New year hike - Jaemin

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A/N: This week, you are the object of admiration.

The week begins on Monday, June 5, with Mercury conjoining Uranus in Taurus and your house of dwellings. Today, you want to take a wrecking ball to the house. You might want to revamp the kitchen, restyle the living room, or knock out a wall so you can add another bathroom. Aquarius, some changes could really shift how you feel about your house.

On Thursday, June 8, Venus in Leo and your house of relationships opposes Pluto in Aquarius. There is someone who's quite interested in you. And this means they could be contacting you through texts, emails, or phone calls. Aquarius, while you might be looking for love, you're dragging your feet in this particular case. This is a good time to ask yourself why the thing you want is also what you're procrastinating about. The answer could be quite revealing.


It's the new years and Rose is going with the rest of her friends to go and hike upon a mountain to see a spectacular view. She has never really hiked up on a mountain before but Jaehyun really wants to do it so she has packed all of her stuff and she's ready to go. 

She walked out of her house and went over to see her best friends and Jaehyun. She gave a big kiss on the lips before he kissed back. 

"Hey, there you are. You ready to go?" He asked. 

"Yep, are you guys ready?" She asked. 

"Ready than ever." Jeongyeon replied. 

Together they've amde their hike onto the mountain. 

Some people are much faster than others while others are just lacking behind. Rose brought her camera and she was starting to struggle. She started to pant but soon saw Jaemin coming her way.

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah, just catching my breath." She replied. 

"Oh look, your shoelaces have been untied. Let me help you so you won't get injured later when you trip on them." He replied. 

"Oh, thanks, Jaemin." She said. 

He tied her shoelaces for her before they continued marching onto the mountain. 

"Wanna say hello to the camera?" She asked. 

"What's up, everyone? This is NCT DREAM's Jaemin." He waved to the camera. 

Meanwhile, Jaehyun was just busy walking when all of a sudden, he's tripped onto a rock. Everyone stopped to see that if he was alright.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked. 

"Yeah, don't worry." Jaehyun said, taking the tissue that Seulgi got out from her backpack.

He wiped the blood off of his knee before standing up with the help from Jimin. 

"Nothing but a bit of blood won't harm anyone, you know." Jaehyun said, making everyone chuckle. 

They continued on their journey as Jimin brought his camera. 

"Alright everyone, espite the fall that Jaehyun had, we're still going on strong and it's 11:23PM. Hey guys, wanna make some new years resolutions?" Jimin asked. 

"No way, everytime we do, we're always gonna break them." Seulgi said. 

"This time, I won't break mine. I'm gonna get Sam pregnant before 2021 ends." Jeongyeon relied. 

"Um..... what kind of resolution is that?" Seulgi asked. 

"The LGBT kind. After all, we are gay." Jeongyeon replied. 

"Aren't we just?" Jaehyun asked. 

At the top of the peak, Irene is just waiting for her friends and feeling the breeze in her hair before she looked to hear her calling her name. 

Irene smiled and V gave a big kiss on the lips. 

"Gosh, we've finally made it. How did you even got here all by yourself without even feeling absoutely tired?" Bobby asked. 

"Oh, maybe it's because I'm Glitter Breeze after all. And I don't know if your notice, but we have a high altitude weather station. I showed the girls about it but they didn't really like it much since it's just too windy." Irene shrugged.

"You have an high altuitude weather station? Where do you even come up with these things?" V asked, making everyone laugh. 

Soon the sky became brighter and brighter as the sun was peeping through the horizion. Heeseung saw it and it was even more beautiful than he could ever imagined. 

"Oh my gosh... how could one thing be this beautiful?" Heeseung asked.

"Wait, but you're a vampire. Won't the sun kill you?" Yeji asked worriedly. 

"Don't worry, the sun doesn't affect the vampires like it used to before. Plus, we only sparkle in the sun anyway." Heeseung replied.

"No way, you sparkle in the sun?" Yeonjun asked. 

"Yes, it's a cool feature, don't you think?" Heeseung asked.

"Where did you get that feature?" Karina asked. 

"I guess the princess has gained a new power and gave us the power of being immune to the sun." Heeseung replied. 

"That's wonderful, that means I don't have to see you at night!" Karina clapped her hands.

"Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" Wooyoung said. 

On the trail, Rose looked at the phone and gasped.

"Oh no, it's almost going to midnight!" She said. 

"Quick, let's find a shortcut to get to the top immediately." Jaemin replied.

The two of them linked their hands together as they looked for a shortcut. 

Jaehyun looked at his phone worriedly that Rose is going to miss the sunrise. That's when he saw and he let everyone else know before they hugged her. 

"Oh thank god, we thought that we've lost you." Jeongyeon replied. 

"It's okay, we're fine. If it wasn't for Jaemin, I wouldn't have made it in time." Rose giggled. 

Soon it's time for the countdown to start and the sun has totally shined in the horizon, making everyone else sentimental and emotional. Some people ust cherred and they have took some photos. 

It was safe to say that its going to be the best 2022 that everyone is going to have. Rose leaned over to Jaehyun's chest before they looked int each other's eyes. 

"This is for the moments that we love and have between us. If anyone gets between that, we'll hit them with a baseball bat." Jaehyun winked, making her giggle. 


A/N: You know it, Jaehyun. 

SHALALA is out now: 

Damn, this boy is boss! 

See you next time!!!!



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