The night it begins part 1

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Lana was shown standing in front of her oldest children and husband as they all say on the couch "alright y'all and your father will stay here loaded with weapons and I have a feeling tonight will be the final night I can feel it in my gut so stay alert. I'll be with Sidney making sure she,Jill and her aunt are okay just please stay safe"she says as she looks at each one of them.

They each nod there head know they need to be strong. She lets out a breath knowing they will be okay before giving them each a hug before heading to Sidney's aunt's house.

The hidden barn house were they were having the stab athon was shown as loud music blares from in side as many people dressed up for the stab athon drinking a lot of alcohol as gale was shown down a set of stairs as she puts on a ghost face mask as she walks up the stairs in the crowded floor of the barn as she blends in as she puts one of her secret cameras in place before walking around up on a hogs head hanging from the wall."stab a thon! Stab a thon! Stab a thon! Stab a thon!"the people who were there chanted ready to start. As charlie and Robbie step up on a platform as a spot light shines on them.

"Cinema club thanks you for coming out for our third annual stab a thon."charlie says as the crowd cheers loudly.

"Safety in numbers,my friends safety in numbers!" Robbie adds.

"Who's ready to drink every time someone can't get a cell phone signal "charlie asked as the crowd cheers loudly"who's ready to drink every time someone shuts the refrigerator door, and oh, my God, there's a harmless character right behind it"Robbie says acting scared as they crowd cheers loudly again."who's ready to drink every time someone screams the word...."charlie leads off.

"No!"the crowd shouts at once as they cheer loudly.

"Let's get this stab a thon started"Robbie shouts as the crowd cheers loudly as Robbie and Charlie walk off the platform as the light disappears as the movie starts as the soundtrack of the first stab movie plays before the crowd cheers loudly when the stab title appears while gale walks up the play form bending down a she sets up another hidden camera as people boo at her"hey, watch it!" "Out of the way!"as many people shout at her while throwing pop corn all she does is flip them off before walking forward. She then is shown climbing of a small latter to one of the upper levels of the barn as she puts another secret camera in place before takeing off her mask breathing heavily before leaving unnoticed.

Lana was shown pulling up at Sidney's house as the cops from the night before were shown out on look out. She locks her car before heading up the steps as sidney opens the door greeting her "hey come on in" as they head inside before the front door closed.

"I've made some.tea if you want some"sidney says as Lana sets her purse down"I would love some Sid"she says with a small smile as they head to the kitchen.

Gale was shown entering her car as she grabs her monitor that was wirelessly connected to the hidden cameras she placed in different areas of the barn as she talks into a small recorder in her hand"new York in progress chapter one when I moved to woodsboro I never in a million years dreamed that I would again play the critical role in solving another series of these....."she trails off seeing something moving slowly in the way of her cameras one by one making her confused "what the hell"she says as she pressed a few things on the monitor that was wirelessly connect to a lap top as well but she freezed as the last camera turned showing the killer wereing the ghost face mask before the last camera went black as she slowly looks back up at the barn.

Dewey was shown in his vehicle driving down a road when his phone rings as he answered it"gale where are you"he asked as he drives.

"I followed the kids to the stab a thon. There's an old abandoned farm on fort Dillon road. Listen I've got it under surveillance but I think the killer's about to make his move"she explained to Dewey through the phone.

"What makes you so sure"he asked.

"You do a remake to out do the original that's what the kids said this party is all about the stab movies.come on! How meta can you get?"she says.

"How what a what can you get"he asked confused.

Gale sighs"I don't know. I heard them say it"she said."Dewey listen to me, you have to get out here! Come on you catch the killer. I get the story it's a win win"she says.

"Well I thought you were going rouge gale "he says useing her words from the night before.

"Oh come...are you serious? Come on!"she says before scoffing "forget it thanks for having faith in me I gotta fix my equipment"she says before hanging up of Dewey.

"Gale!"Dewey yells before she hangs up. He turns on his sirens before heading were Gale said she was. As the stab a thon continues Gale was shown up on he level she put her last camera as she takes the mask off before making her way to where she had put her camera as it was out upside down. Dewey was shown pulling up at the abandoned farm house.

Gale walks to her camera before picking it up but jumps back as the crowd screams before sighing as she reached for the camera again as Dewey hurrys to gales car but she wasn't in there but he then looked at the monitor in gales car of the cameras she sat up.

She grabs her camera before holding it in front of her as she messed around with it before looking up as she noticed something as she walks slowly to it still holding her camera as it was facing behind her up in another hay stack a camera was shown moving.

As she walks to it slowly Dewey watches in fear as the killer appears running through an opening as the rise there knife. Dewey looks up at the farm"Gale!"he says worried before running towards the barn as fars a she can.

Gale whirls around just in time to see the killer charging for her as she ducks when they go to stab her as she screams.the killer falls into the hay stack before slashing gales arm as she grunts stumbling away. She gets up running towards some stacks of hay as she trys to out run the kill but they chase after her she pushed the stay of hay in front of her onto the killer as she runs but gasp when the killer wraps an arms around her throat as they pull her back before she leans her head forward before swinging her head back hitting them square in the face as they fall backwards crashing to the floor.

Dewey runs as fast as he can"Gale!"he shouts.

Gale stumbled up to her knees as she crawls away as the killer pushes a stack of hay off them as they get to there feet. The killer grabs gale by her ankle pulling her back as she scratches her nails against the floor. But she grunts pulling her self forward turning onto her back as she kicks at the killer before screaming as she was grabbed by the throat as she was pinned down as the killer stabs her in the shoulder making her scream in pain.

Dewey runs into the barn looking up seeing the killer on top of his wife as he then hold his gun up"freeze!"he shouts as he fires at the killer making them back up as gale kicks them away before she rolls her self over falling to the floor under her with a groan as the crowd screams running as they heard gun shots.

"Get out the way, you morons!"he shouts pushing his way through the crowd as he rushes over to gale as she was bleeding heavily through the shoulder as he puts pressure on it"ok out pressure on thy"he says breathing hard.

"Did you catch him"Gale asked in pain but Dewey shakes his head still holding pressure over her would"no hopefully your cameras got something"he says.

"They weren't the only ones Dewey "she said.

Dewey looks at her confused"what"he asked.

"There's a webcam that's hidden up was watching me"she explained.

"A webcam?"he asked.

"He's recording the murders "she explains.

"What"Dewey asked not understanding. Gale sighs"this time...he's making the movie"she whispered as she layed there in pain as she and Dewey keep pressure on her wound.

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