Chapter 5

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"How about bungee jumping? Paragliding? Or zip-lining?"

"I'd rather we don't die before out wedding, thanks."

"Hmm...hiking? Or a boat trip?"

"I'm not saying I don't trust him but there's still a 00000.1% chance he might be a murderer and I would prefer not to give him an opportunity to dispose of my body when no one else is around." Us rubbed his face in frustration. Why was it so difficult to come up with a killer date idea that would sweep Ta off his feet? "Ugh, why is this so hard? I just want him to like me."

Apo shrugged. "I think he already likes you a lot, and you only saw each other in person three times." Us shrugged. They did only see each other thrice, but they texted and video called on the days in between dates, sometimes hour long videocalls multiple times a day. "Maybe you're overthinking it too much. It's not like this will be a regular occurrence anyway, right?" "What do you mean?" His friend picked at a slice of his half eaten cheesecake. "Well, you're dating with the end goal being getting married, right? You're not going to only spend time together doing macho stuff. How about trying to impress him, you do something mundane? I mean, once you're married, you won't be doing all these fancy things because you'll be cute and domestic and shit. Maybe offer him a day of your regular life?"

Nakun_Ta 12:11

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Nakun_Ta 12:11

Setting off now, I'll be there soon.

Ussss 12:12

Drive safely!

Nakun_Ta 12:13

Of course :3

Us paced around his garden anxiously. When he suggested their fourth date be at his house, he half hoped Ta would decline the offer and find some outdoorsy activity instead, but the younger man got really excited and jumped on the opportunity, nodding eagerly. Us cursed the weather for being so sunny and causing all his neighbours to suddenly be in their gardens. Gossip traveled fast in his street, and they all noticed the luxury vehicle pulling into his driveway and a stylish young man holding a bouquet of flowers getting out of it. He nearly dragged Ta inside upon hearing those first few whispers around and slammed the door behind them, looking a little flustered.

"Sorry." Us smiled and he let go of Ta's wrist. "You don't like your neighbours?" The younger smiled, glancing towards the door."It's not like that." Us shook his head. "This area just isn't used to rich people and fancy cars. This one time, Apo got a ride from his boyfriend in Maserati, and the second they both stepped out of the car, people started to ask if they're single and if they're gonna marry their daughters." He chuckled as he lead Ta further into the house. "And you don't want them to take me away from you, huh?" Ta teased, hoping to make Us blush a bit more, but the older just grinned and poked Ta in the chest. "Damn right; you're mine. Now gimme those flowers before they die." With his flirty attempt shut down, Ta forgot he was still holding the bouquet, until Us mentioned it. He watched as Us placed the flowers into a vase and literally stuffed his face into the flowers, inhaling deeply.

Match made in h̶e̶a̶v̶e̶n̶ the house (TaUs AU)Where stories live. Discover now