Save me, Kill me - Jaehyun

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A/N: This week, your intuition is extra strong.

On Monday, November 20, the sun in Scorpio and your house of career sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. Today, you can rule the world, or at least your office meeting. Aquarius, you have accumulated enough kudos to get the notice of your supervisor or maybe even upper management. It's time to take a bow.

Mars in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn and your house of psychic ability on Thursday, November 23. Today, you're working cooperatively with the Universe. You're getting the messages and information that you've been asking about for a while. Your angels are vocal and your guides are taking you by the hand. This is a good day to connect with your spiritual team.


Rose held the dreaded pregnancy postive test in her hands. Her heart was racing, her mind was zooming in with loads of thoughts as she didn't know what to do. 

There's no way I can be pregnant. I'm only 16 years old...... Oh, god..... how am I going to tell anyone? How am I going to tell my parents? 

Tears started to spring into her eyes as they are threatening to fall.  

As they were having dinner, Rose's parents noticed that she wasn't eating her meal as everyone else. 

"Rose, what's wrong? You're awfully quiet." Her mom said. 

"Yes, I thought that you love burgers? They're your favorite." Alice replied. 

"I just..... I just got a confession to make....." She looked down on the floor. 

"Well, what is it? Tell us, darling. We won't judge." Her mom said. 

She took a big deep breath before standing up from the table. They all got their eyes that has a 'don't be afraid' look in them. 

"So you know....  how I've been sick recently? I did a pregnancy test and...... it shows that I am pregnant....." She replied, "I don't even know how that even happened." 

Her father choked on his food, her mom went wide eyed while her sister stood up. 

"PREGNANT?!?!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!? YOU'RE ONLY 16 YEARS OLD!!!!!" She screamed. 

"I KNOW!" Rose cried. 

"Okay, everyone. Let's all calm down..... *sighs* Do you know what had happened before you  got pregnant? Let's start with that and then we can follow the details." Her father sighed. 

Rose wiped her tears as she began to speak. 

"It was around 2 months ago when my boyfriend has invited me to a party and....." She stopped her mid sentence. 

Her familt caught on to what happened before judging her harshly. 

"Seriously?!?"  Alice snapped at her, "What were you thinking?" 

"It was a crazy night, anyone could have made a mistake!" She defended herself. 

"And you didn't think that this was going to happen?! No wonder you didn't want to eat!!!" Her mom yelled. 

"OKAY, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Her dad stopped the shouting, "Look, it's not too late turn back the clock. Does Jaehyun know that he is the father?" 

"No...." She sniffed. 

"Then you need to call him and explain the exact thing you told us while I book us an an appointment on how we can handle this." He rubbed his temples. 

She nodded and grabbed her phone. 

Some time had passed and Jaehyun was both in shock and guilty to say the least once he heard the news. But he has to be strong for his girlfriend because she needs help more than ever.

They have arrived at the doctor's office and Rose's family had explained everything's that has happened. 

"Okay..... well, it's too soon to do anything at the moment, but we'll give a few weeks or so to set up a plan. Killing it while it is in it's fetus stage can do some serious consequences." 

"So..... we just have wait out for a couple of weeks? But what about school?" Jaehyun asked. 

"She can still go, but she can't do anything that's harmful to the baby. Like for example if she has PE, she can't do jumping jacks. In the meantime, you guys have to do your best to make sure she's not stressed out too much otherwise, it can send her to a body shock." 

"I can't believe that Jaehyun's actually got you pregnant." Jimin replied. 

"I know....." She said, rubbing her tummy. 

"You guys must be scared. How do you both feel?" Jeongyeon asked. 

"That's the thing...... being pregnant in such a young age is like.... very hard. But on the other hand, maybe it won't be such a bad thing." Jaehyun said. 


"Think about it. I did some research and I stumbled upon a bunch of articles of teenage privilages. Like for example, it can strive us to do our best in school and get us the grade that we wanted." He reasoned with everyone. 

"That is true. And the higher your grade is, he more access you can get to highly paid jobs. I hear that being an idol trainee can really change your life." Jimin said. 

Rose hadn't thought about that. 

Singing does bring in some good bucks and I always wanted to be a singer......

More time has passed and the baby is about to form in her stomach. Both families looked at the baby with the scan as it was still intact. 

"It seems that the baby has grown. But luckily, we've got the right tools for the abortion." 

"No wait! We actually changed our minds!" Jaehyun replied.

"Yes, please. We want to keep this baby." Rose replied. 

Both familes were completely flabbergasted as they looked at each other. 

"Are you people crazy!?!?!? Why on earth would you want to keep this baby?" Jaehyun's mom said. 

"Don't you guys have any idea how this can affect you negatively!?!?!!?!?" Rose's mom bellowed. 

"Look, we know that this will be more work than we already have, but we only got one life. And anyway, killing this baby won't be right in the long run. It might take the weight off of our shoulders, but we're just going to be left with regret if we did." She reasoned with everyone. 

The doctor than smiled. 

"I think you guys made the right decision." 


A/N: Who would have thought? 

See you next time!!!!



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