A Grand Scheme

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The day after the bloody wall incident, me, Hermione, and Marie rushed off to the library.

"I can't believe it!" Exclaimed Hermione. "All the copies of Hogwarts: A History have been checked out!"

Marie frowned slightly. "Well, why don't we just ask someone about the chamber? Surely the professors would know about it?"

I nodded. "You're right, but would they tell us? If this chamber is really as dangerous as it seems, surely they wouldn't want us students to know about it, right?"

"Wait." Said Marie, a glint in her eye. "Who do we know that would take any opportunity to talk about something?"

Later that day, in Lockhart's class, I did something I had yet to do so far that year. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Professor?" I said, internally cringing at having to address him as such, "I was wondering what you know about the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Ah, of course! Well, rumor has it that before Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts, he built a secret chamber deep within the castle! As I'm sure you know, he had certain views about who Hogwarts ought to teach, and the stories say that he stored something in the chamber that, when released by his true heir, would eliminate all students he found unworthy. Now, many people have, of course, searched for this chamber in the past, but it has never been found! I, however, believe I am on to where it may be!"

My eyes lit up at the last part. "And where would that be?"

"Well, it... no, I ought not tell you. It would not be safe for one as young as yourself! Have no fear, though, students, I and the other professors will make short work of it!"

The entire class, even Hermione, let our a groan at that, rather disappointed with his abrupt silence. Class, unfortunately, went on as normal. Later that night, in our common room, we were discussing what we knew about the chamber.

"Hold on." Said Ron, suddenly realizing something. "Lockhart said there was some sort of heir to Slytherin, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but that could be anyone. The guy lived over a thousand years ago. There's no telling who at Hogwarts is related to him. Hell, I could be for all I know."

"Have you been opening any hidden rooms lately?"

"Well... no, but..."

"Then it's not you. Back to my point, who do we know here that is in Slytherin and most definitely shares the views on "purity"?"

"Malfoy?" I said, chuckling a bit. "Ron, Malfoy couldn't possibly do whatever weird dark magic is involved with the chamber. He's a second year."

"So are you!"

"And? Ron, theres a difference between doing a couple spells that are a few years ahead and finding and opening a mysterious hidden chamber that nobody has found in over a thousand years. I'm telling you. It isn't Malfoy."

I looked around. Unfortunately, the others, save Marie, seemed to agree with Ron.

"Fine. We'll investigate him. But how are we going to do that? It's not like he'd just tell us that he's the heir. He hates us!"

Hermione shot up. "Wait. What if he didn't know it was us?"

I tilted my head slightly. "Like, we leave an anonymous letter? I doubt he'd reply to that either."

"No, no, what if he thought we were someone he trusted. Like Crabbe and Goyle."

Gears began to click in my head. "You aren't suggesting..."

"I am."

"Um, mind telling the rest of us what you two are on about?" Said Ron, not making the connection.

"Polyjuice potion, Ron."

"Ohhhhhh. But how do we make that? Isn't it like, heavily regulated or something?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but I'm sure there's a book on how to do it in the restricted section."

"And how, exactly, do you plan on getting in?"

"Same way we got the info about the chamber. Lockhart being a moron."

Twenty minutes later I burst into the common room, waving a sheet of parchment over my head.

"Got it!"

The others jumped up and followed me to the library. Madam Pince inspected the note carefully, seemingly sure it was a fake, but eventually reluctantly agreed and soon returned with the book we were after. Moste Potente Potions.


"A whole month?" Said Ron, incredulous a how long it would take to brew. "He could kill half the muggleborns in the school by then!"

"Do you have a better idea?" Asked Hermione, frustrated.

I pursed my lips. "Ron has a point. Couldn't I just try..."

I was interrupted by Marie slapping my arm. "No! You heard what Hagrid said. If you threaten Malfoy he will just get his father on you!"

I sighed. "Fine. But where are we going to make it? It'll be hard to keep hidden."

Hermione smirked. "Girls bathroom, second floor."

"People use that, don't they? I doubt we can hide it in a stall for a month."

"Not that one." Said Marie. "Myrtle is in there."

We followed the two girls up to the bathroom, and made our way in. Sure enough, it was empty and caked in dust, as if it hadn't been used in years. As we dragged the cauldron and supplies in, a ghost flew out from the stalls, sobbing.

"Who... oh! Boys! Cute ones!"

I blushed at her comment, a bit shocked. "Uh, thanks? Myrtle I presume? Do you mind if we use your bathroom for a month or so? It has to be a secret."

She giggled slightly and Marie grabbed my arm possessively. "Of course! You can use it any time you want!"

"Uh... thanks."

She simply giggled more in reply and floated off towards the corner, Marie glaring at her the whole way. I cleared my throat.

"Alright, so most of this stuff is fairly common, but theres one or two things that'll be a bit tough to come by. We'll probably have to steal from Snape's personal stores. Hermione, after class today I need you to distract him. Just ask him a bunch of complicated questions or something, I'll sneak in and take what we need. He likes me, so he probably won't suspect me. I hope."

With that, we rushed off to class so we weren't late. After a rather boring lecture, we set our plan into motion. It went off perfectly. Snape was none the wiser and I was gone before Hermione was even halfway through her questions, whatever they were. I rushed back to the bathroom, Marie following closely behind, and dropped off the supplies. As I was leaving, I heard Myrtle giggling.

"Myrtle, for the record, I appreciate the interest, but I am taken. Sorry."

That, unfortunately, sent her off sobbing. I looked at Marie, a bit concerned.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Marie sighed. "No, she's just like that. Come on, lets get going."

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