20~Sleeping arrangements

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∞ Nyx's POV ∞

After two hours of walking around carrying heavy objects barefoot, I found myself in excruciating pain. Despite enduring the discomfort, I didn't want to come across as weak. During my journey, I encountered several new faces, some of whom ignored me while others appeared to have ill intentions. One of these individuals intentionally tripped me, causing me to fall and injure my knee. Although I was puzzled by the senseless act, I didn't confront the bully, picked myself up, and left without a hint of anger.

However, my respite was brief as another individual blocked my path, brandishing a knife and demanding any valuable possessions, like a gold tooth. I told him the only thing I had was the collar and I was happy to offer it! While others laughed at the exchange, I felt truly terrified once I had escaped after he 'nicely' allowed me to pass. I detest weapons and loathe seeing them being used, except for practice. Fortunately, that was the only instance today when I had encountered a knife-wielding individual. I also noticed Ken staring at me from afar on several occasions and it was quite creepy.

I occasionally saw Ace, which put me at ease. It seemed like he walked by to check on me instead of simply passing by. I smiled at him to signal that I was alright. I didn't want to cause him further concern. This is my situation to handle, and I must rely on myself, as I always have.

I assisted Baril and a few other pirates in serving meals. Agenor was absent all day, which left me feeling a bit uneasy. I had to face numerous unfamiliar situations and pirates on my own. While I appreciated the challenge, I also felt a bit isolated and even intimidated.

Fortunately, I did run into Maren. I served him lunch, but he gave me a hostile glare, clearly upset about the 'favor deal' we'd made. "Maren, I haven't seen you for a while," I said.

"Aye. Well, I'm up on the mast, free as a bird. I hate being cooped up down here," he replied. I was surprised to find myself envious of his sense of freedom.

"Look, I'm truly sorry about the deal. I didn't know it would-"

"You snitched on me, mate! You told Agenor about our agreement! That was supposed to be confidential! You betrayed me!" he interrupted.

He thought I told on him to his veneered captain.

"I'm grateful for you assistance, Maren. But if you feel like I've wronged you, I can return the pants to you."

"You should," he says firmly.

I nod. "Okay. I'll go change and you can go get the money."

"M-money?" Maren stammers.

"Yes, Agenor paid you for your help. If you don't feel like it was enough, you can give the money back, and I'll return your pants." I could see the horror on Maren's face at the thought of losing the payment. And the sudden change of attitude was almost amusing to watch, "I'd never do that to you, Nyx," he said. "I forgive you, even though you wronged me."

I couldn't help but nod and smile to myself at his childish behavior.

As I spend the day exploring the hull, I couldn't believe how massive it was. I spend most of my time on the upper level, peering out at the sky through small windows and ladder openings.

As I wrapped up work, the rest of the crew was already either drinking or asleep. Exhausted and parched, I searched for a source of clean water. Instead of using the communal buckets, I opted for the one in the water room. While sipping the refreshing liquid, I suddenly noticed Ace standing right next to me. His expressionless face looked slightly inebriated as he spoke, "Nyx, the captain is calling for you."

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