The Disagreement

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When Bo entered the throne room, she saw Din standing on the right of the throne, his usual spot. Bo sat and chose to ignore him, "Good day clan leaders, shall we begin?" The clan leaders nodded and the meeting began. For awhile the discussion was on the state of Mandalore, but then the leader of Clan Rook asked, "My Lady, what about a heir?" Bo stiffened, "We shall see." "But we need one, either you need to appoint one or you need..." Bo stood, "I will decide who the heir is, whether it's someone I appoint or my own child. This meeting is finished", Bo walked out with long strides and shut the door behind her. Din cleared his throat, "Lady Kryze is clearly done for the day, this meeting is adjourned." Then he too walked out. 

After Bo had left the meeting, she avoided Din who was walking down the hall. She turned and went down another hall, to bump right into Satine, "Bo!", her sister said surprised. Bo put a finger to her mouth and dragged her along the hallway before Din spotted them. Finally Bo stopped and Satine put her hands on her hips, "Bo-Katan Djarin-Kryze (yes they had come up with a name), you explain to me what that was all about." Bo turned to look out the window, "Please, I don't want to talk about this, just let it drop." Satine shook her head, "Bo it's not like you to avoid Din like this, please, let me help." Bo whirled and Satine saw tears in her eyes, "No you can't! You can't help me", Bo said angrily. Satine took her arm gently, "Bo, just talk to me." Bo crumpled to the floor, "I can't do anything right", she mumbled. Satine slid down next to her sister, "I'm here for you sis." Bo took a few steady breaths and then spoke, "I blew up at Din. We were talking about having kids and he asked if it would be safe at my age. I know he was genuinely concerned, but it made me so kriffing mad! I shouted at him for making such a comment and-and I don't even remember what happened after that. All I remember is that I did most of the yelling and told him to get out. I'm pretty sure I hurt his feelings too. I think he was trying to make up with me earlier, but I'm still so angry at him!", Bo finished her rant and buried her face in her hands. Satine hugged her, "I understand why you're angry at him Bo, but do talk to him soon. He loves you and wants the best for you." Bo sniffed and forced a small smile, "Thank you Satine." Satine grinned, "That's what sisters are for!"

Din sat quietly looking on as the Armorer forged Beskar into whistling birds to refill his gauntlet. She pounded away and Din watched, thinking of last night's argument with Bo. "Something on your mind Din", the Armorer stated blankly. Din sometimes wondered how she knew so much and if perhaps if she was a force user. He pushed those thoughts from his head, "Yes...Bo and I had an argument." She pounded again, "It is normal to have arguments between spouses." Din sighed, "I know, but she was really upset with me." "Apologize and make up with her then." "I tried, but I'm pretty sure she's avoiding me." The Armorer motioned for him to hand over his gauntlet, "The whistling birds are ready." Din handed the item over and she began to refill the gauntlet. "A new story is written each day, today still has yet to be written", the Armorer handed his finished weapon over. "Now go and write that story Din Djarin-Kryze." Din bowed, "Thank you."

Din found Bo-Katan at the shooting range, decimating a target. He watched for a few minutes as she fired shot after shot, until he stepped in and gently took her arm, "Bo, I think you should give that poor target a break." Bo whirled, "Don't think you can tell me what I can do either", she said angrily. To most people she seemed angry, harsh independent, but Din saw through the act. He knew deep inside she was hurting, badly and was using her anger as a cover up so no one would see what really was going on inside. He pulled her into a hug, "You can stop the acting Bo", he said softly. He felt her bury her head into his neck and sob quietly. Din gently rubbed her back until Bo wiped her eyes and leaned her head against his shoulder, "Can we go inside?", she whispered hoarsely.

Din led her to their room and he closed the door gently behind him. Bo paced back and forth and Din spoke softly, "I'm sorry Bo, I was out of line last night." Bo sighed, "I know Din, I overreacted. I'm sorry." Din hugged her and felt her relax in his arms. They sat down on the bed and Din began to remove her armor for her. Bo didn't even move and let Din take all her armor off. After Din finished, he gently forced her hands away from her face, revealing the tears that were running down her cheeks. "Bo, I am really sorry, please understand that." Bo sniffed and brought her hand to cover her eyes again, "It's not that Din." Din pulled her to him and held her close, "Then tell me, what is it?" Bo leaned into his comforting embrace and let all her walls and defenses crumble for the moment, "What you said last night made me realize some things. I am scared Din...of not being able to have children. I am older and because of my past, I don't know if my body would be able to carry one or let alone even conceive one." "Bo, you're an amazing woman. A warrior, leader, survivor and the best wife I could ask for. Even if we can't have children, I love you all the same. And we have Grogu, he is powerful, yet still a child that needs love and care. You have shown that loving and caring side of you to him and I am so grateful for you." Bo sighed, "I know, I just for some reason lately I've been wanting a baby." Din kissed her on the head, "Then we'll try, whenever you feel ready to." Bo smiled, "I think I want to try." That night Bo nestled in Din's arms content and happy. It was the first time in her life that she felt safe and protected from the dangers of the Galaxy. Even when she was child, all she had known was war and death, but now things seemed to be heading in the right direction. 

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