Chapter 2

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"Order what you'd like." Ta smiled when the waiter brought over menu and Us opened it. Scanning the dishes names he fought back laughter; everything was named so pretentiously and stupidly. What the hell is 'Honorary seagull jumping over garden wall' and why is it under vegetarian meals? He settled for some pasta dish with a bogus name 'Dancing flowers under stars' and glass of water while Ta chose his food. He pretended to be really nonchalant about ordering, but on the inside Us was laughing and rolling his eyes. It sounded so dumb and posh! When the food arrived, he thought it was an appetiser; who makes portions so tiny? Still he refused to complain and instead try to get the conversation going by asking Ta question.

"So... what do you do for work? Build said you and Bible work at the same company...?" He asked, putting another tiny bite of food into his mouth. "Mmm, yea-yes. I'm his boss actually. I own the company." Ta pushed his plate aside; it was already empty but his face didn't show any dissatisfaction with the food. CEO at 22? Fancy restaurant and expensive food? Us just couldn't stop thinking that this guy was a pretentious prick. "But I'm at the office only four days a week. What do you do?" Us bit his lip as he recalled the words Build has said to him earlier that day. 'For the love of god, don't tell him you sell handmade clothes on instagram.' "I have an online business. What do you like to do in your spare time?"

Ta shrugged. "Hiking? And swimming; my family owns a beach resort so I'm in the ocean often. It's a nice place for a wedding because it's a private beach." "Cool." Us nodded, picking at his nail, bored out of his mind from the date. They tried to keep the conversation going, but it was like walking through deep mud. Slow and uncomfortable. It was as awkward as the couples in 90 Days Fiancee show. Still, Ta liked the looks of the person infront of him, and it seemed like a good arrangement. "How many people would you like to invite? The last week of this month is fully reserved so there won't be any tourists." Us blinked fast. "I'm sorry?" The question just came out of blue, and he wasn't exactly sure what it mean. "What are you talking about?" "Our wedding?" Ta raised an eyebrow, his expression as equally bewildered as Us's.

"Wait, hold up, what wedding? I just met you!" He chuckled awkwardly. He thought it was a joke, but the confused look on Ta's face made him think that might not be the case. "I thought...Build and Bible set us up for that reason? I said I'm looking for a wife or a husband, to live with." Ta composed himself quickly. "Funny, they seemed to forget mentioning it to me." Us said through gritted teeth. "Sorry for wasting your time. I guess this might have been a mistake. Excuse me, I'll go yell at my friends now." He stood up from the table, rummaging through his purse, but before he could locate his wallet, Ta was already at the reception, paying with his card. "Wait, Us!" He called out after picking up a charm that has fallen off of the older boy's purse. "You dropped Akamaru!"

Us, already out of the restaurant, quickly turned around, his eyes widening as he saw the little charm keychain dangling from Ta's fingers. "You know where this is from?" He asked curiously when Ta set the little doggy into his palm. "Yeah? Naruto is like my second- no, make it third, favourite anime of all times. Right after Gintama and Barakamon." "I love Barakamon!" Us exclaimed excitedly. He instantly brightened; was this snobbish dude a normal kid after all? "It's in my top five too." He smiled, awkwardly scratching his nape. "Look uhm..I'm not sure I want to marry you in less than a month, but what do you say about restarting this date? Maybe somewhere that." He vaguely gestured towards the high end restaurant they just left.

His tummy rumbled and Ta couldn't stop the grin spreading on his lips. "Really? Neat! Let's go eat someplace where they actually fill up our plates properly." "Wait; why did you even wanted to take me here? Do you like this restaurant?" Us asked, nonchalantly hooking his arm around Ta's and leading the way to his favourite street food vendor. "Oh no, I hate it, I was just trying to impress you." The younger man admitted as they sat down by a wobbly table on two mismatched plastic chairs. "Bible didn't tell me anything about you except your age, so I thought maybe more sophisticated look would work on you, but to be honest, suits aren't for me. It's enough I have to wear one at work." Ta unbuttoned his collar. "I like shorts and t-shirts, especially patterned ones." "Really?" Us perked up. "You know, Build didn't want me to tell you this, but I make my own prints on clothes and sell them. Well I also sew some clothes from scratch." "Seriously? That's so cool!"

Match made in h̶e̶a̶v̶e̶n̶ the house (TaUs AU)Where stories live. Discover now