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Bo and Satine had tears in their eyes and they hugged each other for a long time. Finally Din cleared his throat, "Lady Kryze, I am honored to meet you, Bo has told me a lot about you." Satine let go of her sister and raised an eyebrow at Din, "Who are you?" Din bowed, "I am Din Djarin." Bo sighed, "We keep forgetting to figure how we want to combine our last names Din." Satine literally almost collapsed, "Y-You're married!?" "You didn't know? I thought you were keeping up with me", asked Bo confused. Satine nodded, "I was, but the holo-news hasn't updated recently about Mandalore and you." Bo smiled, "It doesn't matter now, you're here. Come let me give you a tour. Din would you take over for a bit?" Din nodded, "Of course." Bo grinned, "Let's go sis!"

Bo showed Satine the city, but saved the gardens for last. When Bo opened the gate to the flourishing plants, Satine gasped, "Oh my goodness!" She stood in awe, taking in all the plants and greens growing. Bo grinned, "We discovered it when we came back to Mandalore." Satine touched a flower and smiled, "It's beautiful Bo. Tell me all that has happened, we haven't talked for ages." "Mostly because of me", mumbled Bo. Satine slung an arm around her younger sister, "Hey are relationship was bit off, but we're back on the right track." Bo smiled, "I'm glad we are." She preceded to tell her all of her past from when she had gone to Death Watch to now. Satine comforted her while she told of what had happened during her time at Death Watch with Pre-Vizsla and laughed with her at funny moments with Grogu and Din. "You love him a lot", said Satine after Bo had finished. "Yeah I do, he's amazing", said Bo. "What about children Bo? I know you love kids." Bo sighed, "I don't anymore. After what happened with Pre, I don't know." "Have you told Din all about this?" "Yes, actually last night, after Fenn arrived." "Is he still here Bo?" Bo sighed, "No he left." Satine hugged her sister, "Hopefully he won't come back anytime soon." Bo forced a smile, "Yeah, hopefully." Satine smirked, "Well even if he does, he'll have to deal with me." Bo laughed, "And no one messes with the great Satine Kryze." Satine laughed as well, "No way!" The two sisters kept laughing as they continued on their walk.

That night Bo and Satine stayed up late talking the hours away. Din ended up sleeping alone while Bo and Satine talked into the early morning. Finally they both fell asleep on the couch at 3:00 in the morning. Din woke the next morning and went to find Bo. He found her sound asleep on the couch with Satine. He smiled and left them be.

Awhile later he was training with Grogu when he got a holo-call, "Hey there Mando", said the familiar voice of Cara Dune. Din smiled, "Cara! Haven't heard from you in awhile!" Cara grinned, "Good to see you without the helmet Mando." "Please call me Din." Cara waved a hand away, "Fine, but that was not the reason I called. I need a little favor." Din nodded, "Name it." "Did a mandalorian named Fenn Rau stop by Mandalore?" "Yes, he left right away after a bit of a scuffle", Din was confused. Why was Cara looking for him? "Shoot! I'm too late! I was hoping he would still be on Mandalore." "Why?" Cara sighed, "When we freed some prisoners from an imperial remnant prison, Fenn was among them. Unfortunately he decided we were the enemy and killed 5 of my soldiers to escape. Now the New Republic has assigned me to capture him." "Well he might come back, he vowed to", noted Din. "Did you get in an argument?", Cara crossed her arms. Din shifted uncomfortably, "Let's just say some personal issues got in the way when he got here." "Well let me know if he come back." Din smiled, "Of course, and please feel free to stop by and say hello." Cara saluted, "I might just take you up on that offer Din. See you!" Din disconnected the call and then went to find Bo.

Bo had woken and decided to get back to work. Satine was still sleeping and Bo left quietly. She was in her office when Din knocked and popped his head in, "Bo can I talk with you for a few minutes?" Bo set her data-pad, "Sure, is everything alright?" Din preceded to tell her about his conversation with Cara and all the details that went with it. Bo sighed when Din was finished, "Of course he had to kill his rescuers." Din put a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, we'll figure it out, together." Bo gave him a grateful smile, "Thanks Din." "Of course." "I uh, wondered if you wanted to...spend some time alone tonight, just the two of us?", asked Bo hesitantly. Din smiled, "I'll get someone to watch Grogu."

That afternoon Din visited Satine to see if she would watch Grogu. Satine was delighted to have him, "If course I'll take him!" Din handed her a recipe, "Just make him pog soup and he'll be fine." Satine nodded, "Okay." "I'll drop him off in a bit", Din left and Satine grinned, this was going to be interesting. Later in the afternoon Din dropped Grogu off with Satine and he seemed happy with her. They played few games, ate pog soup, watched a movie and to end the night, she read a story for him. As Satine tucked him in, she saw how her sister loved the little one. She smiled, she hoped Din and Bo were having a good night.

The next morning Satine sought out her sister. She found her studying a document intently, "What fun proposition is on that paper?" Bo looked up, "You can have your job back anytime." Satine snorted, "I like my life of peace right now, so no thank you." Bo rolled her eyes, "All I want is some peace." They fell into silence until Satine broke it, "So did you do anything fun last night?" Bo cast her eyes down, "No, we didn't..." Satine hugged her gently, "What happened?" Bo bit her lip, "Din and I, we got in an argument." Satine raised an eyebrow, "About?" Bo sighed, "I don't want to talk about it." There was a knock at the door and the Armorer stepped in, "Excuse me Lady Kryze, but the clan leaders are ready to meet." Bo nodded, "Tell them I'll be right there." The Armorer bowed and left. "Good luck!", said Satine. Bo smirked, "Thanks."

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