Trouble in paradise - Jaehyun ft Winwin Pt 1

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A/N: This week, your finances are looking up.

The week begins on Monday, March 11, with the new moon in Pisces. Also, Mercury in Aries sextiles Pluto in your own sign of Aquarius. Over the next two weeks, financial opportunities are available to you. This means you could negotiate with your supervisor to get a raise. If you're looking for a new job, they might pay you more money and give you some lucrative perks. Your business could increase in revenue, or you might get a good offer from someone who wants to buy your house.

Venus enters the sign of Pisces on Thursday, March 14. Venus will be in Pisces until April 4. With more money in your pocket, you might be considering doing some spending. Even if you tend toward minimalism, you might be looking for a new jacket, shoes, or even vehicle. And then one thing leads to another, and you need accessories. This could add up to be an expensive day. On the other hand, having the new object could be very satisfying.


The boys came backstage after doing their show for the night. They were sweaty and exhausted, but in the end, it's all worth it to see NCTzens smiling faces. BLACKPINK stayed with the staff and they high fived the boys.

"You guys were awesome!" Rose smiled. 

"You really think so?" Jaehyun asked. 

"Yeah, I practically squealed over the dance break." Rose replied. 

Jaehyun smiled before looking down on the floor. 

"Ha, man, that has got to be one of the best performance that we've ever done. I can barely hear the music over how loud the crowd was being." Yuta said.

"Good thing we have a huge break after this." Winwin replied. 

"Where are you guys headed?" Jisoo asked. 

"We've decided to go to Jamaica. We have never ever been there before and it will be awesome that we can go." Winwin replied. 

"I love Jamaica!!!" Rose jumped up and down.

"Why don't you come with us then? It will be so much fun!" Winwin exclaimed.

"Sure!" The girls responded. 

Rose jumped up and down and hugged Winwin as Jaehyun can't help but to be a little bit jealous. He knows that this means nothing, but his heart was not taking the jealousy very well. On the other hand, since they're coming with them, he can't help but to see what it will be like for her to wear a bikini. 

His cheeks grew bright red like red tomatoes. 

Next month had come by and they have landed themselves at Jamaica. The sky was super blue and the sun was scorching hot. It was the perfect paradise from your busy day to day life. The boys are just lounging with the sun beating down on them. 

"Alright, guys. What do you think?" Rose asked. 

The boys looked over to the side and they were admiring their bikinis. 

"God damn..... you guys look amazing..." Yuta replied. 

"Hahaha, you guys aren't that bad yourself." Lisa replied. 

Jaehyun stared at her body before swallowing. She came closer towards him and made himself comfortable. 

"Well, don't we have a sight for sore eyes?" She asked, looking up and down. 

He looked at himself before rubbing his head.

"Wanna help me put some sunscreen on?" She asked. 

"Um..... but you're already dressed." He answered.

"I'll take it off then so you can reach the hard to reach places." She said, taking off her bikini. 

He flustered a bit more but did as he was told. 

Hours had passed and everyone is just doing their very own thing. As Jaehyun and Rose were talking, Winwin came by. 

"Hey, Rose. The tide is perfect for some surfing. Do you want to come with me?" He asked.

"Ooooh, yeah!" She replied. 

He took her hand before heading off Winwin.

"We'll talk some more later, okay?" She asked back to Jaehyun. 

Jaehyun nodded before staring at the ocean that's in front of him. Taeyong noticed that look in his eyes and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen, they're only friends. Just like the rest of us." Taeyong replied, "I'm sure it's only your insecurties talking." 

"How do you even know that for sure?" Jaehyun asked. 

"I just do. So trust me when I say this." Taeyong responded. 

Jaehyun looked over to the side before agreeing that he could be right. He's the only one who knows about his crush on rose so he can always rely on him for not telling anybody about this. 

The next few days, Winwin and Rose were having a walk amongst the shoreline. Winwin can't help but to notice the sad look on her face and asked her what's wrong. 

"Oh...... it's nothing...." She said. 

"Come on, you can tell me." He replied.

"It's just that....... I have an itty bitty tiny crush on Jaehyun." She fiddled with her sundress.

"No way, really?" He asked. 

"Yeah, but I'm more than terrified. What if he only sees me as a friend?" She asked. 

"That's not true. And if that's the case, there are many people out there that are just craving your attention." Winwin replied. 

"Male BLINKs have been requesting to send them their phone number." She joked, making them chuckle. 

"Well, that's what you get when you're famous. Once you've blown up, everyone wants to be your friend." He replied. 

She smiled as he wrapped an arm around her. 

"But for real..... you're really an amazing girl, rose. You're sweet, funny and beautiful." He comforted her. 

"Thanks, Winwin." She felt touched. 

The two of them share a sweet hug but little did they both know is that Jaehyun entered the scene of the crime. His eyes began to lose his spark and he rubbed his neck before turning away. 

"Jaehyun!" Rose shouted. 

"What's wrong?" Winwin asked. 

"Jaehyun was here!" Rose explained. 

"Holy shit.... wait..... Jaehyun!" He exclaimed. 


The two chase after the boy, but it was more than futile. He didn't stop nor listen to their pleas, he just kept on walking with a very heavy heart. 


A/N: Oh no......

See you next time!!!!!



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