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The next few days everyone rested and planned. They landed in Sorgan a few days later and Omera and Winta ran ahead to tell the other farmers. Cara, Din and Bo-Katan stayed behind to unpack their gear and get it loaded up. A hour later Omera came running back, breathless and mud all over, "They...they took Winta!" "What!? How?", asked Cara. "We were returning back here and when a band of pirates found us. We even took the long way around to avoid being spotted!...", Omera started crying and Bo went to hug her. "We'll get here back, I promise." Omera nodded and they finished loading everything on a cart. Then they headed toward the village.

As they were walking, Din pulled Bo to the back of their little party, "Bo can we talk?" Bo nodded, "Sure." Din nodded to Cara who nodded back understandingly. They let the group get ahead of them and began walking slowly behind. "What was it you wanted to discuss with me?", asked Bo curiously. "I know you promised Omera that you would get Winta back, but I don't want you getting killed trying Bo." Bo scoffed at that, "I can take care of myself and you know that. She's just a little girl and I am not going to let her die." Din stopped and grabbed Bo's shoulder to stop her as well, "Bo there is a chance that she is not alive." Bo tilted her helmet, "I know that Djarin. Now can we continue?" Din let her reluctantly go and watched as she walked away, "Just be careful", he whispered to himself."

They arrived at the village where they were welcomed warmly, especially Grogu. When the news of Winta's capture was known, everyone at the village became concerned. Cara, Din and Bo were shown to their temporary huts and after they got settled, they informed the villagers of the plan. Luckily the weapons that Cara and Din had given them before were still useable and this time they didn't have to take the time to train them all. The plan was to sneak up on the pirates that night, eliminate all of them and take back their stolen harvest and tools. Now a new factor was involved, they also had to rescue Winta. 

Cara was cleaning her gun when Din entered her tent, "Cara you have a moment?" Cara set her gun down, "Of course." Din sat down across the table and slid a bounty puck over to her, "Have you seen this guy recently?" Cara opened it up and her eyes widened, "Isn't he dead? I thought he died in the Clone Wars years ago." Din laughed dryly, "A clone of him. Just like Satine Kryze, he somehow got a hold of clone equipment and Darth Maul killed his clone. A friend of mine in the bounty hunting world told me that they saw him slaughter a whole pub, trying to find Bo. I need to find him, kill him or bring him in. And I can't having Bo knowing about this quite yet, it's going to bring up a lot of bad memories." Cara fingered the puck, "You know we did get a report of a shooting somewhere in the criminal world in Coruscant a few weeks ago, but we dismissed it because they happen all the time. Have you contacted Carson Teva?" Din nodded, "I have, in fact the impromptu mission I had to go on last week was concerning him. Carson gave me some intel about a mandalorian causing a ruckus in the outer rim. Unfortunately when I got there, he was gone." "My question is, how do he not know about Bo ruling Mandalor? I mean it's a big deal and it's been all over the news." "My theory is, is that he's trying to gain information before confronting her. So have you any information?" Cara shook her head, "Nope, I didn't even know he's alive." "Most people don't know quite yet, it been kept pretty under the radar." Cara tossed the puck back to Din, "Perhaps Bo could help? She knew him and she might know where he would go." Din sighed, "It's not a good time. I'll tell her...soon." Cara shrugged, "You better do it fast Din, this could get out of hand fast." "I know. Can you do me a favor Cara? Just keep an eye on Bo will you?" Cara nodded, "Don't worry, I am always watching everyone's backs, even yours." Din laughed for real now, "Very funny Cara, see you later." Cara watched him go and went back to cleaning her gun, trouble was brewing and it's was just beginning. 

Bo-Katan wandered around the village while Din was doing something with Cara. She knew Din was worried about her, but she was fine, at least on the outside. She told Din a lot, but not everything. She told him about her past, at least some of it. Bo sat down on a rock and looked over the village. The people were walking around, getting ready for tonight and other various jobs. "Excuse me, what's your name?", a little girl asked. Bo-Katan smiled warmly, "Bo-Katan, what's yours?" "Lola. Your hair is really pretty by the way." "Why thank you Lola, I like your hair too." "What's the scar on your forehead?", Lola asked innocently. Bo-Katan froze, most people didn't know what it meant except for Koska and Satine. Even Din didn't know. He asked once, but when all his answer was silence, he had never asked again. Bo swallowed, "It's just an old...scar, that's all." "Oh, well I think it looks cool. If I ever have a scar, I want it to look just like yours." Bo's eyes glassed over, remembering how she got it and the circumstances surrounding it, "Trust me, you don't want to have one." "Why not?", Lola asked curiously. Bo frowned, "You just don't Lola, now please stop asking." Lola eyes filled with tears and her lip quivered, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...", Lola ran off before Bo-Katan could say anything. Bo sighed and put her head in her hands, the girl was just curious and here Bo had pushed her away. Bo-Katan stood, maybe getting ready would clear her head, after all Bo had only known war when she was growing up. Bo took a deep breath and headed back to the hut.

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