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Bo was cleaning her weapons when Din came in, "You okay?" She nodded, but didn't say anything. Din knew she wasn't in a talkative mood, so he didn't say anything for the time being. He sat down on the bed and watched her for a few minutes in silence. Finally he spoke, "After this mission, I have something I have to tell you." Bo turned curiously, "Why can't you tell me now?" Din sighed, "I promise to tell you on the way back home." "Promise?" Din smiled, "Promise."

The raid party left just after dusk and traveled to the pirates base at the other side of the forest. Din, Bo-Karan and Cara led the way with the villagers right behind. It was about midnight when they arrived and only 3 guards were on watch. Din, Bo and Cara easily killed the silently and swiftly. Then they motioned for everyone to surround the camp and be ready for the signal. Soon everyone was in place and were waiting for the orders. Din made the motion to go and everybody rushed in. It was chaos. The pirates were so surprised that most of them hadn't even grabbed a weapon before they were shot. A few of them were able to get a hold of their guns and knives and fought back fiercely. In the midst of the fighting, Bo was able to find Wints ties up in the corner, "Winta." Winta turned and smiled, "Bo-Katan!" "Come on, we're going to get you home", Bo-Katan set to untying her hurriedly. A pirate body flew past them and smashed into the crates. Bo finished up and took Winta'a hand, "Let's go!" As they were making their way out of the chaos, Bo saw Din get shot with something. Din gripped at his arm where a dart like weapon had pierced through his armor and he fell.

"Din!", Bo-Katan yelled. Cara who happened to be nearby, came over, shooting a pirate as she went, "I got Winta Bo-Katan, you take care of Din." Bo nodded and then left Winta in the care of Cara. She got to Din's side and knelt, checking for a pulse. It was still there and she sighed a sigh of relief. She tried picking him up, but he was a lot heavier than she had thought. She ended up dragging him to the outskirts of the camp and set him there. The fighting was winding down and the pirates were on the run. Soon all the villagers were gathered and Din started to wake up slowly. They had been victorious, sustained only a few losses and were able to get Winta back. It was a win all around and the dart Din had been hit with was only filled with a sleeping mixture.

Bo watched anxiously as Din woke groggily, "Bo?" Bo smiled, "You gave me a scare there tin can." Din chuckled, "All part of the plan Lady Kryze." Bo smirked and shook her head, "Just don't ever do it again." Din nodded, "I'll try my best." Bo smiled, "You get some rest, we all need it." Din yawned, "We traveling back to the ship tomorrow?" Bo nodded, "That's the plan." "We'll take Cara's ship over to Peli Motto. She probably would like seeing Grogu anyways", said Din. Bo nodded, "She will. Now we better both get some sleep while we can." Din scooted over, "Plenty of room." Bo laid down and Din pressed a kiss to her forehead before they both fell asleep.

A man clad in beskar armor walked purposefully down the street. He entered a local bar and headed straight over to where another mandalorian sat, "Fenn Rau?" Fenn Ray looked up from his drink to the man in beskar, "Uh yes?" Suddenly the man slammed him into the wall, "What do you know about Bo-Katan Kryze?" Fenn squirmed, "She is an old friend of mine, now let me go!" The other man only tightened his grip, "What is she doing?" "What makes you think I'll tell you?" The man drew a gun and pointed it at Fenn's head, "Answer the question now!" Fenn shook, "She's ruling Mandalore with her husband. That's all I know, I left before I found out any other information." The man grunted, "And her sister, Satine? I hear she's alive too." Fenn scoffed, "Sounds like you know more than I do. Can I please go?" "What do you know about Satine Kryze?" Fenn shrugged helplessly, "I don't keep up with her man, now let me go!" Fenn kicked and got out of the man's hold. He went to draw his weapon when the man shot him in the head. Fenn's body sank to the ground as the man walked away, "Bye Fenn Rau." 

Bo-Katan, Din and Cara traveled back to where Cara's ship the next day. They were able to get it on a transport and jumped to the dusty planet, Tatooine. Din led them to Peli's shop and they entered. Both Cara and Bo had never met Peli and were very interested in this woman who Din called crazy, yet smart and talented mechanic. "Mando!", said a familiar voice. Peli Motto came into a view smiling cheerily, "It's good to see you and I see you brought some friends!" Din nodded, "This is Marshall Cara Dune and her ship needs fixing. Peli circled Cara's ship which had been dropped off and whistled, "This is a nice one! Now Mando who's your other mandalorian friend?" Din removed his helmet, "This is Bo-Katan Kryze, ruler of Mandalore and my wife." Peli opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Finally she was able to speak again, "So first you're removing her helmet and now you tell me you're married!? Wow we need to catch up more Mando!" Din laughed, "Guess so." Peli clapped her hands, "Okay Marshall, let's take a look at your ship here. You mind having droids work on it or want no droids like your friend Mando here?" Cara chuckled, "I don't mind having droids." Peli smiled widely, "Perfect! We'll identify the problem and have the droids work on it as we have a nice dinner."

Mandalorian ContinuationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora