Chamber of Secrets: Summer Days

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I woke up very early. Today was the day that Marie was coming over via floo, so I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. I spent far longer than normal in the shower, and went so far as to dry out my hair after I got out, something I never really bother to do properly.

"Nervous huh?"

I spun around mid brush to see my dad standing behind me with a smirk on his face.

"A bit, maybe. This just feels like the first, you know, real proper date or whatever. At least since Christmas break. I want to make sure it goes well."

"It will, Y/N. I've never met the girl before but from what your mother says about her, she utterly adores you. She said she could see it in her eyes."

I blushed a bit at that. "Really?"

He smiled down at me. "Yes. And your mom has a knack for that sort of thing. You'll be fine!"

I sighed. "Alright. Now go away, let me get dressed. She will be here any minute!"

My dad chuckled softly and left my room. I got dressed in the clothes I'd let my mother pick out for me the night before, and headed downstairs to wait nervously in front of the fireplace, reading the book Dumbledore had given me the year prior to try and relax a bit. Soon enough, a puff of smoke emanated from the fireplace and Marie stepped out, dragging a trunk behind her.

"Overpack a bit dear?"

She stuck her tongue out. "We are going straight from her to Ron's Y/N, it's just easier this way."

I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. "I missed you Marie. More than anything!"

"I missed you too Y/N. So much."

I pulled her into a kiss. "Well I should probably tell my parents you're here. They've been almost as excited as I have."

"Mom! Dad! She's here!"

My mom poked her head around the corner.

"Not snogging, are you?"

I blushed. "Shut up mom..."

My dad lightly slapped her shoulder. "Oh leave them be, Bridget. You're one to talk."

Marie stepped forward. "Mr. L/N, Mrs. L/N. It's nice to see you! I hope I'm not too early or anything?"

"Oh of course not dear!" Said my mother, giving her a quick hug. "Y/N here has had us up since seven to make sure we're ready."


She smirked at me a shrugged. "It's true! Personally I find it endearing!"

"Bridget stop embarrassing the poor boy! It's nice to meet you Marie! We have some food out in the kitchen if you're hungry. Me and my wife will let you and Y/N relax and catch up for a bit, we can talk later tonight! Your room is upstairs, right next to Y/N's, do you want me to take your trunk up for you?"

Marie nodded. "If it's not too much trouble!"

My dad smiled and grabbed the trunk, motioning for my mother to follow him.

I turned to Marie. "Come on, I'm starving!"

The rest of that week was wonderful. My dad took us to a baseball game, and I took Marie around to all my favorite restaurants in the area. It was really, really nice. Monday came around, though, and it was time for us to join the others at Ron's house. The morning of, my mother set up the fireplace for international travel, which apparently required some special enchantments, and gave me a big hug as I lugged my trunk behind me.

"Be safe darling! Remember, I'll won't be able to come over to say goodbye before you head off to Hogwarts, so you'd better be good for Mrs. Weasley! I don't want to hear about you getting up to any funny business while you're away!"

I gave her a big hug. "Of course mom! When do I ever do that?"

She smirked. "A couple times last year that I could mention. It all worked out in the end, though, I suppose. Do try not to fight any dark wizards this time, though?"

"I doubt we have to worry about that. What are the odds of something like that happening two years in a row?"

She smiled and released me from the hug. "Go on now! Have fun! Good luck with Quidditch tryouts!"

"Thanks mom!"

I stepped into the flame, took a deep breath, and threw down a handful of powder.

"The Burrow!"

In a flash of green light, I felt my body twist and turn, and before I knew it, I popped out into what I assumed was the Weasleys living room. The house had a bit of a strange structure, almost as if it had been constantly built on top of smaller structures. It felt very cozy, though, so I didn't mind. I saw a familiar mop of red hair poke around a corner just as Marie arrived behind me.

"Ron! How are you? It feels like it's been forever!"

He smiled and cleared his throat. "They're here!"

Marie chuckled. "No time wasted huh?"

Ron shrugged. "They've been dying to meet you two properly. We didn't get much chance to talk back at the station."

I smiled. "Well it's good to see you. It's felt rather quiet without you around."

He frowned. "What's that supposed to mean, Y/N?"

"Whatever you want it to. Preferably whatever is least insulting."

Ron smirked. "Alright then. Come on, the others will want to say hello."

Me and Marie followed him into the kitchen, where his parents and the twins were waiting.

Mr. Weasley jumped a bit at the sight of me. "Y/N! It's good to see you again! You promised back at the station you'd explain how those microwave things that muggles use work?"

I sighed. "I... yeah, I'll tell you later on! Promise!"

Mrs. Weasley frowned at him. "Arthur! He just got here! Hello dear, how are you? Hello Marie, it's good to see you as well! How have you been?"

Marie smiled. "I've been well! I spent the last week with Y/N, so better than well lately!" She said, blushing a bit.

Before Mrs. Weasley could respond, a small girl stumbled down the stairs.


Her eyes went wide when she saw me and she let out a slight 'eep' as she rushed back up the stairs. I looked at Ron, confused.

"My sister, Ginny. She's wanted to meet you ever since she heard what happened at the end of last year. Think you might have surprised her a bit."

I rubbled the back of my neck nervously. "I er.... Sorry?"

Mrs. Weasley simply shook her head with a smile. "It's fine, dear!"

She turned to her husband and muttered under her breath. "Kids, so charmingly oblivious..."

She turned back to me with a smile. "Well! Are you two hungry? I was just making lunch!"

Me and Marie nodded happily as we sat down to eat. I could already tell that I liked Ron's family.

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