Chapter 14

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Goku's POV
      I was in the hospital building with Eri as she was laying down in the bed for a practice run for this. They knew once she was in labor that they had to start evacuating immediately. The doctor that was going to be delivering her baby comes in and asks a few questions which we both answer to. once the doctor puts the clipboard down they get right to work and started the evacuation right away.
      Eri was pretending she was in pain which wasn't hard for her to do since she was already feeling some pain, like she was going to be in labor soon. Once the drill was done Aizawa said for how long it took to get everyone out since he had it timed. He said to all the Hero's that they needed to come up with better and faster ways because of not knowing how long the baby was going to stay inside Eri. Eri was the only thing keeping the baby from combining the worlds together so fast. Everyone agreed and we got back to the planing before the drills.
      After hours of drills, re-planing and small breaks we all went home to rest for another day of the same thing.
      Once me, Eri and Trunks where home I layed Eri in the bed of our room while Trunks was cooking the food. He was a better cook then I was since his mother taught him how to. Even if Chi-chi tried to each me, I still wouldn't be able to do much of the cooking anyways. I still might burn it all up.
      " you think mom found a way to watch us?"
      "Knowing her and her caring for you I wouldn't put it past her if she did."
      "I know mother is worried that i didn't come back home with you, but should I try and use the invention that brought me here?"
      "What do you mean by that?"
      "I mean take it to the number one best invention worker here and see if they can help me get mother's machine into a two way communication device."
      "It might work...but you have to give the girl some time to do it when we aren't doing the drills."
      "I know that...after tomorrow we will have at least one break before having to go back into the drills again."
      "She have to work on what she can when she's either in the bunker or in the breaks of the days we have to do the drills."
      "True...I do want to hear my mother's voice again though..."
      "I know you do."
      Trunks finished cooking the food and Eri woke to the smell of it. She was surprised that trunks could even cook at all. We laughed at it and started to eat our food.

Bulla's POV
      When mother and the other's where talking after some hours I go back to the machine and look for any kind of clues to the place. That's when I noticed a calendar and saw that Trunks had been there for months and not the few months we think he had been gone. I write all this down thinking of how the timed worked there and how it was going to effect us all. Mom must have came in and noticed as well bc then I heard her voice.
      "That's not right....Trunks has been there for about a year but he's only been gone for a few months back here. The times of both worlds are off."
      "So that means Goku is with someone who was once a child....maybe around Gohan's younger years." Beerus said.
      "So is other words....she be a pre teen or something being in our world?"
      "Yes...but the worlds coming together wont effect any ones ages. It would just effect the time we all be having. My guess is we will be having her time and not ours. Since Goku is the one in that world and had fallen in love with the girl there.* Whis says as he keeps looking at everything.
      I turn to look at them to see that they looked a bit worried. I went to say something but the sound of a door opening caused me to stop and turn back around to see how it was. Trunks, Goku and the girl came into the house. Goku took her up the stairs while Trunks went to the kitchen.
      "The girl....she was pretty.." I say.
      "She was but what was with the horn on her head?" my mother asked.
      Then Goku came back down and was talking to Trunks. Then the both started to talk. About making the inventions of mom's becoming a two was communication device. Something about drills...but what where they for?
      ' much longer until Eri has that baby of yours?'
      'Not much longer....she can be due any day now.'
      'I wish I had a way to warn my mother about tell her to have everyone ready to keep everyone safe..'
      'I know Trunks...I know..'
I looked at my mother and then she got a worried look on her face, so did Beerus and Whis.
      "That baby will cause the worlds to come together and Eri is the only one holding that baby from doing so." Beerus said looking over at Whis.
      "What are we going to do about it? It's not like we can go there and help or anything. We have to stay here and protect the ones here." my mother said looking at the both of them.
      "We just have to do what we can here...and we have to do it in a timely manner or everyone here could get hurt." Whis said looking more worried then before.
      I just look back at the device of my mother and saw Eri come down stairs and going into the kitchen. We couldn't see what was happening but it sounded like they where laughing. To me it sounded a bit forced since they where nervous to. Nervous of not keeping everyone safe and alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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