A Bloody Wall

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The next several weeks went by as normal. Malfoy was, of course, avoiding us like the plague, not that I minded that. It was nice to get a break from his antics for once. Eventually, my birthday came around. I woke up early that morning, both out of excitement and, oddly, anxiety. It was the first real event since me and Marie had become a thing, and I was rather worried about what sort of standard would be set. I kind of felt like I had to match or surpass whatever she got for me for her birthday, and I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to do so. Regardless, I made my way down the stairs and, as I expected, came face to face with Marie.

"Y/N! Happy birthday darling!"

I smiled brightly and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thanks Marie! You sleep well?"

She nodded happily. "Yes, but come on, we have more important things than that right now! Presents, for one!"

She pulled me over to the couch and sat me down, running over to a corner to bring a small rectangular box over.

"Open it!"

I chuckled slightly. "Alright! No need to rush!"

She frowned at me and I stuck my tongue out jokingly as I opened the box. Inside was an absolutely beautiful leather wand holster. I excitedly hopped up and strapped it to my thigh, taking my wand from my robes and slotting it in. It fit perfectly.

"Marie! I love it! How did you..."

"My dad said you would do well to have one. All the aurors do, and the company that makes this is the one they get it from. Says it's the best there is! How does it feel on you?"

I pulled her into a tight hug. "Great! It does feel a bit weird having something strapped to my leg, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I love it, dear. More importantly, I love you"

Marie blushed deeply as she leaned up and planted a kiss on my nose. "And I love you, Y/N. So much."

We sat on the couch there for a while, just holding each other in our arms. It was nice. Really nice. Soon enough, though, Sneachta flew in through the open window and landed on the arm of the couch.

"Hey there girl! How are you? The flight go well?"

Sneachta hooted softly and raised a leg at me. There was a small brown package attached to it, and I excitedly opened it.

"No. Way."

Marie raised an eyebrow at the small piece of parchment in my hands.

"She only sent a letter?"

I turned to her excitedly. "No, her letter is on the other leg, this... this is incredible. It's a pamphlet reporting on the events of the Wizengamot of 1610!"

"The what now?"

"Really old newspaper, Marie. Really old. And really rare. Me and her went to an exhibition about it at the MACUSA headquarters a couple months ago. It was the first Wizengamot with American representatives! Well, they weren't American at that point, of course. English colonists back then."

Marie chuckled softly and smiled. "Still no idea what makes it so special. I'm glad you like it, though!"

"I'm going to go put this up in my room, you want to head down to eat when I get back?"

Marie nodded happily and I ran off, eager to get back to her quickly.


The next week was great. Classes were going well, Halloween was coming soon, and I had even managed to order something very special for Marie's birthday. That is, it was all going well until Halloween.

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