Chapter 4

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In the Dragon Ball Z world

Trunk's POV
I was in the lab as mom worked day in and day out making this machine to travel the dimensions. It has been three weeks since the day I talked to Goku's family and i had to tell my mother when she was done that I was gonna go. I had to keep my promise for them. 
      "FINALLY! I'm done with it!!"
      I look to see what it was small...kinda like the dragon ball scanner but it was more of a smaller screen. That and it had buttons that seemed to be arrows.
      "Now since you are done with it...who should be the one to go?" Whis asked as he looked over the device and he placed his hand on his small baby bump (yes him and Beerus are going to have a child).
      "Well it can't be you Whis since you are carrying out child. Who knows what it could do to our baby." he said walking over to Whis.
      "My my my you are taking this seriously aren't you my lord."
      "Of course i am!! What kind of father would I be for letting the child get hurt?"
      "I can go!!" I piped up.
      They all looked over at me and I just smiled. My mother walked over to me and she had a worried look on her face.
      "Trunks are you sure this is what you want to do? This is literally a whole new world that none of us have ever been to."
      "Trunk why do you want to go to this new place?" Beerus asked as he walked up to me.
      "I made a promise to Chi-chi, Gohan and Goten of checking up on Goku. I don't want to break that promise."
      "Wait...they spoke to you?" my mother asked tilting her head.
      "Yes...and don't ask I just need to see him."
      They look at each other and they went to a different part of the room and started to talk about it. After a while they walk back over and my mother hands me the device and give me a hug.
      "Please be careful and bring Goku back okay?"
      "I will mom okay?" I lied.
      She lets go of me and I start the device. Then I was sucked up into a portal and I was falling. I had no which way to tell up from down and I looked at the device and saw that I was getting close to a new portal opening up. And that's when I felt it, the same energy from when Goku was pulled away from us. I look to see a portal open and it was bright out. So without thinking I flew fast into the portal and came out the other side. 
      I land on the ground and starts looking around. Where was Goku? I had to find him and-
      "Trunks? What are you doing here? How did you get here?"
      I turns around to see Goku holding a girls hand. She was they girl I saw in the vision and she was looking between me and Goku. 
      "So you are the girl I saw in the vision....when I was at Goku's shrine of his family."
      " had a vision of seeing Eri?" Goku asked.
      " seems like this universe and our's are mixing together. Which is why I'm guessing I had a vision about that. But what is strange is that....I never had anything like that before."
      "Well that's because in this world...humans have an ability called quirks here. nothing like you and I have back in out world."
      "But Goku mother and Beerus want you to come back to our world so this one doesn't mix with ours. But when we found out that you be happy with someone new...I had to see for myself. I promised your family that I make sure that you where happy."
      Goku just looks at me with this shocked look and the girl, Eri, looked over at me.
      "So you are one of Goku's friends?"
      "Uh...yeah...Goku how come she's like a softer Chi-chi?" I asked looking over at him.
      "Well if you really think about it...some places seem to have people that will remind you of the other's. And Eri seems to be like Chi-chi but from this world."
      "I guess that makes sense...but I lied to my mother telling her I bring you back. but really I came here to see how happy you where and see if this world was okay to mix with ours."
      Goku smiles his old smile and I blinked. it was so weird to see him smile when he wasn't in his orange and blue gi. 
      "Okay...well Eri and i moved into a bigger place. So if you want you can have the guest bedroom," he looks over at Eri ,"If that is okay with you?"
      "Of course it is. I mean he's your friend and he doesn't know what this world is so him staying with us would be fine."
      Goku smiles and kissed her cheek and we walked to there their house was. It was weird seeing him with a girl that always had her hair down and that was very long. Not only that she had a horn in her head and she had, since they told me this as we walked, the ability to reverse time. it was strange but other people with their abilities where strange. She was telling me so much about the "hero's" of this world. 
      Once we got to the house I was surprised of the house choice they picked out.

       Once we got to the house I was surprised of the house choice they picked out

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      "Nice house you two."
      "Thanks...Goku said that he wanted a house that matched him and something more modern like me so I picked this place and he loved it." Eri said as she walked up to the front door and opened it.
      Goku then walked up to the house and I followed in after him. The inside was nice not dark like I thought it would be since I only saw the outside part. Eri went into the kitchen and said she was going to start cooking and that Goku could show me to the room I would be staying in.
      "Alright Trunks just follow me." He said as he walked away and went up some stairs.
      I follow him and he stops at one door and looks over at me.
      "This one is mine and Eri's...just letting you know which one it is just in case if you need anything. Or need to tell us something important okay?"
      He smiled and started walking again. I again follow him until he gets to the door of the far left and opens it up for me. I walk in to see that it was neutral kind of theme since they wouldn't know who would be staying with them.
      "Eri picked it out...I just let set everything up. She;s good about picking things out."
      I look back at Goku and I could tell he was happy. Happy to be with Eri and I could tell that he loved her.
      " you wish for the worlds to mix for you to be together with Eri? Like how you where with Chi-chi?"
      He stood there and tilted his head like I was crazy for asking such a question like that.
      "Why would I give up being happy again in order for the world not to collide? I want to stay with Eri and I know she wants to stay with me. So I will stay here."
      I nod and sits down on the bed. I then look up at Goku and smile.
      "That's good that you want to be happy again. But I want to know more about this world."
      "Well since everyone here has a last name they call each other by that...and since Eri introduced me as Goku Black everyone has been calling me Black and Eri as Aizawa. Or they call her Eri-chan and me Goku-son."
      " if I go with you and Eri...they say something like Trunk-kun?" I asked not really sure if that was right.
      "Something like that."
      "Boys dinner is ready!!"
      "Coming Dear!!" Goku said as he walked out the room.
      I get up and walk out of the room and go down the stairs and the smell of food hit me hard. It reminded me of Chi-chi's cooking from when I was younger. I walk over to where the kitchen is and see Goku sitting at the table with Eri getting the last of the food at the table. 
      "So...did Goku ever tell you that you food smell a lot like....her's." I asked sitting at the table.
      "In a matter of fact yes he has. When I made him his first meal of mine when I lived in a studio apartment."
      "Isn't that small for two people?"
      "it was...that's why we saved enough money to get this place."
      " long had u had to wait until you have enough money to get this place?"
      "Six months."
      I blink and look over at Goku. How could he have been gone for years in this world but gone from ours for months. Glancing at the clock I notice that I have been in this world for two hours so I must have been gone for two minutes in my world.
      "Trunks? Are you alright?"
      " have been missing from my world for months...but here it's been years..."
      Goku and Eri just look at each other then back at me.
      "So your saying that-"
      "The time lines are month in our world would be a year at most here...and who know where everyone will stand when the worlds come together."

A mixed Love (Older Eri x Goku Black crossover ship)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora