Chapter 9

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"If you won't stop frowning you gonna end up with a unibrow tan line for your wedding day." "Yeah well, it's your fault. I'm angry at you." Ta continued knitting his eyebrows together as he signed off a couple documents. "Why?" Bible pushed his mug away from the table edge; it was almost tipped over. "You're really asking?" Ta returned the pen into his drawer and closed his laptop before looking at his employee. "Because you and Build broke up, just a couple of days before my wedding." Bible sighed. "I don't think my break up has anything to do with you."

"Oh but it does." Ta slammed the desk. "Because it affects me and my fiancé. You know Us has been sitting at home bawling his eyes out because he feels guilty that his wedding broke up his best friend's relationship. He almost called it off, and it is your fault. Just because you're too insecure about your boyfriend making a marriage joke. You tucked your tail between your legs and run off like a scared puppy. I think it's pathetic. You upset three people with your cowardice. How is it possible that my relationship, shorter than two months, is much stronger than yours, when you and Build were together five years now?"

Bible spoke through clenched teeth. "It's none of your business." "See, that's where you are wrong again." Ta shook his head. "I wanted you to be my best man because I trusted you, because you helped me and Us get together, it meant something special. It means that I find you strong, reliable, but now I'm not even sure I want you there even as a guest." "Why don't you just fire me?" Bible snorted sarcastically, but deep down he felt guilt. He thought he could have sucked it up. He thought Build and he could have talked more as adults, instead of arguing the way they did. "I don't want to." Ta shrugged. "As pathetic as you are as a boyfriend, I still think you're a capable and reliable as a worker."


"You can sleep in the bed, the sofa isn't comfortable." Build awkwardly shuffled across the hotel room. He was grateful that Ta has paid for everyone's accommodation as it was his own resort, so everything was all inclusive for the wedding guests, but did he really have to make him share a room with Bible?

Bible raised an eyebrow. There was a bed, and a sofa, and the second Build placed his sleeping mask onto the bed pillow, he knew he will have to take the sofa. Sleeping next to your ex felt weird, especially since they broke up just a few days ago.

"I'm alright, thanks." He shook his head before fluffing up the pillow and laying down. "Come on, it's a big bed." Build lifted the blanket. "We have to wake up early tomorrow, the ceremony starts at 10, you need proper sleep." Hesitant, Bible looked at him. There it was, that soft smile he fell in love with five years ago. In the end he joined Build on the bed, but turned his back to him the second the lights went off.

"I'll...come get my things from your place after the wedding." Build muttered. He was sure Bible wasn't sleeping just yet. That man always needed at least half an hour of tossing and turning before he could fall asleep, often with the aid of snuggling his boyfriend

"That's fine. I haven't packed them've got a lot of stuff." Bible spoke quietly. "Yeah...sorry about that." Build chuckled. "Have you found a place?" "Actually...Us is letting me stay in his house until I find an apartment. He's moving in with Ta." Build shuffled closer. His hand touched Bible's back softly. "Can't you just look at me? Please?"


"I do." Us was blinking away tears of happiness as he answered the officiant and let Ta put a ring on his finger. To his surprise he woke up calm and excited, with no fear or hesitance, and he almost wished for the clock to go faster. But now, he was here, in a matching suit with his husband, exchanging rings, saying wows, kissing each other. When Ta spun him around on the spot, Us couldn't help but shriek a little as their families and friends clapped and whistled.

"You know..." Build whispered to his side. "I don't need all of this. I am more than satisfied with what we have." "I don't want us to break up." Bible responded with another whisper. "I reacted too harshly, I'm sorry." "So...we're back together?" Build poked him Bible's mistake was to take his eyes off the newlywed couple just for a couple of seconds, and he could barely finish saying the word 'yeah' before he got smacked in the chest with a flying bouquet. Build was met with the sight of Us grinning at him widely while Ta was laughing next to him so hard his eyes watered.

After lavish lunch and taking pictures, it was time to cut the cake. Us felt a little nervous. He trusted Build's baking skills, and he even let him take the creative lead to it, but he was also anxious as Build's spirit was down from his recent break up. To his surprise, the cake Build made looked incredible. It was a three tier vanilla cake with white frosting and rainbow splatter cascading from the top and a couple of strategically placed rainbow flowers. On the top was an edible topper in the shape of Ta&Us letter made of spun sugar and dusted with glitter. "We should have paid more." Us laughed, but Build just shook his head as he handed them the knife. "You paid more than enough. Now cut, I want to eat some of it."


"We're gonna have sex after we're married."

Us and Ta agreed on it, and their wedding day started with clear intention of consummating the marriage the moment they get some time alone, excited to get intimate, but their newly found status had different plans for them. They danced the evening away, eating and drinking, and getting very rowdy on the dance floor until late hours when the guests started to leave. Drunk on both excitement and alcohol, Ta had the bright adea to pick up Us bridal style and carry him over the threshold of their room, but Us felt his stomach turn as soon as he got lifted up, and in state of panic he jumped off, running into the bathroom. Ta followed quite quickly as his stomach turned upon hearing his husband gag, and he spent most of the night on his knees bent over the toilet bowl.

Us managed to hold it in after the initial stomach turn, but his husband wasn't so lucky, and suddenly they recalled their engagement party night, when their roles were reversed. To no surprise, Us tended to Ta all night until he managed to get him into bed, already sobered up, but exhausted. "I'm sorry..." Ta muttered as they laid side by side with AC cranked up high to cool down the room. "I really wanted tonight to be great. I don't want to keep you waiting..." "Wow." Us chuckled. "Seems like I married an idiot." He flicked Ta's forehead. "We don't have to have sex right away. We're married, we can have sex any time in the future."

"Mmm..." Ta nodded, exhausted to talk. He snuggled up closer, laying his head onto Us's tummy, sinking his face into the soft skin there while Us gently run his fingers through Ta's hair. "Thank you for marrying me...thank you for taking care of me." Ta yawned as the sun began to peek between their curtains. "Well, I did say 'in sickness and health', didn't I? Besides, we still have our honeymoon coming; that should give us some opportunities quickly, don't you think?" Ta snored in response.

Match made in h̶e̶a̶v̶e̶n̶ the house (TaUs AU)Where stories live. Discover now