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We had McGonagall's class next, which was rather fun, especially compared to the mandrakes. We started the year with a relatively simple assignment: turning beetles into buttons. I accomplished the task rather quickly, turning my beetle into a shiny blue button that McGonagall was quite happy with, awarding Gryffindor 5 points for my efforts. Afterwards, I went over to help Marie, who was struggling a bit. It wasn't the actual transfiguration she had trouble with, but rather keeping the beetle still. The damn thing was, for whatever reason, way more active than the others, and was scurrying around her table, deftly avoiding the aim of her wand. Once or twice, she hit the table with the spell, producing... interesting results. After getting a bit fed up with the bug's antics, I decided to just block it off with a bunch of books, and cast the freezing charm on it, after which Marie was able to turn it into a button rather quickly. Just as she accomplished it, a loud bang came from across the room. Ron's wand had backfired again. He'd somehow managed to nearly snap it in half during his encounter with the Whomping Willow, and stubbornly refused my offer to pay for a replacement.

"Mr. Weasley, you really do need to get that wand replaced..." said McGonagall, unknowingly echoing my concerns. Ron blushed and put his wand away with a sigh, deciding to just borrow Harry's for the class. Neither of them managed to transfigure their beetle, and got given a foot of parchment as homework as a result. Hermione walked over to them after class.

"Ron, she's right. You really need to get that wand replaced. It's going to hurt you one day if you don't. Why don't you write your mum about it?"

"And get another howler? No thanks. She'd just say it was my fault and I have to figure it out now."

I sighed. "Ron, my offer still stands. It really isn't a problem for me."

"No, I'm not going to have you pay for my own mistake Y/N. I'll figure it out."

I gave up. Ron was being too proud and stubborn to be reasoned with. Hopefully he would listen in time. We had a bit of a break after Transfiguration, so I decided to go talk to Dumbledore about the dream I'd had. Marie wanted to go with me, so we split off from the others and made our way to the gargoyle. I didn't actually know the password, so I had to wait around a bit for someone to help me out. Normally I'd write a letter, but Cinnabar was obviously somewhere over the Atlantic at that point, so I didn't really have that option. We waited around until, finally, someone came out. And of all people, it had to be Snape. Better than Lockhart, I suppose.

"What are you two doing? Not sneaking around like last year I hope?"

I quickly shook mg head. "No sir. I just have something I need to speak to Dumbledore about. Could you let me in, if he is available?"

Snape stared at me for a moment, which for some reason began to hurt my head a bit. Suddenly, his eyes flashed with... something, just for a moment. If I hadn't been staring back I would have missed it.

"Of course, go ahead."

He spoke the password, which was apparently sherbet lemon once again, and the staircase spun open. Dumbledore should really upgrade his security. Me and Marie made our way up, a bit confused at our interaction with Snape but brushing it off as him just being, well, weird, like he always was. As we made our way into Dumbledore's office, we saw him sitting at his desk, as usual.

"Ah, young L/N! I was expecting to see you soon enough! And Miss Yinsby as well. You two don't separate very often, do you?"

I blushed. "Uh, no, I suppose not sir."

He chuckled lightly and smiled, summoning two chairs across from him.

"That is quite alright! Very much a good thing in fact, I would say. Now come, sit! Enlighten me as to what exactly you wish to discuss!"

We sat down and gladly accepted the candies that Dumbledore offered us. I quickly explained to him my dream, Marie jumping in with her thoughts on it once I had finished.

"I see..." Dumbledore said, pursing his lips slightly. "Well, I see why you are concerned. I do not know if what Miss Yinsby says is correct, although I would very much agree with her advice as to contacting your mother. That is quite odd, you said you've never experienced anything like that before?"

I shook my head. "No, that's what worries me most, if I'm being honest. It was just so clearly different from anything I've experienced before. If it's what Marie suggested, shouldn't I have had something like that happen before?"

Dumbledore nodded. "Usually, yes. It isn't unheard of for it to happen later in life, but it's very rare. I think you ought to speak with Professor Trelawney about this. Would you be available on, say, Thursdays around noon?"

I thought back to my schedule for a moment and nodded. "Yes, I should. I plan on trying out for Quidditch when that starts up, though, so my schedule might change."

"That is quite alright, Y/N. For now, let's do Thursdays. I'll let her know that you will be meeting with her. If you have any more dreams like this in the meantime, let me know."

I nodded and got up to leave, rather relieved that Dumbledore didn't think I was going mad or something.

"Oh, one more thing, Y/N."

I spun around. "Yes sir?"

"Do be careful using magic out of school. I won't be informing the ministry, but I'd rather you be safe with it. Would be quite a mess if someone were to see."

"O... of course, sir. How... how did you know? If I may ask."

He smiled lightly. "I have my ways, young man. Don't worry, I approve. Just thought I ought to give you a word of warning."

I smiled back and nodded. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

"Go on, now! I do believe you have Mr. Lockhart's class next, correct?"

I groaned, unable to hide my feelings. "Unfortunately."

He smirked a bit at that. "Don't give him too hard a time, alright? It would be quite a mess if you scared off our new teacher on his first day, no?"

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