Prison Break

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After we finished eating, Marie got up and whispered something to Mrs. Weasley. I couldn't quite hear what she said, but she obviously got the answer she was hoping for because she ran over to me and dragged me back into the living room.

"Sit! I want to show you something!"

I sat down, a bit confused, as Marie dug around behind a chair for a bit, and excitedly pulled out a rather ratty looking violin.

"It's not as nice as the one I have back home, but it'll do!"

I raised an eyebrow. "You play the violin?"

Marie blushed slightly. "Yeah! I would have told you, but I thought it would be a nice surprise the first time I played for you. Was thinking about doing it last Christmas, but, well everything was going so well with me and you and I didn't want to mess it up or something. Was worried you might not like it."

I smiled slightly. "Aw, darling! I love everything you do, shush it!"

"A bit cheesy, but I don't mind." Marie said, blushing deeply and laughing a bit. "You ready?"

I nodded, and she began playing. I couldn't recognize the song or anything, not being particularly well versed in classical music, but I could tell she was an absolutely brilliant player. S she played on, I found myself absolutely lost in her bright blue eyes. Somehow every time I saw her, it felt like I was seeing her for the first time. It was as if she got more and more beautiful every day. I really had fallen for this girl.


I blinked slightly and came back to my senses.

"Well that's either a very good, or a very bad sign." Said Marie, laughing slightly.

I pulled her into a deep kiss. "Does that clear it up?"

Her cheeks were bright red as she pulled out of the kiss. "Y... yes, I think it does."

Suddenly, we were interrupted as Ron walked in.

"Ugh! Get a room you two!"

I spun around, a bit upset. "What is it Ron? You'd better have a good reason for interrupting us."

"It's Harry. He hasn't answered any of my letters. Hermione said she hasn't heard from him either."

I frowned. "Ok, that's an acceptable reason. You think something bad happened to him?"

Ron sighed. "I don't know. I imagine if it was anything super serious the Ministry would have heard, but I'm worried either way. You heard him talk about how those muggles treat him."

Marie nodded. "Ron's got a point, Y/N. That so called family does seem rather horrible."

"So what do you suggest we do?" I said, glancing back at Ron.

"Well, me and my brothers thought we'd sneak out tonight and go and see what's up, and bring him back here. You guys want to come with us?"

"I'd love to," I said, a bit confused, "but how exactly do you suggest we do that? He lives all the way in London. I suppose we could use our brooms, but how would Harry get his stuff back here? He can hardly carry that big trunk of his with him."

Ron smirked. "Well you know how my dad is obsessed with muggle technology? He may or may not have enchanted a car to fly. It's in the shed, we can just take that!"

Marie sighed. "Ron, that sounds a bit risky. What if we get seen?"

"Oh, the car has an invisibility thing we can turn on. We'll be fine!"

I pursed my lips and looked at Marie for a second. She shrugged, sort of saying it was up to me. "Fine, we'll come. But we'd better be careful. I don't want to get in trouble with the Ministry if some muggles see us."

Later that night, once we were sure that the rest of the Weasleys were asleep, me, Marie, Fred, George, and Ron snuck out to the shed. Marie decided it would be best to leave a note for Ron's parents, just in case. Fred immediately hopped in the driver's seat.

I frowned slightly. "Do you even know how to drive?"

"Well... no, but neither do any of you. It can't be that hard, right?"

"Whatever, just don't get us killed alright?"

"Wouldn't dream of it!"

Fortunately, Fred did not get us killed, although not for lack of trying. We nearly smashed head on into a lamppost at one point, and hit at least three birds. Thankfully, though, we made it to Harry's address unharmed, at least physically. I'm pretty sure I developed a slight fear of cars during the trip.

"That his house?" Asked George, pointing towards a two story suburban house.

"I think so, 4 Privet Drive, right?" Said Ron, somewhat unsurely.

"Look!" Marie shouted, pointing at one of the second floor windows. "There's bars on that one! I bet you that horrible family locked Harry in his room!"

I already hated the Dursleys, but after seeing this, I utterly despised them. I wished I could use magic outside of school to mess with them a bit, but it would be more trouble than it would be worth. We backed up towards the window and I peered in. Sure enough, there was Harry, laying down on his bed, seemingly asleep. I climbed into the trunk and knocked on the window a couple times, and eventually he woke up.

"Wha... Y/N?"

"Heya! How you doing?"

"I... what are you doing here?"

"We're here to rescue you mate!" Said Ron, poking his head over one of the back seats.

Harry rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up. "How? We can't exactly magic the bars off, remember?"

George tossed me a rope. "We've got a plan, don't worry."

I gave Harry the rope and he wrapped it around the bars. Fred floored it, and the bars came flying off the window. I pulled Harry into the car and me and George climbed into the house to grab his things from downstairs. George used a lock pick to get past the doors, and we managed to bring all of Harry's stuff up and into the car without any trouble. Just after I shoved his trunk and Hedwig into the car, however, the door flew open and a remarkably ugly man barged in, almost foaming at the mouth.

"Oh you're not going anywhere Harry! Get back here!" He screamed, grabbing my ankle just before I got out of his reach.

"I'm not Harry you absolute moron! Let go of me!"

He simply growled slightly and yanked on my ankle. I struggled for a moment before I was able to kick my foot up and into his face, causing him to scream and grab his nose as I scrambled into the car. Harry had a look of pure joy on his face as we flew off.

"See you next year, Vernon! Hope you broke your nose!"

Marie quickly checked on my ankle, but I was fine. As we headed back to The Burrow, we let Hedwig out of the car so he could stretch his wings. Apparently, Harry had some house elf named Dobby stealing his mail over the summer, which accounted for him not replying to Ron and Hermione. The elf had said something about how Harry shouldn't go back to Hogwarts, and we concluded that it was probably Malfoy behind it. He was the only person we could think of that would both have a house elf and be willing to use it in that way. As we landed, the sun was rising, and we tried our best to sneak back into the house before anyone realized we had gone. As soon as we approached the door, however, Mrs. Weasley stormed out, a terrifying glare on her face.


Fred groaned. "Bloody hell. Here we go."

AN: Just a quick question for you all! Basically, as you've probably heard from other authors before, The Trace is a complete mess to write around. I have some interesting story ideas, but they would require Y/N to basically be able to ignore The Trace so the Ministry doesn't do their thing with him if he uses magic outside of school. I have some ideas on how to write that in, but they all feel a bit forced or cheap. Do you guys think it's something worth going for? It doesn't play in until around year three, so I've got time to thing, but I'd like to get your opinion on it! Thanks!

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