Chapter 12

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Trunk's POV
I was in the living room laying down on the couch when i heard their was faint but I heard them. 
       "Trunks? Trunks How is Goku? We can't see how he's doing just yet...just hear what you can tell us." Chi-chi said sounding excited to hear what has gone with Goku.  
      'It's been fine...he really lovers his fiance.' I said in my head to them.
      "Fiance? Does that mean he's with the girl he was dating?" Goten asked.
      'Yes it does.'
"So what's up with the strange power level there? Because Beerus said that Whis felt it but didn't know what the cause of it was." Gohan asked.
      'Well that's because Goku got Eri pregnant and-'
"GOKU WHAT!?" Chi-chi basically yelled.
      I winced a bit because it did kinda hurt. She apologized and asked if Eri was doing okay carrying the child of a Saiyan.
      'She seems to be doing far she's been eating good and right for the baby. She is eating a bit ore then what she usually does. Goku wont let her train while carrying the baby...he doesn't want to take the risk of hurting the baby.'
"Well that's good that he's not alone anymore. We would watch him all day and everyday in the cabin. He would go to the shrine and make sure that everything was perfect and good for us. I hate seeing him so sad, never showing a smile." Chi-chi said sounding sad.
      'I know...and I'm glad too. But Everyone wants me to bring him back to our world. And I can't take him away from his new the worlds have to come together if they are to be happy.'
      "I know...that is why we came here to tell you something...something we think you need to know."
      'And what's that?'
      "When that baby is will be the key the worlds come together. That's when the chaos will come into play."
      'WHAT!?' I say in my head as I sit up quickly
      They tried saying something else but it was like they ended up being cut off. I mean that part did make sense since the worlds weren't completely mixed just yet. I sit there and think about what I was told. Why was the baby going to be the cause of the worlds fully coming together. Then that's when it came to me...the baby was going to be a mix of both worlds so it can't live without the other world. I get up and go to their room, I was lucky to see them wake up sitting in their bed...I mean it was early in the morning.
      "Goku...the worlds are coming closer together because your late wife and children talked to me and was explaining something to me."
      "Really? What did they say? Did they ask how I was doing?" he asked sitting up a bit.
      I looked over at Eri to see she looked a bit hurt that he was excited to hear about his old family but she smiled acting like it didn't bother her since this was is first family. I look back at Goku and nodded.
      "Yes they did...I told them that u where engaged and that you got Eri pregnant before marrying her. Of course Chi-chi wasn't happy that you got your fiance pregnant before marrying her."
      "Yeah I figured she would be. But did she sound like she was happy that I was happy again?"
      "She and the kids where the ones who told me to be the ones to come here to make sure that you where. They where happy that you where happy again. They said they hated seeing you so unhappy in the mountains. Chi-chi said she didn't like seeing you not smiling anymore."
      "Well she doesn't have to worry about that anymore," he leans back to Eri and kissed her cheek ,"Because I have something that makes me happy again. And I"m glad to have her with our baby on the way."
      "Also about the baby...they told me that the baby coming into the world will also be the day that the chaos of the worlds coming together is going to be happening."
      "What!?" They both said as they both sit up quickly.
      "So the baby's birthday is going to be messy...when they come into the world." Eri said rubbing her belly
      "Yes...and if you think about it, the baby will be a mix of Goku and you...two people from different worlds."
      "So the bay can't live without the other worlds being here."
      I just nodded and they both got up and started to make a few phone calls. I just watch them and they kept talking over the phone saying and telling everyone what they needed to hear. 
      "We will be having to meet everyone today at my dad's headquarters, since this kinda of like a family matter thing."
      "I talked to a few of yours friends and they said they had gotten a message from Mic saying that as well and they thanked us for keeping them in the lop as well. Other hero's will be there as well."
      "This is going to be one messy and busy day for everyone." I said out loud.
      All they could do was nod their heads and start getting ready. This was going to be a "lovely" day.

Eri's POV
Once we get to the headquarters, it was in complete chaos. Workers where running every where with paper work, people yelling at each other, Hero's coming in and running to the meeting hall, some even bumped into workers and didn't have time to help them. I go over and help a little bit but Goku did most of the work since i was starting to have trouble bending down to pick anything up. Once we helped them we get to the meeting hall to see everyone there and then it got quiet when they saw us. 
      "Eri, Goku and Trunk, glad that could make it...why don't you guys have a seat, yeah?" Mic said with a smile.
      We go to sit down near my parents. Goku of course makes sure I'm seated first before he even sits down.
      "Okay now that we have everyone...why don't we talk about the information that we where told.
      Mountain Lady stood up and started to speak first.
      "Why can't we put Eri is something to prevent it from happening?"
      "Because my child can not live without both worlds. Since it's a mix of me and her the chaos will happen that day." Goku said standing up as quickly as she did sounding angry.
      She sat back down looking down that the table shaking. Funny how she became a hero when she was scared of getting hurt. I placed my hand on Goku and he sat back down looking much calmer again.
      "What if we just start making a plan of how we are going to keep our people safe? Group who goes where and everything? I mean how much time do we have before the baby is born?" Deku asked looking over at me with the last question.
      Everyone looked at me and I looked down at my belly. I was only in my fourth trimester with this i had about four to five months left for it.
      "Four to five months."
      That caused everyone to up roar again asking what we could do and was that even enough time. I started to breath heavily and tear up, this was stressing me out and i could feel it hurt the child just a bit. Goku noticed this and whistled and everyone looked over at him.
      "Everyone shut up and listen. We need to work together and figure how to evacuate everyone in the city and do it the safest way possible. And for the love over everything stop jumping in to say what you feel should happen and actually work together. You're making my fiance, who is the mother of my child, stressed out which could kill my child. And if my child ends up being dead my the gods look upon you because I won't hesitate to kill you. I have lost my first family because the person I had once called my friend kill them."
      They all got scared but my dad looked at him before speaking.
      "Then tell us that story...I want to know how he killed them and why you killed him back."
      Goku sat back down before he sighed.
      "All you pro hero's and Eri's closes friends know I am not from this world. In my world I am an alien because I came from a planet called Vegeta...which was funny that the king and his son where also named Vegeta. He was a Saiyan prince and they are meant to be stronger then others, but he wasn't. I was the one who powered up quicker then he did and he was jealous of me being stronger then him. My other friend Krillin was telling him that and that when in a fight I'm more serious then when I'm training. This caused him to snap and kill him. My son Gohan and our friend Piccolo came to stop him. Gohan told me youngest son, Goten to go find me. When he found me and we went back Piccolo, Gohan and Dende who I didn't know was there was killed. Dende was only the size of a child when he died. So was my son Goten when i saw him killed in front of me. then i saw Vegeta holding my wife by her throat. I flew as fast as I could to stop late wife's last words were "I love you" be fore he snapped her neck."
      Everyone was was shocked, crying and so angry about it but they allowed him to keep going on with the story.
      "I couldn't believe the person, who I thought I knew, just killed my friends and family. And we Saiyans have a way of our lives. And what I did to Vegeta was it...I killed him for killing my family. And since he was a prince and I killed him I had taken his crown and title away from him," he touched the one wearing he always wore ,"This was her earring. I wear it everyday missing her...but now that I have Eri I'm happy again. I'm actually more like myself when I have her. I may never go back to how I was but if I can still have some of my old self for Eri and this baby...then that's good enough for me."
      No one said anything and just stayed quiet. I knew it was hard to hear that someone watched their own family died in front of them...we all knew that. It was never an easy thing where you're a hero and you couldn't save one person's life...all because you where to weak or just able to.
      Again people started to talk but it was more positive then before. they where actually helping each other, coming up with plans, of who was going to be in what groups, getting everyone inside the emergency bunkers and when they where going to start the drills for this day. I just looked over at Goku and smiled. He smiled back and me and just pulled me close to him. 

A mixed Love (Older Eri x Goku Black crossover ship)Where stories live. Discover now