Chapter 3

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Eri's POV
It had been two months since Goku came to my world and everything was going smoothly. He was taken in at my adoptive father's company and was to do the hero work. Goku never changed out of his gi uniform (because that's what he told me what it was) and he said it was formal and that it was what he always wore when he was fighting.
      "You know it wasn't always black and red with the white boots." Goku told me as we where walking back to my apartment after a long day of work.
      "Oh? And what color was it before?" I asked walking into the apartment.
      I was a bit more comfortable asking him questions about his world and of his abilities. Which he was more opened of telling me and only me about it.
      "it was orange with this dark blue color that would really make it stand out." He said walking into the apartment and shuts the door behind him locking it.
      "Wow...that must have been really bright."
      "I wish I could take you to the cabin where I lived...I still had one felt....I just keep it to remind myself of how I once was...I even have a shrine for my family-"
      I look over at him to see that he was upset so I walk over to him and slowly touch him hand. This causes him to jump and look over at me. Once he saw it was me he let's out a sigh and just holds my hand.
      "'s just....I always visited my shrine of my family..."
      "I'm sure you friends know and will go to it for you out of respect for you and your family."

Back into the Dragon Ball Z world

      Trunks was in the shrine of the Son family. It had been two days since Goku has been gone from their world. Whis and Beerus have been staying near Bulma as she worked to find a way to bring him back. Whis was trying to channel the right frequency of where Goku was but it was hard to when they couldn't feel him use the strongest form he had at the moment...his Rose Form.
      "I'm so sorry Chi-chi...I wish I knew more about the world Goku was in...then maybe I could be helping more of bringing him back." Trunks said to the picture of Chi-chi.
      Then he noticed something odd about the picture of CH-chi and went to touch it. When he did he felt that same weird energy from the portal and he saw a glimpse of a girl with long white-ish blue hair , red ruby eyes and a horn on her head and she was smiling. Then Goku came into view and they both looked so happy.
      Trunks pulled his hand back not wanting to see anymore of it and he felt his heart breaking. Goku may not have been using his real smile in he could tell that he was happy again. Felling like he should tell his mother this he get's up and instatransmits back to the lab and looks around for his mother.
      "Over here Trunks!!"
      He runs over to where his mother was which she was sitting in front of her big computer trying to calculate of where Goku would be and how to get to him. Trunks walks over to his mother and taps her on the shoulder. She looks at him and gives him a tired smile. 
      Bulma looked like she hasn't slept in the past two days and it made Trunks worry.
      "Mom...when I was at Goku's house and taking care of his shrine of his family...I had some kind when I touched Chi-chi's picture."
      His mother got up real quick and placed her hands on his shoulders. The look in her eyes made Trunks think that this was a bad idea.
      "What did you see in that vision?"
      "A girl with long white-ish blue hair, ruby red eyes, and a horn on her head. Goku came into view and they were both happy. They where smiling at each other."
      "S-So it's to late....he's already fallen in love with someone..."
      " feels like it's getting close's not there we still have some time mother...I just don't know for ho long."
      Bulma doesn't waist time and get back into her chair and starts to put in the vision details that Trunks told her. She was going to find Goku even if that meant her health was gonna go down for this.

Back with Eri and Goku

Still Eri's POV
I was laying down in my bed asleep until I jolt awake letting out a small scream. I hear Goku fall off the bed and he comes running in his Rose form. He told me about it but never wanted to use in this world since it was his strongest form. But I liked the color on him and I felt my face begin to redden from it.
      "Are you okay Eri-chan? What happened?" he asked as he sat down on my bed in front of me.
      " was just a bad dream of my past....I still have them from time to time."
      I didn't look at him but the next thing I know was him sitting where I was and me in his lap. If my face wasn't already bad enough red it sure was now. He played with my hair in a very calming way and I smiled from it. He sure was good at making me feel calm and safe and feeling happy.
      "I will always protect you may not know but lying to everyone, but Deku and Bakugo since you trust them the most, you have protected me as well?"
      "I know I did...and I will do it again because I don't want to see you get hurt or for them to throw you in the jail because they see you as a bad guy."
      He felt and heard him chuckle as he holds my close to him. My back was up against his chest and I could feel his hard rock abs and I made a broken like noise and it made Goku laugh. It was a laugh that wasn't his normal one I always was new.
      "G-Goku...was that your laugh before....she passed?"
      "It make me think of her so much...and I know she rather see me happy then miserable for the rest of my life."
      I look at Goku with wide eyes and he just smiles at me with his old smile. It was so cute and goofy like that I couldn't help but smile back.
      "Are you saying you want to want to be my boyfriend?"
      He leans down and gives me a kiss. The kiss felt like so full of passion that I couldn't help but kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls back and gives me a smirk and I felt my face turn red again.
      "You should go back to sleep Eri-chan. I will be here to protect you okay?"
      I just nod my head and lay back down in the bed. He lays down behind me and wraps his arms around my in a very protective way. I blushed and felt him lean to my ear and whispered to me.
      "That kiss was my way of saying yes I want to be your boyfriend Eri-chan~"
      I blushes and make small noises and he chuckles from it before giving me a small kiss on my cheek. My face heats up even more and I close my eyes and tried to get some rest. At least I was happy to be with someone that loved me this time.

Back in the Dragon Ball Z world

      Bulma was working hard and the numbers and letters where flying across the screen. She was typing so fast that she wasn't paying attention when Whis and Beerus walked in, and Trunks was having a hard time keeping up with his mother's typing.
      "Bulma we have some news to share." Beerus said walking closer to her.
      "You can tell me as I type because I think I have the calculations of finding where Goku is."
      "That is what we wanted to tell you because we think we have found him." Whis said walking closer to Bulma.
      Bulma stops typing and looks over at Whis is widen eyes. This was the second good news she heard since Trunks said the vision he had to help her with the calculations.
      "Really!?! if you can just tell me more of what you saw...or just connect to my computer in some way he be able to have that I need for us to get Goku back."
      " wont be that easy. We would need someone to go to that world and stay there and try and convince him to go home."
      "A-Are you saying that he fell in love with someone?" Bulma asked starting to worry a bit.
      " seems like they have both just started dating. And he where able to find him due to something happening and it scaring him into his Rose form." Whis said walking over to her big computer and looking over her calculations.
      He points it out and tells her what she needed to fix or add and once they have it Bulma started to work on the machine that would have the ability to jump dimensions. Whis and Beerus helped her with the design not wanting anything to happen to it when it got to the other world. they also made it to where it would hurt the other world to much to where it wouldn't make the worlds collide faster. Trunks just stood there and watched his mother and them work to get this up and running.
      Be felt like this was wrong. that it was wrong to make Goku come back when he was happy again. He finally found the time to fly out of there and found a quiet place to sit. Once doing so he called out for King Kai  and asks him to help get a hold of Chi-chi and Goku's two boys. He needed them to answers some questions. Once King Kai was able to get them he fell to his knees when he heard their voices again.
      "Trunks what's going on? Are you okay?" Ch-chi asked in a calming mother tone
      "Trunks is everything okay?" Gohan asked feeling really worried about the little sayin he saw grow up.
      "Trunks why are you crying?" little Goten asked.
      Trunks just cried more, he missed hearing Goten's voice when they where younger. It wasn't fair that his father killed Goten just because Goku was stronger then him.
      "Ch-chi-chi....Goku was sucked into a portal a-and now my mother has found a way to bring him back b-b-but he found another and is happy...b-but what is gonna happen of he say's no? W-What do I do? D-Do you want him to be happy again?"
      There was nothing but silence until Chi-chi spoke.
      "I love Goku no matter what but...seeing being happy then sad for the rest of his life it better. I know if it was the other way around and we had no way to bring him back...then I'm sure Goku would have wanted me to move on as well."
      "Yeah Trunks. I want father to be happy. Even if this will cause the worlds to come together...I rather my father be happy."
      "Same goes for me Trunks!! I want papa to be happy. You should be the one to go see him and see why he fell in love with that girl. And yes we can see what is happening up here all the time."
      Trunks nods and smiles as he looks up at the sky turn from day into night and through about what the three of them looked like with Halos above their heads.
      "Okay!! I will be the one to go there and see why Goku fell in love with her. I will be the one to see if the worlds should combine for them to be happy. I only want Goku to be happy like the three of you want.!!"
      trunks get's up and then flies back to where his mother was. Hopefully she will let him go to the other world to see Goku. He didn't want to Goku to be unhappy. he didn't want to let Chi-chi and her two sons down at giving Goku his happiness.

A mixed Love (Older Eri x Goku Black crossover ship)Where stories live. Discover now