Gryffindor Versus Slytherin

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A week or so after the troll incident, the first Quidditch match of the year came along. Gryffindor versus Slytherin. The big one, as Harry put it. The morning of the match, he seemed rather nervous, understandably so. At breakfast, he wouldn't even eat, claiming he felt too nauseous for any food. Hermione wouldn't have it.

"Harry, you need to eat, come on, just a bite?"

Harry shook his head. "I don't feel like it."

I sighed. "Look man, either you eat willingly or I swear to all that is holy I will find a way to make you."

Harry shook his head once again. "You wouldn't, I know you too well for that threat to work."

I sighed. He was right about that. Thankfully, Neville came to our rescue.

"Just a bit of toast Harry. You won't play well if you don't eat."

The prospect of performing poorly seemed to be what did it for him, and Harry finally took a bite of toast. I smiled lightly.

"I know you're nervous Harry, and that's fine, I would be too. But promise me once you get out on the field you'll shove that all away and just focus on the match. Don't let the anxiety get to your head."

Harry nodded. "Promise. So long as you back off a bit."

I laughed slightly. "Deal."

Once we finished eating, Harry got our attention. "Listen, I've been thinking. About what Snape was doing back on Halloween. All the blood and whatnot."

I raised an eyebrow. "The what?"

"You didn't notice? When we passed by where he was walking I saw drops of blood on the floor. He tried to get past the dog, I guarantee it!"

Hermione gasped. "But why? Why would a professor try to steal something that Dumbledore is protecting?"

Ron huffed. "Honestly Hermione, it's like you think all teachers are saints."

I sighed. "She has a point, Ron. What would be in it for him?"

Harry cleared his throat. "Back when I went to Gringotts with Hagrid, he picked up something for Dumbledore. That same day, someone tried to rob Gringotts and didn't get caught. I saw it in the Daily Prophet. They didn't take anything, though. I reckon they were probably trying to steal whatever it was Hagrid took out. And that very thing is what the dog is guarding. It must be very valuable, and if I had to pick one of the professors to do something bad and betray Dumbledore, it would very much be Snape."

I thought for a moment. "That does make sense I suppose. Still..."

Harry cut me off. "You don't have to believe me, I just thought I should bring it up, since it's been bothering me. Just keep an eye on Snape, I doubt he will just give up."

A couple hours later, the five of us were out in the courtyard, huddled around a blue flame that Hermione had conjured in a jar. Our eyes went wide as we saw Snape enter the courtyard, and we quickly hid the flame, as we weren't sure it was allowed. He approached us, but instead of yelling at us for the flame, he yanked a book on the history of Quidditch out of Harry's hands.

"Library books are not allowed to be taken out of the castle, Potter. Five points from Gryffindor."

Harry was indignant as Snape walked off. "He just made that rule up! He's just upset he couldn't get past the dog!"

Hermione frowned. "I still don't know if he tried. Just doesn't make sense to me."

Ron opened his mouth to retort, but I shot him a warning glance and he sighed, surrendering. Harry stormed off towards the staff room, determined to get his book back, and twenty minutes later burst into the common room, holding the book aloft.

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