Fighting back

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Once the glass shattered they were finally able to get the door open as they hurry inside running up the stairs but when they come up to the floor that Olivia's bedroom was on it was to quiet the only thing that can be heard is there heavy breathing.

Slowly they approach the girls bedroom. At the door entrance you can seen nothing but blood sprayed on different parts of the walls as they soon enter. Sidney gasped having to look away for a second while Lana stares at scene in front of her in horror.

There on the bed layed Olivia covered in blood curled up with her intestines hanging out."oh God"Lana says as she runs a hand through her hair as Sidney closes her eyes as she crunches down taking a moment. From all the stab wounds the killer gave Olivia each one had sprayed blood all over her walls and furniture. Just then Olivia's phone rang making both Sidney and Lana share a look knowing how this goes.

Sidney gets up as she walks over to the phone answering it."what"she whispered.

"Welcome home Sidney. Lana. Preview of coming events."the familiar voice that has haunted them for years.

"Why don't you come for us? You got the balls for that?"sidney asked the new ghostface.

"Oh poor Sidney. You think this is still all about you. You still think you're the star"ghostface says.

"This isn't a fucking movie!"Sidney snapped.

"It will be"ghostface says.

"These are innocent people"sidney says.

"Spare me the lecture. You've done very well by all this bloodshed haven't you? Well how about the town you left behind you and Lana? I've got plans for y'all. I'm going to slit y'all's eyelids and half so you don't blink when I stab you in the face. Y'all die when I want you to Sidney. Not a moment before until then you're going to suffer."the killer says with so much venom before hanging up leaving the two when in silence.

Lana glares at the wal if that son of bitch even thinks about coming after her family they are in for a rude awakening. Just then Jill runs up the stairs"Sidney! Lana!"she yells before Lana and Sidney run to the door she didn't need to see this as they block her view of the room.

"Jill! Stay right there!"Sidney tells her cousin.

Jill was panting from running from all the from her house"is she..."she asked trying to look over there shoulders.

"Do not look ok?"sidney says as Jill looks up at her cousin"she said you were the angel of death"she says when all of sudden ghostface runs out of a darken room knife raised. Sidney looks up with wide before moving Jill out the but in the process gets cut in the arm making her scream"look out!"she warns as Lana holds Jill back watching Sidney tackle the killer down the steps.

Lana looks at Jill"stay her I'm gonna go help Sidney do not move"she says before running down the stairs to help her Best friend. The killer picks Sidney up throwing her into the wall before she grabs the picture and smashed it against his head before he trips her. Lana grabs one of the curtain rails pulling it off the wall"hey fucker!"she yells with hatred as the killer whirls around in her before getting smacked hard in the face that they fell over the railing on to the floor with a thud.

Lana runs to Sidney helping her up just as the killer managed to get back on there feet. He rushes forward slicing Lana on the face before pulling her down the stairs as she falls before they lunge at Sidney making her fall on her back holding the knife at bay from stabbing her. She lifts her foot kicking them in the chest as they stumble down the stairs. Sidney slides down grunting as the killer was slowly getting back up only for her to kick him in the side making them stumble.

Lana glares at the killer getting up as blood runs down her face she tackled him into the wall as they mash into a glass picture frame. They kick her back as she slammed into the opposite side just as Sidney kicks them in the chin making them fall back not getting up. Sidney pants before rushing over to Lana making sure she was alright.

"Yeah I'm fine sidney go check on Jill"Lana tells her best friend who nods just then the two police who was supposed to be watching the house run in"he's in here"Sidney says pointing to behind them neither of the women noticed they were already gone.

"Where is he"Perkins asked confused not seeing anyone behind them. As the to women turn around only to see the killer gone and the back door wide opened as it creaks. Lana sighs I'm defeat that they got away."he was"sidney says before hoss and Perkins rush off to find the killer.

While Sidney went to check on her cousin who was scared of her. Lana was deep in her thoughts as she leans against the wall just as Trevor runs in with Kirby they rush up to Jill to see if shes okay.

All Lana can tell is that this killer better watch out for her cause she will protect her loved ones no matter what. She pushed her self off the wall as she runs a stressed hand through her hair as she walks away from the three teenagers thinking of ways to stop this new killer.

Just then hoss and Perkins walk back through the back door "there's nobody back there"Perkins says making Lana sighed annoyed that some how the killer escapes without getting caught.

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