The Rescue

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3 Months after season 3, Bo and Din have not seen each other since then:

Bo-Katan Kryze was about to yell at this politician from the New Republic who was here to try to get them to join, which she would not. The guy droned on and on until finally, "Look, Mandalore is never joining the New Republic so stop trying to convince me!", Bo said coldly. The man bowed shakily, "I-I'll be going", and he scurried out of there faster than a rabbit. Bo huffed and rubbed her head, she had a terrible headache and she was tired. Koska stepped up, "You have another politician here to see..." Bo stood, "Tell them to come back tomorrow, I need a break." Koska nodded and left to inform the man. Bo sighed, she was not having a good day.

Bo was scrolling through her data pad when the door to her office opened and Koska poked her head in, "Hey can we talk?" Bo shrugged, "Sure, what about?" Koska stepped inside and sat in a chair, "You've seemed really stressed lately and exhausted." Bo sighed, "I haven't been sleeping well, that's all." Koska frowned, "You need your sleep." Bo chuckled dryly, "I don't have much say in the matter." "You are also losing weight, you're not eating", pointed out Koska. Bo sighed, "Koska I'll be fine." Koska crossed her arms, "You need to take a week off and relax. I'll take care of things here and you go enjoy yourself, rewind." Bo shook her head, "I can't Koska..." "Nonsense, you are resting whether you like it or not", interrupted Koska. Bo threw up her hands in defeat, "Fine, I'll take a week off." Koska grinned, "Great! Now I gotta go." She left and Bo leaned back in her chair, she was really missing Din and it felt as if a part of her was missing since he had left. He had become her close friend, someone she could trust, rely on and her confidant. In fact she felt like she could tell me anything and still feel safe. She smiled to herself on her decision, she was going to Navarro.

Din Djarin had kept busy the last 3 months with his son Grogu. The Creed had been altered and he was now allowed to remove his helmet and show his face. Some stuck to the old way, like the Armourer, but most converted to the new way, like Din. He still wore his helmet out of habit, but not as much. He and Grogu had taken odd jobs here and there and now lived on Navarro. The only thing missing was Bo. Din and her had not been able to have a private goodbye and Din wished they had. But she had been busy and Din knew she was busy with rebuilding Mandalore. He smiled at the thought of her and sighed as he put away the lunch dishes. Grogu cooed and Din picked him up, "Hey how about we go into town and have a look around?" Grogu gurgled happily and Din set him down, "Let me get my things and we can go." A few minutes later Din had his armor and gear on, including his helmet. He picked Grogu up and smiled underneath his helmet, "Ready buddy?"

Din walked through the town and got a few things here and there. Grogu insisted on stopping at the cantina for some blue milk and Din relented. They sat in a corner and Din ordered for both of them. He got a mild drink while Grogu got his blue milk and a cookie to go along with it. They were eating peacefully when a crash was heard outside and a female was pushed into the cantina. A male with a knife came marching in and held a knife to the figure's throat, "Now you will come with me and I will make sure you will feel..." "Never!", the female spat. Din arose, blaster drawn, "Leave her alone." The man growled, "Yeah Mando? What are you gonna do about it?" Din tilted his head toward the door, "I'm giving you 5 seconds to get out. 5, 4, 3, 2..." The man suddenly stomped on the woman's hand, there was sickening crunch and then the guy ran. Din was faster though and he shot the guy square in the back. He rushed toward the woman and was startled to find Bo grimacing in pain, "Bo-Katan!?" Bo gave him a weak smile, "Hey there Din." Din bent and helped her up, "Come on, let's get you back to my house." Din told the bartender to clean the body up and told him to tell Greef Karga that he would swing by later to explain. He then helped Bo home.

Bo hissed in pain as Din peeled of her gloves, "That hurts you know." "Sorry. Why weren't you wearing your armor and weapons anyways?" Bo sighed, "I didn't want to bring attention to myself, I'm supposed to be relaxing. I guess I brought the wrong kind of people looking at me. He jumped me and I was barely able to get free. Then he chased me to the cantina and pushed me down into the building. And well you know what happens next." Din nodded, "I see." He removed his helmet to see better and Bo smiled, "I like you without it." Din chuckled, "Thanks, I'm glad you approve." He lightly touched her hand and Bo cringed, "That's the same hand Gideon crushed, Grogu healed it, but it was still tender. This certainly makes things worse." Grogu cooed and tried to heal it again, but her hand was so bad, that his powers weren't powerful yet to heal such a bad injury with several broken bones. He cooed sadly and Bo patted his head with her good hand, "It's okay, I'm sure your dad can fix it." Din grimaced, "I'm going to have to wrap it and I don't have the kind of medicine that will numb your hand while I do it. I do have painkillers though." Bo sighed, "Well at least you have painkillers. I'll take a few of those and then you can wrap it." Din fetched the painkillers and Bo downed a few. Then he began the painful job. Bo yelped as he touched her hand and tried to block out the pain. He gently wrapped her hand once, "Bo I'm going to have to pull to make it tight." Bo nodded, "If I pass out, just finish the job while I'm out." Din pulled and Bo felt pain go through her whole body and she did pass out. Din quickly finished while she was out and then propped her comfortably on the couch. After he put the med stuff away and then changed into more comfy clothes, Grogu climbed into his lap as he sat down to wait for Bo to wake up.

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