Chapter 11

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Eri's POV
A couple of months went by and my stomach was getting a bit bigger and it was hard hiding it. My father was still mad about Goku getting me pregnant before marrying me but Mama Mic made sure he kept most of father's anger down. Deku and Bakugo would come by and as usual Deku would cry and say how happy he was for me to be having a child. I knew Deku and everyone in his class that was dating the same gender was hit by a quirk, in one mission they all went on, that made then able to have kids. So they all had children...just having slight age differences.
      I was sitting at my desk looking over some papers when Goku walked in. He smiled at me which I smiled back at him. He walks over to me and kisses the top of my head.
      "How are you and the baby doing?"
      "We are doing okay. But I am a little hungry. What should we do when we get home?"
      "I think we should go out to eat."
      "Are you sure? I don't know if...I want to go out to eat." I say placing a hand on my slightly bigger stomach.
      "You afraid what everyone will say about you wearing something comfortable since you are pregnant?"
      "A little bit. I mean I was made fun of for having red eyes and many people telling me villains have red eyes..."
      "And you didn't listen to them and look at you now. You are the daughter of two wonderful hero's and you are one yourself."
      "I mean that is true...but promise it's not anything to fancy okay?"
      "Don't worry about that. Your parents picked the place. We are going out to eat with them but wear something warm okay?"
      He walks out because he said he had to go do something else and i just went back to doing the paper work.

Goku's POV
After leaving Eri's office I walk to her parents office since they both wanted to speak to me. I get to the door and knock on it. The door opens and it was the one she called Mama Mic that opened the door. He gave me a soft smile and told me to come in. I walk into the door and sat in one of the seat that was in there as i looked over at her father that she called Dadzawa.
      "So what are you going to do about my daughter not being married?"
      "Honey we talked about this..."
      "I know but since he got her pregnant I expect him to do something about it."
      "You are right about that sir."
      They both looked over at me and I just looked down. I knew what it looked like and I even felt bad for doing this. I didn't do this with my first wife and here I was doing that to my girlfriend.
      "I should have asked Eri to marry me first. I did that with my late wife...after we had a little fighting match of a tournament I asked her to marry me. I should have found the time to ask Eri to marry me but I didn't. I think it's because of how different Eri has made me feel compared to Chi-chi. I really do love Eri sir. And...I wanted to ask you if I can marry your daughter."
      They look at each other before Aizawa looked at me again and sighed.
      "You can marry her...but what about the ring that you are going to give her?"
      I take a small black box out of my sash and open it up for them to see what the ring looked like since I was going to be asking her tonight. The ring was a silver band that was connected to a silver infinity sign to it. There was small diamonds on the infinity sign but in the middle of it was mine and Eri's birthstones on it.
      "Oh my gosh it's so beautiful." Mic said as he took the box from me so he could get a better look at it.
      "I got to picked a good looking ring for my daughter." Aizawa said looking at me before he looked back at the ring.
      "Thank you. I remember Eri telling me that she wanted to have a ring with the birthstones of her and the person she was with. And since I'm with her I put our stones on there."
      "Well that is very cute that you do remember that. When are you going to ask her?"
      "I thought about asking her tonight."
       "How will you do it?"
       "I have it planed just have to wait until then."
      They didn't seem to like it but knew that i wanted it done a certain way so they didn't ask anything else about it. After a while of talking to them I left their office and went to Eri's to see how she was doing. I get there and opened the door to see her asleep on the couch that she had in there. I smiled and walked over to her, getting on my knee as I rub her stomach.
      "'s time to leave work and go home to get ready for tonight."
      She slowly wakes up and looks at me with a smile on her face.
      "Really? Can I sleep in your arms for a bit while we are on our way over to the house?"
      "Of course we can my love."
      I get up and help Eri sit up on the couch. Once she was sitting up I help her stand up and walk out of the building with her. Once outside I wave at trunks and he waved back at us.
      "Sorry I wasn't at work much today. I had to ask to buy some clothing for me since I don't have much here in this world."
       "It's okay Trunks...As long as we make it to the dinner with my parents."
       Trunks nods and we all fly back to the house. Eri was asleep in my arms the whole time and when we go to the house i go inside the house and walk to the bedroom. When in there I set her on the bed and she wakes up and looks at me with a smile.
      "So what should I wear?"
      "'s cold outside and where we are going isn't much of a fancy place to eat at."
      "Well can you help with picking something out for me? I am still a bit sleepy."
      "Of course i can Eri love."
      I look in the closet and find a simple but cute outfit for her to wear.

"      I look in the closet and find a simple but cute outfit for her to wear

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      "That's a good outfit." Eri said with a smile.
      I smiled back and helped her get undressed and dressed in the out fit. Once getting that done I help her down the stairs and walk out of the house with her. Her parents where already outside waiting for us. Trunks was standing by the car and smiles at us. His outfit was winter like and nice like Eri's.
      "I was telling them we where waiting for you two since you had to help Eri get ready."
      "Thank you then Trunks." Eri said as I helped her into the car.
      After Trunks and I got into the car Mic started it and drove away from the house. On the way to the restaurant we talked about work and also of what could happened when the worlds came together. We where still unsure of how that was going to happen but I knew Mic and Aizawa knew more then what they where saying, but didn't want to worry Eri to much since she was carrying a child.
      Once we get the the place we all get out and go up to the building. It was a nice place to eat at but it wasn't like a really fancy dinner place. After being seated we all looked at the menu so see what we could have. Eri picked something she was craving for while Mic and Aizawa did their usual order. I kept looking and asking Eri about the food and she told me and I picked what I wanted. Whis was something she said her friend, Mr. Deku, really loved. Trunks ordered the food that he liked since it was on the menu.
      " do know giving into your cravings isn't always a good idea." Mic said looking at her with a worried look.
      "I know...but it's not hard for me to eat every thing I'm given. I can not be craving for something and just eat what I am given. But then I do have the moments where I don't want something and want the craving."
      "Sounds like the baby is going about the Saiyan way of eating." trunks said looking over at Eri.
      "Really?" Eri asked.
      "Yes...we Saiyan eat a lot, and it's because of how we train and use our powers. The amount of food we eat can make us use our abilities more."
      "So that's why we ended up needing two fridges to hold the food."
      "But you don't each much when we go out." Mic said.
      "Well that's because we don't want you to be spending so much money with something like this." Trunks said with a nervous smile.
      They didn't ask anymore and our food was brought out so us. We all ate and had a good time. Once everyone had eaten Eri said she wanted to go for a walk with me alone. Her parents where okay with it and said that they where going to take Trunks home. We agreed and we walk out of the building and Eri and i went for the walk.
      We walked in a long path back to the house but it also meant we where going to be taking the bridge. When we go in the middle of it we had to stop because of Eri trying to catch her breath.
      "Walking sure does take a lot out of you when you are going to be having a baby." Eri said with a small laugh.
      It only caused me to smile my goofy smile at her. I knew she liked this smile of mine but she also liked the other smile I would do as well.
      "Eri...I want to ask you a question."
      "And what is that?"
      I get down on one knee and open the with the ring in it. Her eyes widen and her eyes started to tear up.
      "Eri Aizawa...i have known you for a while now...and I had started to date you some months ago...and now we are about to have a baby together. i fell in love with you because you are like the Chi-chi I never had...but don't just love that you remind me of her. I love you because you made me feel happy made me know what it was like to feel something beside sadness and being alone. I want to keep that in my will you marry me and keep making me feel these feelings?"
      "Yes Goku!! Yes I will!!."
      I smiled more and stood up taking the ring out of the box. I knew she wouldn't be able to wear the ring because of the baby so I had a silver chain and put the ring on it. I put it around her neck and she kissed me so I kissed her back. I was going to be happy again with the women I love and have a new family. I was finally going to start over.

A mixed Love (Older Eri x Goku Black crossover ship)Where stories live. Discover now