Chapter 9

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Trunks POV
      After getting Overhaul back into prison Eri was sent to the hospital to check on the baby and give her the nutrition she needed for the baby. Goku was by her side the whole time, he even slept on the bed she was sleeping on. The nurses didn't like it but Aizawa explained that Goku was very protective of her and he hadn't seen or hugged her since she was kidnapped, and that this was the first time of knowing she was pregnant of his baby. They where able to make this once slide only because of that reasoning.
      I stayed by Goku and Eri's side the whole time that she was in the hospital.
      "Trunks? Goku?"
      I look over to see that Eri was awake and looking at Goku with a smile. I felt myself smiling and go over to them and pet Eri as I shake Goku gently.
      "Goku Eri is awake."
      As soon as I said that Eri was awake Goku woke up and looked at her. His gaze soften when he saw her and he layed his forehead on hers.
      "I was so worried about you Eri. How come you didn't tell me that you where pregnant?"
      "I didn't know if I actually was or not. And I was a bit scared to tell..."
      She glances at me before looking away, which causes Goku to look at me before looking back at Eri.
      "Where you afraid of what trunks would say to it?"
      "Not just Trunks...I mean everyone from your universe. How would they react if you got someone who was half your age pregnant. And I'm sure some of them aren't ready for you to be moving on from your late wife so soon. And-"
      Goku placed a finger on her mouth to prevent her from talking anymore.
      "I don't care what any of them think. If they don't want me with someone like you then they can go to hell. I know they are my friends or people who are like family to me, but I love you and I won't let what they say change that. I don't think they would be against the idea of me being happy...but if they do then they can go to hell."
      This made Eri smile and tear up as she hugged him. He hugs her back making sure to be very careful when doing so.
      The doctor comes in and says that everything looked fine and that Eri would be able to go back home in a few hours. They also told Eri that she needed to watch what she eats and if she was to go back to work then it couldn't be any field work until she had the baby. I looked Eri and all she did was nod. After the doctor left she sat up and sighed.
      "I think I can do field work even with this baby. I don't know why but when they tried to break my's like something was preventing that. Even when Overhaul went to kick me in the stomach...he couldn't do it. He said it was like he was kicking at a wall...and I didn't even feel any pain."
      I looked at Goku and he sat up and placed a hand on her stomach. He closed his eyes and was feeling if there was anything wrong and he looked at her.
      "Well nothing seems wrong like the doctor said. And what you said is true...then it might because of the training I gave you along with the child starting to have my powers."
      "That's strange though...this never happened in our world when you got Chi-chi pregnant." I said looking at the both of them.
      "Well we aren't in our world so the pregnancy would be very different then what Chi-chi went through."
      "That does make sense. I also haven't been having those weird cravings normal pregnancy's would have. But we have to wait and see."
      We talked for a little bit and when it was time to get Eri out of the hospital we got her outside and saw her parents waiting for us.
      "Hey Eri are you feeling?" Aizawa asked as he made her look at him.
      "I'm fine dad...I'm just a bit shaken from being kidnapped. And I just some actual food beside the hospitals. It isn't very good...even if it was better for the baby."
      "We can go to a restaurant later tonight if you want? Something not to fancy of course." Mic said giving off a small, soft smile.
      "I would like that...but it be best if I get home first to rest a bit more...and maybe eat a little something as well."
      They both a greed and we all got in the car as her father started the car and drove away from the hospital. once we got back to Eri's house me, Goku and Eri got out of the car and went into the house after Eri waved good bye to her parents. When we got inside Goku had her sit on the couch.
      "What would you like to eat?"
      "Do we still have that ice cream in the fridge?"
      "Yeah I can get it."
      He walks away and I sit on the couch next to Eri and smiled at her.
      "How was Goku while I was gone?"
      I sighed and looked over to the kitchen. he was looking everywhere for bowls and being a complete mess.
      "He didn't do to good. All he ever did was train and did everything he could to find you. He was a mess without you Eri. I knew he felt like he was loosing Chi-chi again. You are like her...and he didn't fall in love with you just because of that. I knew he was in love with you...I think it was nice know that there was someone else that was like Chi-chi...that made him feel human...made him feel like he belonged. I think that's why he fell in love with Chi-chi...and why he fell in love with you."
      She teared up and hugged me. I hugged her back as she cried softly. I knew that made her feel bad that she wasn't here and that he was in pain, but I think she was also happy that she had found someone to actually love her back.
      Goku came in and asked what happened and Eri said that she asked how u where acting when she was gone. She said that she was sorry that she wasn't here and Goku told her that it wasn't her fault...and he was glad that she was back, safe and sound.
      I smiled seeing how happy they where. I wonder how things would go from here?

Aizawa's POV
I was at work when something strange happened. I remembered what Eri, Goku and Trunks said about the two different worlds coming together. I found things that weren't from around here, and some people where having strange feelings along with their quirks acting a bit different. Not like in a bad's like they where getting stronger which was bad for the villains to have stronger quirks.
      "Honey...what are we going to do about this?"    
"I don't know...all we can do is wait and see what is going to happen."
      He nodded and went back to work as i did as well. I just hope we could be prepared for the time to come...who knows what will happen.


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