The day of the stab athon

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Woodsboro high was shown filling with students before the cinema club was shown Lana leans against the wall with arms crossed while gale and sidney sat in desk. Robbie and Charlie were shown standing in the front.

"Okay cinema club. We are now in session. Welcome"charlie says as posters of different horror movies on walls were shown"tell you a little bit about ourselves we are a sanctioned after school activity one rung below the glee club,two above Nintendo Wii fit"he says as the whole room was shown."and let me just say to our guest, sidney Prescott,it's an honor "he says as Sidney awkwardly smiles as the whole club claps there hands the only one who wasn't Trevor.

"Beyond Jamie Lee Curtis, forget Linda Blair,I mean, this is the ultimate."Robbie says.

"Thanks I guess. Um.."she says as she points to her head"this? You film your entire high school experience, and what post it on the net"she asked.

"Everybody'll be doing it someday Sid."Robbie says.

"It's kind of the one component The Killers missing."charlie says as Lana and Gale share a confused look before gale stands up"wait what do you mean"she asked.

"Well if you wanna be the new new version. The killer should be filming the murders."charlie explains.

"Yeah it's the natural next step in a psycho slasher innovation.i mean you film them all real time and then before you get caught,you upload them into cyberspace"Robbie explains.

"Making your art as immortal as you"charlie finished

"Not to implicate him"both say at the same ty

"Great that's just what we needed "Lana whispered to herself sarcastically.

"So who do you think is behind the murderers"sidney then asked. Robbie was messing with his camera set on his head before it shows recording sidney."well it's a stab fanatic, clearly"charlie says as gale and Lana were shown being recorded."working on less of a shriekquel and more of a scream-make"Charlie explains.

"Copyright terms by the way"Robbie adds.

"Cause all there are now are remakes "charlie says as Robbie moves around the room"only horror the studios green light. I mean there are still rules..."charlie says.

"Psst"Kirby says gaining Sidney's attention as Kirby shows her her phone as the club was being recorded right now by Robbie who was walking around."but the rules have changed. The unexpected is the new cliche."Charlie explains.

"Yeah you gotta have an opening sequence that blows the doors off, Dail up some flashy music video direction,and the kills gotta be way more extreme."Robbie explains walking back to the front of the class.

"Modern audience get savvy to the rules of the originals,so the reversals become the new fact the only surefire way to survive a modern horror movie? You pretty much have to be gay"charlie says

"So why are you so sure that the killers working by the rules of a horror remake "gale asked

"The original stab structure is pretty apparent."Robby says walking around.

"Yeah two kids killed in a house when there parents are away ..." Charlie says as lana looks away holding back tears remembering the night Casey died as she was knocked out it still hurts to this day Casey Becker was her child hood best friend they were like sisters gale and sidney look at her in worry as they watch her walk out the room not able to hear anymore.

Lana leans against the wall outside the cinema as she blinks back tears before soon sidney and gale walk out the room. She sniffles wiping the tears from her face."so what know"she asked.

"Well with the killings are still happening they are willing to still do stab athon which in there word is pretty underground I'll be undercover to see if the killer shows up while Sidney is going to her aunt's house."Gale explains on what she missed.

Lana nods her head"okay I'll meat you later Sidney I need to go home and pack my youngests some clothes they are going to my dad's until all this is over"she says before she hugs them good bye before exiting out the school.

She was driving to her house thinking back to all this years at what begone this she wished billy and Stu never created ghost face them everything will be normal. She pulls into the drive way as she turns off the engine before getting out the car before locking it as she heads to the front door.

Faith was shown sitting in her bed with her doll as Liam was holding his batman action figure she watched her mother pack her some clothes for the both of them."mama why do we have to go to grampa's"she asked her mother.

Lana turned to face her youngest with a small smile she walks over kneeling down in front of them"it's not same in town right now babies but I promise once this is all over we take a vacation to y'all's favorite place "she says with tears as they hug there mother as Danny watches from the door way he knows this is hard for her.

Jace then pulls up as Lana holds faith and Liam's hands as they wear back packs on there shoulders as she walks them to his car"thank you for doing this jace"she tells her brother as she helps faith and liam buckle in.

"I'll do anything for family and sis you and the others stay safe no matter what"he says as he was in the driver's seat.

Lana looks at him determined "we will have now yall need to get going it's a long ride to dads"she says stepping away from the car as she watches her brother drive off.

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