Chapter One

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Justin's P.O.V // Flashback

The beginning of our friendship happened when he transferred to my school in the 7th grade. He introduced himself as "Lyndon Doyle" when he walked into my class. In my opinion, I thought he looked adorable. Wait! Adorable? I guess that's okay to say about someone, right? Anyways, I barely payed attention to him, I didn't really talk to anyone, just a few close friends.

I sat there staring at nothing, I'd like to wander off at times, because school was so irrelevant. Lyndon walked up to me and sat down. He introduced himself personally as I replied with "hey, I'm Justin." I was really quiet, but he insisted on creating a conversation with me.

I finally gave in, and asked him things he liked. I guess you could say that's how it all started. As he told me all his likes and dislikes, I couldn't stop but to stare at him, I really liked his eyes, they were something else! But I'm sure I could compliment a guy's eyes? His eyes were crystal blue, with a sparkle in them, meanwhile, mine were a dull
green. He was a couple shades darker than me, tan, I guess. I envied him, because I couldn't be tan like that, I'd be sunburned.

Lyndon's P.O.V

This kid, Jacob, Ju-, Justin! That was his name, something about him made me feel welcomed. I told him a few of my likes and dislikes, like how my favorite color was green, just like his eyes. His eyes were so cool, especially that shade of green. I told him that what I hate the most was liars and broken promises. I believed in trust and loyalty.

Justin gave me that vibe, where I could tell him anything, that he wouldn't judge, nor blurt what I tell him to others. He must've been so into what I was telling him, because he may or may not have noticed, but he was staring. I felt awkward but I liked the attention, was it even attention?

Anyways, I told him why I moved here. I moved from New Jersey to California, because of the bank sending my house to foreclosure. My parents were good with money, but there would be times where we slacked, and not pay the bank the bills. I guess they were fed up with us.

My mother has told me many times that "fresh starts" we're good. How was leaving people you care about behind good? I was devastated, I had to leave my friends, my closest bros, and my girlfriend, although she wasn't all that important. She'd probably be more upset than I would.

I then realized Justin was only half listening to me, considering he was drooling. But I was fine with it. I stood and walked towards the door trying to get to my next class. Before leaving, I turned to say something to my so called "friend".

Justin's P.O.V

The bell rang, and I was out of thought. Lyndon was heading towards the door, but turned around and said "Justin, I really enjoyed talking to you, you're probably my first friend..." In my mind I replied "what? We're friends now? Perhaps that's good, I need more guy friends." Then I was disgusted by the fact that I had dried drool at the side of my mouth. Embarrassing right!

Well that's the first chapter, letting you know how things started, it's not a lot, but I'm trying. Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm not the best writer. So bare with me, okay? -G :3

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