Angel with a shotgun - Jaehyun

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A/N: This week, something wonderful is blossoming.

On Thursday, April 13, Venus in Gemini and your house of pleasure and romance trines Pluto in your own sign of Aquarius. Today, you could meet someone who makes you tingle all over. It's possible that you and your current partner have entered a new phase of your relationship in which you're open and vulnerable and exploring your passions together. Aquarius, you and your partner could be entering a garden of sensual delights.

Also on Thursday, the sun in Aries conjoins Jupiter in your house of ideas. Your brain might be exploding with new ideas. Aquarius, you might have found some of these in books or been inspired by movies. Now you have the ambition to try them all. And because these are ideas, they aren't limited by any external gatekeepers. You are free to imagine and try something new. Today, don't just think about the possibilities; ask yourself what you could do today to manifest this new concept.


Jaehyun got knocked down on the ground before looking at his enemy side. He laughed before he pulled the trigger, ready to stain the ground with blood before he shut his eyes. The trigger was pulled but once he opened his eyes, he found out that he's not stained by blood, but the enemy has. 

Rose turned to the side before smiling at him happily. Jaehyun smiled back before hugging her in happiness. 

"Perfect timing once again, babe." He said. 

"Anytime." She replied, "Do you want me to help with that?" 

He noticed the bruise forming on his arm before he swallowed. 

"Um.... maybe later. I need to get to the others. They need more help than I do right now." He said. 

"Well, let me take care of that then." She said. 

And with her glowing pendant, she summoned a ray of light that vanished all of the bad guys to existance, leaving nothing but the boys alone. 

"Wow, having an angel as your girlfriend is so cool." He replied. 

"Hahaha, that's something that you don't hear everyday." She giggled. 

Meanwhile, the boys were super confused over what happened. You see, no one other than Jaehyun knows about Rose. It's his special secret that only he can know, unless the other boys gets too suspicious or if he wants to tell himself. 

"What the heck just happened?" Mark asked.

"I don't know. But at least, the problem has been solved and we don't have to worry about it. Let's get to the cocaine container." Yuta said. 

"Good idea." Taeyong replied, "And let's do it before more people show up." 

The mission was a complete success and now they can relax in their base. 

"I wonder what that light was." Taeyong said. 

"Yeah, it was so weird. Just one flash and all of the enemies seem to disappear." Doyoung said. 

"I don't know whenever to be freaked out or to be grateful." Yuta said. 

"Maybe it's just one of the alarms that go off. Sometimes alarms can be very different." Jaehyun said. 

"Hmm.... that is true." Taeil said. 

"Really? An alarm can shine that bright?" Jungwoo asked curiously.

"Yeah." Jaehyun shrugged. 

"Hmmm.... guess you learn something new everyday." Yuta pondered.

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