The Wedding and Surprises

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Bo awoke a few hours later to Din cooking something on the stove. She sat up and noticed her hand was all bound up. Din turned, "Oh good you're up, hungry?" Bo nodded, "Yeah." Din grinned, "Dinner is coming up in 5 then." He put the food on 3 plates and then they sat down at the table. Bo took a bite of food and then set her fork down, "So how is business doing?" Din shrugged, "The same mostly. Grogu and I have been taking jobs here and there, nothing much." Bo stirred her food around, but didn't eat, "Are you ever going to visit Mandalore?" Din smiled, "That depends, do you want me to come?" Bo punched his arm lightly with her good hand, "Of course, why not?" Din chuckled, "Okay, I'll make sure to swing by. How about you? Anything interesting going on in the palace?" Bo leaned back, "The New Republic has been trying to send politicians to get us to join, which I refuse. Also the Armourer and Koska have been really bugging me lately about getting a husband." Din raised an eyebrow, "Have you picked someone yet?" Bo snorted, "Yeah right, in a million years." "Would you ever want to marry and have kids?" Bo thought, "Marry, yes. Kids, no." "Really? I thought you liked kids." Bo shifted uncomfortably, "I like kids, I just don't like the...process...of having kids." "You mean being pregnant?", asked Din confused. Bo shook her head, "No, I don't think I would mind being pregnant, it's just...", Bo trailed off. Din nodded understandingly, "You mean having...well you know." Bo turned red, "Yeah, I haven't had the best experience with it. Look can we change the subject?" Din smiled, "Sure. Did you hear that Ashoka is on a mission right now to find a jedi?"

They talked for hours until Grogu insisted that Bo read him a story before going to bed. Bo sat on the edge of Grogu's big bed and told him of a battle between 2 tribes. Grogu listened with fascination and cooed happily when she finished. Bo tucked him in and then got up. Din watched Bo tuck Grogu in and he felt a feeling of love and family wash over him. He gestured for Bo to follow him outside and she followed. They sat down on the bench outside his cottage and watched the stars for awhile. "He really likes you", said Din breaking the silence. Bo smiled, "He's a sweet little boy." Din swallowed and then spoke, "You're a good mom figure to him Bo." Bo felt her breath hitch, no one had called her Bo in years. In fact only 3 people ever had, "I haven't heard that nickname in years", she said softly. Din her good hand in his, "I didn't mean to..." "No, I like it when you say it", said Bo looking up at him. Din smiled, "Bo, I know you're independent and all, but I love you. I know you will have to marry soon and I wonder if you would do the honor of marrying me? " Bo was quiet and then to answer his question, she kissed him. Din was surprised at first, but then melted into it. After Bo rested her head on his shoulder, "Will you come back to Mandalore with me?" Din gently ran his had through her hair, "Of course."

After resting for a week, Bo felt better. News of her and Din's engagement spread fast. Koska was beyond excitement and began to plan the wedding. They would be married in a month and the whole Mandalore city was looking forward to it. The 2 clans would be united this way as well. The month went by quickly and soon the day arrived. Tradition was to wear full armor and then remove the helmets for a kiss. Din made sure his armor was dusted off and then put his helmet on, he was ready. The wedding was to take place in the palace in the throne room. Chairs were set up and people crowed in the streets. Din smiled and made his way out. The Armourer was to do the ceremony and Grogu was the ring bearer. In fact he had gotten a tiny bow for it and he looked adorable. Bo sat in her chambers and pulled on her helmet, she was also ready.Din was glad for the helmet since so many eyes were on him. Everyone suddenly stood and Bo came around the corner. Korkie her nephew walked her down the aisle, since her father had died long ago. Din took Bo's hand gently and they faced the Armourer. They said their vows, exchanged the rings of silver Beskar and then slowly each removed their helmets. Din handed his to Axe and Bo handed hers to Koska. They leaned forward and shared their first kiss as husband and wife.

Din and Bo spent the next few months working on restoring Mandalore. About 3 months later, Din was helping Grogu with his gun, when Din heard footsteps behind him and a man's voice spoke, "Can you lead me to Lady Kryze?" Din stood and put his helmet on that had been off, "Who are you?" The man was a mandalorian and was clad in Beskar that was quite scuffed up. The man removed his helmet to reveal a man with a scruffy looking beard and graying hair, "Fenn, Fenn Rau. From the Protectors." Din shook his hand, "I thought all the Protectors were killed." Fenn smiled, "Not all. And this Protector is here to see Bo." Din raised an eyebrow from under his helmet, Bo had said that only 4 people called her by her nickname, including him, "Are you related to Lady Kryze?" Fenn shook his head, "No. Actually I've, believe it or not, been held captive by the Empire for years. Just this past month I've escaped and I came here after hearing Bo's success and plus we are engaged." Din stiffened, "Engaged huh?" Fenn grinned, "Yep, been held captive for years, but I came back." Din swallowed, "Oh, of course. I'll bring you to Lady Kryze." Din decided to leave the part out that he and Bo were married. He led Fenn to Bo's office and knocked, "Lady Kryze, someone here to see you."

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