police station

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Lana is shown sitting in one of the interrogation rooms with a cup o herbal tea running a stressed hand over her forehead. it was silent before her son Seth and Dewey walked in. Seth sits by his mother knowing how this is effecting her he heard of the stores on what happened the last time when her life was literally hanging by a thread.

Dewey sits down in front of her" I know this is hard on you right now Lana but I notice your reaction at the crime seen...has the suspect made any calls" he asked knowing the look in her eyes. Lana was silent for a moment before taking a deep breath as she looks up at her eldest son and Dewey" yes it was just before I reached were Sidney's book signing was Dewey....Dewey how many more times do we have to go through this and I can till you right now if he comes after my family I will kill the bastard." she says looking him in the eye. Dewey nodded his head in understanding before they leave the room leaving her to her thoughts as she remember what happened that night.


Lana was fighting against ghost face with everything in her as Dewey and gale wo were tide to there chairs as they watch with worried as they watch the brutal fight.

the killer goes to swing at her face but she ducks under his arms before grabbing tight onto his arm before twirling back wards as she lifted her leg high up in the air as she wrapped it around the back of his neck before using all of her strength to pull him down as they crash to the ground.

the killer let out a loud grunt as Lana got back up fast grabbing a large vase before slamming it onto his head stunning him as he then jumped on his back making sure she pinned him to the floor before wrapping an arm tightly around his neck as she holds it in place with her hand as she cuts of his air through as he thrashed widely. he then slowly starts to stand making her grunt as she counties her hold on him before he leans forward and bangs the back of his his head against her face causing her swear loudly "FUCK!" as she lets go of the killer as she grabbed her face before glaring heated at him.

she then charges back at him again grabbing his throat as she forced him back into the wall hard before kneeing him 3 times into the gut harder with each hit before grabbing his arm as she used all her strength before tugging hard on his arm flipping him over her shoulder as the killer slammed into ground winding him greatly before she stands up breathing heavily as he just lays there.

she then turns to go finish untying gale and Dewey whose eyes widen when the killer pops up when her back is turned charging forward as he raised his knife." Lana look out!" they try to warn her but it was to late. just as she turned the killer had already tackled her to the ground. she used her arms to hold against his arm that held the knife as they struggle pushing against the others arms. when there was enough space she lashes out her left fist punching him only making the killer angrier. he slammed the knife down hard into her ribcage breaking some of her ribs "AHHHHH!" she lets out a blood agonizing scream a s pain shoots all throw her body as blood starts sliding the corner of her mouth into her hair that is laid around as if its a halo.

Dewey and gale let out outrageous yells at the sight of the girl they've know over the years as they struggle furiously in there chairs. blood slowly oozed out of her stab wound as the knife went all the way through her back as it pools around her as she gasps in deep breaths as her blood shutters in pain as she stares at the killer above her who just tilted his head. with all she had left she spoke with as much venom as she can" I hope you die a pain full...death you bastard" she spat as blood fly's from her mouth to his mask before everything went black.

*flashback ends*

she opens her eyes a she wipes the tears away form her eyes by the long sleep of her shirt. that was the weakest she felt and she made a vow that she would never fail the people she care about again. she looks forward with determination in her eyes. this killer better watch out cause he will wish he didn't resurface when she through with him as she clutched her hand around the cup in her hand as her knuckles turn white. 

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