Fenn Rau

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Bo came out seconds later and rolled her eyes at Din, "Will you stop with the Lady Kryze stuff...", Bo stopped at the sight of Fenn. Fenn grinned, "Bo, it's been a long time." Bo opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Finally she regained her words back, "Fenn?" Fenn went to hug her, but Bo held up a hand, "Fenn I can't, not in the way you want." Fenn looked confused, "Why not?" "I-I'm..." "Engaged. I can challenge your suitor Bo and win. Then we can marry and live out our dreams and plans." Bo shook her head, "I can't and I don't want to Fenn. I'm love him and we're..." Fenn took a step closer, "Then I will win back your love..." "I'm married Fenn!", shouted Bo exasperated. It was Fenn's turn to be shocked. He was speechless and then he growled, "How could you!? We promised we'd get married!" Bo shook her head, "That was years ago, I had to move on with my life!" Fenn suddenly slammed Din against the wall, "You're her husband aren't you!" Din tilted his helmet up slightly, "I am." Fenn whirled and stepped angrily toward Bo, "I cannot believe what you did!" To Din's surprise Bo backed up, "Fenn please..." Fenn took another step, "You failed Mandalore, your sister, your dad and now you can add me to that list!" Din saw pure fear in Bo's eyes and he lunged toward Fenn, knocking him down. Fenn scrambled up and ran toward his ship shouting, "I'll come back!"

Din heard the ship take off, but he paid no attention. He was more concerned for Bo who had slumped to the ground and was shaking uncontrollably, her head in her hands. He knelt next to her and gathered her shaking body in his arms, "Hey it's going to be okay", he said soothingly. "Please just hold me", she whispered. Din quietly stroked her hair tenderly and held her while she calmed down. Bo wiped tears from her face and sniffed, "It's just like Pre", she mumbled incoherently. Din frowned, "Bo, even though Fenn was angry, I don't think he would ever hurt you." Bo sighed, "I know, it's just his actions, were just like...never mind. Can you just help me into our room?" Din helped her up and carried her bridal-style into their room. He set her down on the bed and Bo curled up in a ball, "Can I just be alone right now Din?" Din gave her a small smile, "Sure, I'll be around if you need me." Din stood and went to find Grogu.

Din took Grogu with him to find some food in the city. Even though Mandalore was still not all the way rebuilt, there were still quite a few restaurants. He found a place to eat and ordered to go. Grogu ate his meal while they drove back in the speeder and was finished when they got back to the palace. Din dropped Grogu off with Koska who was more than happy to hang out with the little guy. Din then set out to his and Bo's room.

Din stepped into their room and closed the door behind him. He saw Bo leaning against the pillows on the bed with her helmet on, but with no other armor. He sat on the bed next to her, "I brought dinner back." Bo didn't react and only kept staring straight ahead. Din pulled out a box of food, "It's your favorite, rice and noodles with chicken." Bo kept silent and Din noticed she was grasping something in her hand, "May I?", he asked. Bo opened her hand and Din took the pendant out of her hand. He recognized immediately, it was the Death Watch symbol. He handed it back to her and Bo took it. He took off his helmet, "Was Fenn Rau part of Death Watch Bo?" Bo finally spoke, No, he was an old friend." Her helmet filtered the emotion out of her voice and so Din couldn't tell if she was crying. "Bo why were you so...how should I say...meek when Fenn got in your face?" Bo suddenly grabbed her vibro blade and pressed it against Din's neck, pinning him down on the bed, "I am not meek Din Djarin." Din gently put a hand on Bo's arm, "Bo, that was not what I was implying. I don't know much about your past..." "No you don't", interrupted Bo. "You don't anything." Din became frustrated, "No I don't, because you won't open up to me about it and..." "You think it's easy for me to talk about my past? Well it's not and you have no idea how hard it is for me", Bo hissed angrily. She got off him and stood, "I think it would be the best for you to sleep elsewhere Din." Din knew he had said the wrong things, "Bo I'm sorry..." "Just leave, you're not helping." Din sighed, "As you wish Lady Kryze." He stood, picked up his helmet and left.

Din sat in the library thinking for hours. Around midnight he finally got up and went to make sure Grogu was asleep. He found his son tucked away, holding his stuffed loth-cat that Greef Karga had gifted to him. He smiled and left the room quietly. He looked at the bedroom and decided to give it one more try. He poked his head in and spotted Bo on the balcony looking over the city. He slipped in and went to stand beside her. She had taken off her helmet and Din could now see her eyes were red from crying. "Bo I'm sorry about earlier." Bo nodded, "I was a bit harsh." They fell into a awkward silence and Bo wiped the tears furiously from her eyes. Din took Bo's shoulder and turned her toward him gently. Bo cast her eyes down that were starting to mist. Then Din simply pulled Bo into a hug and Bo sobbed into his chest.

After a bit Bo began to gather herself and she wiped her eyes, "I'm sorry Din, I know you just wanted to help." Din rubbed her back comfortingly, "It's okay Bo, I shouldn't have gotten frustrated, I know it's hard for you to talk about your past." Bo gave him a small smile, "I love you." Din kissed the top of her head gently, "I love you too Bo-Katan." Bo rested her head against his shoulder, "I want to tell you. I just don't know how." Bo sighed, "Let's get into the bed and then I'll try to tell you." Din nodded, "Just take it slow, I'll always be here to listen."

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