Where are they now

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A mature and fully healed Lana is shown humming as she was making breakfast for a family. She was making pancakes with eggs and biscuits as she sets down plates for her,her husband and kids as she then sets a pitcher of milk and another filled with milk just as he husband dressed for work comes down the stairs.

Danny dressed in his usual attire for his job at a mechanic shop as he walks down the stairs smiles seeing his wife "good morning honey I see you been working on your cooking skills"he says as he pulls Lana into his arms bending down giving her a loving kiss.

Lana returned the kiss before pulling away "of course lord knows you can cook"she teased her husband with a smirk before letting out a squeal when Danny tickles her while trapping her in his arms.

Soon the kids came down dressed they also worked for different companies around town.you see they lived a house just outside woodsboro. Her daughter Bethany works for a florist in town she loved working around all kinds of flowers. Then there was her eldest son seth who worked for the police force along with Dewey and then there two youngest faith and Liam go to the elementary school here in woodsboro.

Lana smiles seeing the family that she and Danny built as they all set down and eat breakfast "oh don't forget uncle jace will be picking you to bring y'all to school and then pick you up"she tells her two youngest who nods there heads while munching happily on there pancakes she was happy with her live and couldn't be more happier.

While the happy family was eating breakfast in the town of woodsboro. The center fountain is shown with fake ghost face decorations hanging from the light posts all around town for the anniversary. A light blue car is shown is seen driving forward before making a right town down another street in the town. Before it is shown driving forward while pulling slowly up to the side park coming to a complete stop. The passenger door opens just as a more mature and older Sidney prescott is shown stepping out where a red dress with match heels as she holds her coat over her arm while looking around just as another women gets out the driver's side her name was Rebecca 

Sidney walks up the side walk as she looks at all the ghostface decorations hanging from the light posts as the other women walks around the car."what do you think"Rebecca asked.

Sidney thinking she was talking about the ghost face decorations "well I guess today is the anniversary kids."she says remember the night of the first massacre that changed her,Lana and jaces life.

Rebecca looks at her confused "no I meant the display"she says wall pointing to the book store window as they walk over of a poster for Sidney's book called out of darkness with the time the book conference start saying today only 1:00 p.m. with a stack lined up of her books underneath it in a straight line.

Sidney nods her head impressed with the display "it's good".

Rebecca smirks" I told the owner I'd kill his cat if he didn't get it right"she admitted while walking to the main entrance door as Sidney chuckles "nice" before following Rebecca.

Elsewhere in woodsboro an alarm clock goes off as an older Dewey is shown waking up turning off his alarm clock as he sets up fully before looking beside him then getting up as he walks away to get ready for work shown Gale asleep in the bed as she turns over.

Jace is shown pulling up in front of Lana's house as he gets out of his jeep as he has as dressed for work at the hospital in woodsboro. He walks up  the steps before knocking on his sister front door.

It was a minute before Lana is shown opening the door "good morning Jace they are already dressed and ready to go"she greets her older brother with a hug just as his youngest niece and nephew run over with big smiles"uncle jace!"the shout with excitement before giving him big hugs.

Jace laughs hugging them back tightly as he bends down to there levels"there the two little rascals I love so much are y'all ready for school"he asked them as they nod there heads rapidly with big smiles before running to the car making it in to a race on who would get there first as the two adults watch with soft smiles. Lana looks at her brother "good luck"she teased with a smirk as Jace just shakes his head with a smile before making his way back to his jeep.

Lana watches with a smile as she leans against the door before thinking about what today is and hopeing nothing would go wrong as she sighs before walking back into her house to get ready for work as she closed the door gently just as jace's car pulls away.

scream 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें