A Call for Help

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Bo-Katan angrily crushed the negative pregnancy test in her hand and let out a frustrated cry as she sat on the bed. They had been trying to get pregnant this last month, but so far it was negative. A knock on the bedroom door interrupted her, "Lady Kryze, there's someone most urgent you need to see." "Who?", asked Bo-Katan harshly. "It's a woman named Omera and her daughter Winta. Marshall, Cara Dune has brought them." Bo-Katan groaned and sat up, "Fine, I'll be there in a few minutes." She fixed herself up and then walked to the throne room where they were waiting. 

When she walked in, she saw Din hugging the woman who must be Omera. A flash of jealously went through Bo-Katan, Din hadn't been home for a week due to a mission and first thing he did was hug another woman and didn't even try to find her. "Bo, there you are!", said Din letting go of Omera. "I would like you to meet Omera and her daughter Winta." Bo-Katan forced a small smile, "A pleasure. Can I ask what you're doing here on Mandalore?" Omera frowned, "We've been having trouble with pirates again, they've stolen half our crop. We knew Din was connected to Mandalore, so we travelled here to see if he would help us again, along with Cara." Din nodded, "I would be happy to return, I'm sure Grogu will too, he has missed the village. We will leave at first light tomorrow. For now, feel free to wander the palace and servants will show you to your room." Servants led Omera, Winta and Cara away and Bo-Katan turned to Din, "So you're leaving again", she spat. Din took off his helmet, "I need to help them Bo." "Oh, so I don't get a say in this?" Din sighed, "Bo they're old friends, it shouldn't take too long." Bo-Katan turned away, "Fine, do as you want", she muttered. Din put a hand on her shoulder, "Bo..." Bo-Katan stopped and turned her head slightly, "If you cared, you would stay." She shrugged of his hand and strode away. 

That night Din couldn't sleep. He was conflicted if he should go, but he did promise to help. He glanced at the clock, it was midnight. Bo had disappeared and hadn't come back. Din was slightly worried and he dressed. As he reached for his helmet, he spotted something in the trashcan. He picked it up, it was a pregnancy test and it was negative. That must have been why Bo had been so upset earlier, it explained a lot. She had needed him and he hadn't been there for her. He stuck the test in his pocket and went to find Bo. 

Din finally found Bo sitting on the steps of the living waters, her head in her hands. Din sat next to her and they sat in silence for awhile. Din took her hand, "I'm sorry Bo that I wasn't there for you when you needed me." Bo-Katan sighed, "I know you have to be gone for different things with Grogu and The New Republic, but...I need you too." "Why don't you come with me to Sorgan? Help Omera and her village and we could spend some time together." Bo leaned against him, "I would love too, but I can't just up and leave, I am Mandalor' after all." "Axe and Koska can take care of things as well as the Armourer, Mandalore will be fine if you're away for awhile." Bo nodded, "Okay, I'll ask." Din pressed a kiss on her head, "I love you." Bo smiled slightly, "Love you too."

Things worked so Bo-Katan could come with Din to Sorgan. They packed up and left early the next morning after Bo-Katan talked to Axe and Koska, leaving a few last directions. Din, Bo and Grogu would travel in Bo-Katan's ship that would carry all the supplies they needed. Cara, Omera and Winta would travel in Cara's ship that she had gotten recently. As they traveled through hyperspace, Bo showed Grogu how to locate Sorgan. The child babbled incoherently pointing to a planet. "That right Grogu, that's where we're going", said Bo-Katan praising him. Din came in with 3 bowls of pog soup, "Lunch has arrived." Grogu jumped out of Bo's lap and toddled over to Din, his arms reaching up. Din laughed and set the bowl down on the chair, "Eat up here kid." Grogu easily somersaulted up and landed perfectly next to the soup. Din handed Bo a bowl, "Lady Kryze." Bo rolled her eyes, "Shut up, you know I hate when you call me that. It sounds too serious and...impersonal." Din lifted his helmet off to reveal his wide smile, "Whatever you say." They sat in the cockpit eating lunch as a clan of 3, something that rarely happened to them. Usually one was gone or it was hurried, so this was a nice change. Bo ate the last bit of her soup and set the bowl down. She stretched back, "I could see myself doing this more often." Din who had also finished took her bowl for her, "We'll have to try and make it happen more often, right Grogu?" He looked down to see the poor kid asleep. After eating a nice, warm meal and doing navigation with Bo, he was tuckered out. Din took his empty bowl, "I'm going to go put these away and then put him in his pram to sleep." Bo stood, "I can do it. Meet me in the bedroom after?" "Sure", Din left to do just that.

Din smiled as Bo slept cuddled up beside him. She was worn out from the stress of ruling Mandalore and everything else. He slid out, threw on sweatpants and a t-shirt and then tucked Bo back in. He left the room quietly and made his way to the cockpit. Sorgan was a 3 day journey and they would have to stop to refuel a few times. Grogu had awoken and was playing with his stuffed Lothcat when Din entered the cockpit. "Hey buddy, how are you doing?" Grogu looked at him and cooed happily. Din sat down in the pilot's chair and commed Cara, "Cara, how's your fuel level?" He saw Cara look at a gauge and then back at him, "Probably will have to refuel here in a bit." Din looked the nearby areas, "Looks like a refueling station is 10 minutes out, how about that one?" "Sure", Cara commed off and Din made the necessary preparations. "What's going on?", asked a sleepy Bo coming in. She had thrown on shorts and put on one of Din's sweatshirts to go with it. Din checked the last readout and then turned to face her, "Stopping to refuel." Bo yawned, "Okay." Din smiled, "You look like you need some more sleep there." She yawned again, "Maybe...come back to bed after this refueling?" Din nodded, "I will, shouldn't take long. I will have to dress though." Bo nodded and disappeared out of sight.

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