd had in a while.

But then you got hit.

One job had been especially tricky. It was a set-up. The mafia had enough of you being the best merc, most mysteriosu merc too. They didn't know anything about you other than how you could kill well, had very little remorse and your nickname; RED. 
They cornered you and even though you killed a lot of them, one man had shot you in the stomach, unaware, you got hit and stumble.

The mafia think they have won... for now.

And in this moment you believe it's time to come out of your shell and ask an old friend for some help.

Of course, you had been keeping an eye on your old therapist friend, this man had been ordering the same fancy tastes for so long it's unmistakable where else to find him.

So, at his door, your knuckles rasp against the wooden door. It was rich in design and weight. Like damn.

But your hand was bloody from the wound in your stomach, so, there was a smear of your blood down the door.

Meanwhile, inside, Hannibal's ears pricked up at the jarring sound of someone at the door. His eyes roved to his false wife Lydia Fell, who peered at him wearily.
"Who might that be? A girl friend of yours, perhaps?" Hannibal asked her accusingly.
"N-no, absolutely not.." She fearfully replied, her lips quivered, eyes stingingly dry from tears.
"Well. We shall see, won't we?" Hannibal taunted.

He walked to the door and opened it, a woman stood there, paling, sweaty, bleeding out on his door step. Her head was hung low with a black covid mask across most of her features.

He watched her for a moment, a familiar yet such a foreign scent to them.

"Yes?" Hannibal asked. 
  "I... need help. Please." You beg, whimpering and in utter agony but managing to walk into his home as he held the door open.

"Lydia, help this young lady inside, won't you?" Hannibal asked with a sinister smirk to his features behind you - still unaware of who he'd just let inside their house.
Lydia nodded her head frantically. She took you into another room and sat you down on a wooden chair where Hannibal may see to your wound or better yet kill you for dinner.

"That will be all, Lydia." Hannibal smirked, hands clasped at his front, waiting for her to leave.

Lydia whispered in your ear, "He's going to eat you.. Be careful!" she warned then left quickly.

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