The Past

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Bo and Din laid on the bed and Bo began,

"When I was younger Satine and I were close. As we grew older though we began to see differently in our views. Then Pre-Vizsla came in and took me under his wing, or so I thought. He trained me to be a soldier and other things. Koska was with me during my time there and helped me through a lot", Bo stopped, she wondered if she should tell Din the next part. Only Koska knew the whole story, not even Fenn had know much. Din touched her arm lightly, "You don't have to go on." Bo shook her head, "I want to tell you." She took a deep breath and continued, 

"In the Death Watch camps we drank a lot. I drank, even though I was under 18 and that's what got me in trouble the first place. Around when I was about 16 or 17 it all started. Pre-Vizsla slipped a drug in my drink that made me really woozy and out of it. Koska wondered why Vizsla was taking me to my tent and she followed. When I woke up Vizsla was forcing himself down on me...", Bo broke down and sobbed. Din held her tightly, "I'm so sorry Bo." Bo sniffed, "It happened more than once. I lost count, but it usually happened the night after we had a victory." Bo sighed, "That's why I was scared earlier, I know Fenn wouldn't hurt me, but his demeanor then was just like Vizsla before he did something to me." Din squeezed her gently, "I understand Bo, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. No one should have to, let alone a teenager." "I survived, but that's why I'm so hesitant to do anything, intimate." Din nodded, "And we won't ever unless you want to Bo, it's totally up to you." Bo gave him a grateful smile, "Thank you." She snuggled into him and soon fell asleep. Din watched her, she had gone through so much, survived terrible things and yet she was perfect. He smiled before letting sleep overtake him.

Din woke up to someone whimpering beside him. He looked over and saw Bo was sweating and she had tears running down her face. He shook her gently, "Bo! Bo, wake up!" Bo shot up and almost hit Din with her arm in the process. "Bo calm down, it's okay", Din tried to settle down. Bo took a few deep breaths and then laid back down, rubbing her forehead. Din put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, "Are you okay Bo?" "Yeah, it was just a nightmare", said Bo shakily. "Do you want to talk about it?", Din asked gently. Bo shook her head, "It was just about things that happened in Death Watch, nothing more." Din rubbed her arm softly, "I love you Bo." Bo forced a small smile, "I love you too Din."

The next morning Din woke up before Bo. He looked over at Bo who was still sleeping and smiled, she looked so peaceful and there was a gentle smile on her face. He gently brushed a strand of hair that had fallen back. Bo stirred, but didn't wake. Din picked up the data-pad on the bedside table and began to scroll through the news. One article caught his eye and he clicked on it. "Satine Kryze, former duchess of Mandalore was not killed! She has come out of hiding and here is what she said, "I had to hide for my own safety. Darth Maul killed a clone of me, no one knew this except the now deceased Master Obi-Wan Kenobi." When asked about her sister Bo-Katan Kryze, Satine answered, "I have in fact kept up with her on the holo-news. I plan to visit Mandalore soon." Din read the rest of the article silently and set it down in disbelief. Satine had been alive all this time and hadn't told Bo? How would Bo react to that?

Bo woke to Din gently rubbing her back and murmuring, "Bo, it's time to wake up." Bo rubbed her eyes and yawned. Memories of yesterday flooded back and she sighed, hopefully Fenn wouldn't cause too much trouble. She looked up at Din who had a serious face, "Din is something wrong?", asked Bo worryingly. Din handed her the data-pad, "There's an article in there that concerns Satine." Bo rolled her eyes and took the device, "Oh please, people have been making stories up about Satine for years." Her eyes shifted downward and began to read.

Din watched as Bo's face turned from utter shock to anger. She finished reading and then hurled the data-pad across the room where it landed harmlessly on the couch. That was not the reaction he expected, "Bo I thought you'd be happy." Bo leaped out of bed and began to dress, her face contorted into pure rage the whole time. Din got up and put a hand on her shoulder, "Bo calm down..." "Calm down!?", Bo shouted. "My sister has been alive all these years and hasn't thought of telling me!?" "Bo I think she did it to protect you." Bo pulled her helmet on, "Oh of course she would, all to protect her little sister." Bo stormed out, slamming the door behind her. Din let out a breath, well that certainly didn't go as planned. He donned his helmet and then went after Bo.

Satine Kryze took a deep breath, this was it. She had heard her sister had taken Mandalore back, but after that not much. She had no idea if Mandalore was doing well or not. Or what Bo had been up to. The holo-news had been pretty quiet about that. Her ship landed on the landing platform at the rebuilt castle and she stepped off the ship. Satine looked around and to her wonder, the place looked amazing. "Does it meet your approval?", asked a familiar voice. Satine would recognize that voice anywhere, "Bo?", she turned to see her sister clad in her Nite-Owl Armor. Bo removed her helmet and sighed, "Same old me." Satine suddenly hugged her and all the anger and hurt that Bo had felt, washed away to see her sister alive and well. Din stood from the side and watched the reunion with a smile at his lips.

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