Chapter 6

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He's spending the night.


Tell me how 'it' goes ;)


We're not gonna have sex!


You really want me to believe that?


He promised.

"You alright, Us?" "Hm?" "You're frowning." Ta chuckled as he returned to the room. "I'm not-" Us finally looked up, his eyes widening slightly. Ta was fresh out of shower, showing off his shirtless torso, wearing only sweatpants. 'Fuck, why do they have to be grey?' Us thought as Ta threw the towel over the chair and smiled. Us set the phone down, biting his lip. There was something satisfying about Ta being shirtless, because now it answered Us's secret question about what his body looks like under those silly patterned shirts he wore. "So uhm...I'll take the floor I guess?" Ta gestured towards the carpet, but Us shook his head.

"Actually, if you're okay with it, you can sleep on the bed with me." He said, patting the spot by the wall, as it was a double bed. "Are you sure? I mean, we're not married yet." Ta chuckled, but sat down regardless and got comfortable on the side. "Well, I have to figure out if you snore or not. And if you do, I'm not marrying you at all." Us joked, facing Ta as he laid down too. He touched the inked bicep, closely examining the ship Ta had tattooed there. "This looks really pretty. Have you had it long?" He stroked the skin, surprised by how smooth it felt. Ta's bicep flexed a little. "A couple of years? I kind of want more but my family says it looks unprofessional."

"Well, once you're married, no one can really tell you what to do except your spouse." Us shrugged. His own words made him blush a little. "I meant-" "It's okay." Ta nodded. "I take it as...we don't have to wait until the next date to discuss that?" He asked, tapping his ring finger. Us pursed his lips. "Maybe we can wait till tomorrow though? Count that as the date number five, hm? But...I personally think we're on a good path to it." He blushed more, quickly turning around and grabbing the remote. "How about we watch something, hm?"

Ta chuckled, as he found Us's bashfulness quite cute, but leaned into that suggestion and they watched some anime movie together. Over the course of half an hour they seemed to lay closer and closer until Us rested his head against Ta's bicep, his back touching the younger's chest as they spooned. Ta's other arm wrapped around Us's waist just to keep him a little apart, but Us took it as a signal to wiggle himself even closer. " should probably stop moving so much.." Ta said with a strained voice. "Hm? Why? Not comfortable?" Us switched the TV off, shuffling a little more. "That's not it, just..." "Oh..." Us finally noticed as his butt collided with something stiff. Ta instinctively pushed away, his back hitting the wall.

"Don't move, or you'll touch it." "Sorry." Us muttered, smushing his cheeks against Ta's bicep. Damn, they just spooned a little, but that's enough for Ta to get an erection from him? It made Us strangely giddy, and he pushed his hips back into Ta's lap, earning himself a stern 'hey'. "Maybe we don't have to wait for our wedding night.." He teased, but Ta's arm that rested on his waist, moved lower, and pushed Us's butt away from his crotch. Ta then buried his face into his lover's hair, groaning. "Nope. A promise is a promise. And I promised, remember? Besides...I don't think we're ready for it anyway."

Match made in h̶e̶a̶v̶e̶n̶ the house (TaUs AU)Where stories live. Discover now