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Din put his flight suit back on, attached his armor and then guided the ship out of hyperspace. He docked the ship along next to Cara's and got out to meet with the mechanics. "Just need a refueling for me", said Din handing the credits to a male. Cara tossed him a handful too, "Refueling and check the engine while you're at it, it sounds weird." Din raised an eyebrow under his helmet, "Something wrong with the ship?" Cara frowned, "Don't know for sure. As we pulled out of hyperspace, it began to sound odd." Winta ran down the ramp and smiled when she saw Din, "Hello." Din nodded, "Winta." "Do you ever take the helmet off?", asked Winta curiously. "Winta!", her mother scolded. Din chuckled, "It's okay Omera. Actually our Creed changed and it's okay for me to take it off, but I prefer to leave it on except when I'm with family and close friends." "But I thought you liked mommy, she likes you and so can't you take it off for her then?", asked Winta. Omera stood nervously, "What she says is true, I do care for you, more than a friend." Din shot a look at Cara, "Cara, may I talk to you for a minute?" 

They stepped away, "Do they not know who Bo is?" Cara shrugged, "Honestly I thought they knew you were married." Din sighed and walked back over. He squatted so he was eye-level with Winta, "Winta, I gotta be honest with you and your mother." He pulled of his left glove and slipped off his Beskar wedding ring and handed it to Winta, "Do you know what this is?" Winta looked at it, "It's a ring, it's really pretty too." Omera knelt by her daughter and smiled sadly, "It's a wedding ring Winta, he's married." Winta looked up, tears in her eyes, "But I thought you loved mommy." Din sighed, "I care for you mother as a good friend Winta and I care for you too. But Bo is my wife and I love her, I'm sorry." Omera stood, "It's okay, I understand." Winta however was angry, "I hate you!", she threw the ring at Din and ran up the ramp to Cara's ship. "I'm sorry", said Omera, running after her daughter. Din slid the ring back on, put his glove back and stood, facing Cara, "Well that went well", he said sarcastically. Cara rolled her eyes, "That's the biggest understatement of the year."

It turned out that Cara's ship had a fuel leak. It would take a few hours and they were stuck for the time being. Omera had found her daughter and they were with Cara getting food. Bo was sleeping when Din walked in, but woke, "Are we leaving?" Din took off his helmet and sat down, "Cara's ship has a fuel leak, we're grounded for a few hours. And it really helps that Omera and Winta just figured out I was married." Bo sat up, more awake now, "Wait they didn't know?" Din sighed, "Apparently not and now Winta is mad at me." "And Omera?" "She said she understood, but Winta is a different story." "Perhaps I could talk to her in a bit?", suggested Bo. Din shrugged, "Just be prepared." Bo stretched, "Where is everyone anyways, including our son?" "Going to go get food. You know Grogu, he loves food and I think he kind of cheered Winta up." Bo smiled and began to put on her armor, "Probably should go get some too." Din kissed his wife and stood, "I am hungry." Bo finished putting her armor on, "Let's go."

"What do you mean you can't fix it!?", the sound of Cara's angry voice met them when the walked out. The mechanic shrugged, "I'm new lady, give me some slack." Cara growled, "You better leave before you can't physically walk." The mechanic scurried away and Cara walked over, "Looks like we'll all be cramming in one ship." "We'll go take care of things on Sorgan then go to Tatooine to see Peli Motto. She'll be able to fix it", said Din. Cara nodded, "I'll settle where to keep the ship until we can get back. Give me a hour and you can start transporting stuff." She left and Din turned to Bo, "We better get to work."

They managed to move most of Cara's stuff before she came back and soon they were off. Din flew, while Omera was busy catching Cara up on the pirate situation in the common room. Winta was huddled in the makeshift bedroom for her and her mom with Grogu when there was a knock. "Come in", said Winta. The door opened to reveal Bo-Katan standing there, "Hey, can I join?" Winta shrugged, "Sure, it's you're ship." Bo sat down next to her and looked over, "Grogu sure likes you." Winta stroked his ears, "You know you don't have to be talk to me just because you are married to Din." Bo sighed and took off her helmet, "Can I be honest with you kid? I can see why your mom could be the perfect match for Din. I'm certainly not the perfect person in the galaxy, far from it in fact." Winta looked up at her, "Why did Din not marry my mom then? If you say that she is the best match for him, why did he marry you instead?" "Can I tell you a story Winta?" Winta nodded, "Okay." 

Bo set her helmet down, "A long time ago I fell in love with another man. His name was Fenn Rau, a mandalorian like Din. In fact I thought he was the perfect man in the world, but the force decided we were not to be. He died in the Purge of Mandalore. Then years later, I met Din. He's much different than Fenn, but that's what I love about him. Back when I was with Fenn, I was not interested to men like Din, but my views have changed. So you see Winta, sometimes even though there's a perfect match in plain site, sometimes it's not the perfect person for you. You would have to ask Din exactly why he married me, because sometimes I don't honestly know why. But do you get the idea?" Winta nodded, "I do and I think you and Din really love each other." Bo smiled, "Well I love him." Winta smiled, "I like you too." Bo stood and extended a hand to the little girl, "How about I show you to fly the ship?" "Grogu too?", asked Winta. Bo smiled a little wider, "Of course." Winta took her hand, "Can I steer it?" Bo chuckled, "We'll see, we'll see."

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