Chapter 11 End

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Gossip gossip gossip. Ta has rarely engaged in such activity, but ever since his company expanded and he gained over fifteen more employees, it was almost inevitable. Bible remained his faithful right hand man- he really man hated being called secretary but what can you do, that's his job- as well as a close friend, and would often sigh at the comments of his new colleagues. Still it was almost impossible to avoid hearing any murmur each day, especially since the topic of their gossip seemed to be just one and the same. Their incredibly young boss.

Just a month after their wedding, Ta's marketing company expanded and from an intimate seven person team in three offices, suddenly became twenty-six people company with six different departments. His own workload decreased significantly and he came to the office in person maybe two to three times a week, tops. Within five months, the finances grew, and his company became something he could be incredibly proud of.

Despite coming in so sporadically, he was still the talk of the town, as many of his new employees were older than him and couldn't believe such a young person could manage this much. Not to mention, Ta seemed like a bit of a mysterious person. They all knew he was married for half a year, but refused to believe it. Who gets married at 22? Then there was the bentos. The company cafeteria served very good quality food, yet Ta would sit outside on his own, with a very fulfilling lunchbox his beloved prepared for him every day. Several ladies has commented on it, how cute it was, how much care went to the neat little fabric wrap, how wonderful it smelled, and they joked that maybe his mother has made it for him. Ta wore his wedding ring proudly, but it didn't stop those silly rumours, and it began to be exhausting. Still, his mood was immediately better the second he came home to his husband.

"Honey I'm home!" He called into the house. A buzzing of sewing machine has stopped and there was a thud as Us quickly rushed to the door for a hug and hopefully a kiss. "Welcome home." He smiled with arms wrapped around Ta's shoulders. The young businessman let go of his back just in time to grab Us's butt when the older jumped up, wrapping his legs around Ta's waist. "Hey now..." Ta chuckled, setting his husband onto the nearest dresser. "Thank you for the lunch." Ta said as always, giving Us a soft kiss on the lips. The older returned it with a little more depth before smiling. "You're welcome."

"Did I disturb you? Sounded like you were busy." Ta finally let go after a couple more kisses, and picked up his back again. "Just finishing off a dress for a client." Us jumped off the dresser and cracked his neck. "I messed up the hemming earlier so I had to rip it all out and start over. My shoulders hurt." "Then how about I make dinner while you finish, and then after we eat I give you a massage, hm?" "Sounds great." Us pecked his cheek a little and retracted back into his sewing studio. Without Ta's help, he transformed the entire room into his own. No more fabrics crammed into a dusty closet, no more cardboard boxes instead of desk, even his sewing machine got a huge upgrade, and Us's online business took off well after one of Ta's friends wore his dress to some actresses wedding. Ta felt proud of his husband's accomplishment big time.

"Mmm, it smells good." Us rested his chin over Ta's shoulder to take a peek into the pan. "Want me to make you a drink?" He squeezed his husband's sides, earning himself a little bite to the cheek and Ta nodded. Knowing what Ta likes, Us mixed together some fruit juices with a bit of Gin and Curaçao and poured themselves a big glass each. "You know, I was thinking..." Us leaned back in his chair after he finished eating, rubbing his stomach. "What we got something small, walking around here? You know, something that walks fast and creates havoc." "Oh lord, don't tell me you changed your mind about kids?" Ta cringed, quickly finishing his drink.

"What?" Us laughed. "I want a cat, not a kid." Ta let out a heavy sigh of relief. "Oh my god. A cat, yeah, I'm all for buying a cat." "Actually..." Us bit his lip. He hesitantly took out his phone and showed him an online listing of someone's cat having kittens a couple weeks ago. "There's still one little girl available, and they said they can hold her for me for a few more days." "Why didn't you just go get her?" Ta raised an eyebrow. "Well...we're married, aren't we?" Us reached over the table for his husband's hand. "We should make big decisions like this together, don't you think? It wouldn't be great if I did something without insulting you and ended up upsetting you or vice versa. So..."

Match made in h̶e̶a̶v̶e̶n̶ the house (TaUs AU)Where stories live. Discover now