The night it begins part 2

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The cops on watch are shown in there vehicle "Sidney Prescott detailed,man I don't like it"hoss says as he and his partner were shown in the car"the cops guarding the house, they always get it."he says to his partner.

Perkins looks at his partner"what are you talking about "he asked.

"It's a movie cop rule"hoss explains."it sucks to be a cop in a movie unless you're Bruce Willis"he adds.

Perkins scoffs slightly"not all cops die in movies."he says to his partner.

Hoss nods his head"no but if it's your last day before retirement you do"he says as Perkins just looks at him slightly nodding his head"if you're a rookie and just found out your wife is pregnant you do or if your partner is better looking than you you do and by the way,"hoss adds.

"I win that one "both say at the same time as they look at one another before chuckling at each other."you know what I'll take the next perimeter. I'll be right back "Perkins says going to get out but stops for a moment"shit I know this one"he says before recloseing his door as hoss smiles"your not supposed to that are you"Perkins asked as he looks at hoss.

"Ah new decade new rules you know these days you might come back, find me dead eyes gouged out, tounge sticking out could go either way"hoss said.

Perkins shakes his head"I gotta learn this shit"he says.

"Ha. I'll take this one"hoss says before getting out as he closes the door"hey hoss be careful "Perkins says as hoss nods his head "I'm always careful"he says before going to do the perimeter check.

As Sidney and Lana were shown drinking there tea the wind chimes are heard tinkling as they look up. Sidney sets her cup down as she walks to the kitchen door turning on the lights out side as she opens it as the wind chimes tinkling she looks around before takes them down as Lana checks her phone for as an update came from her brother they made it as she drinks her tea.

Hoss was shown walking around checking every where with a flashlight before looking up at the second floor as one of the windows were opend it was Jill's bedroom window. Hoss grabs his radio on his shoulder "Perkins was there a window opend on your last perimeter check?"he asked into it but doesn't get a response as he grabs his radio again"Perkins come in over"he asked into it but doesn't get a response again.

Lana looks up hearing dogs barking in the distance as Sidney walks back in sitting the wind Chimes down before relocking the doors"I just got an update from jace him they made it to our dads where Faith and laim will stay until all this is over"she says before her phone digs as it was an update from her husband saying they were okay as she smiles at her phone.

Hoss was shown jogging but to there patrol car as he runs to Perkins in the driver's seat "Anthony?"he asked before Perkins head was shown leaning against the stearing wheel"Perkins"he whispered walking closer before reaching a hand out just as Perkins screamed making hoss jump back before sighing realizing his partner was okay before both are laughing "damn it"hoss laughs before leaning against the window.

"You should've seen the look on your face rookie"Perkins says when all of sudden the killer dressed as ghost face runs up behind hoss stabbing him dead center between his shoulders blades as he gasp in pain before falling to the ground "hoss! What the fuck"Perkins says before he was stabbed dead center in his forehead as he gasp as blood oozes down his face heavily as the knife was yanked out.

"Oh shit"he groans before stumbling out his patrol cal as the killer backs away watching there victim as he takes slow limping steps forward as his wound continues to bleed down his face as he falls to his knees stareing forward "fuck Bruce Willis"he says before falling forward dead as the killer just tilts there head.

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