Finding The Prince

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The year is 1998 in Adventure City. There is a family of dogs :the father Eden, the mother Sarah and their 1 month old son Marshall they were Dalmatians.

Marshall's P.O.V

Come on mom and dad wake up! Ok calm down Marshall, we are waking up what is the rush asked Sarah? It's 7:30 in the morning and I am very hungry. Ok son, then what do you want for breakfast asked Eden? I think I want bacon please and after breakfast can we go to the park it look like it might be a nice day. Sure we can go to the park after breakfast but promise me that you will be careful this time! Remember what happened at the park last time when you weren't looking where you were going? replied Sarah. I promise to be extra careful!  Eden made the bacon for his family and after they ate breakfast they packed a few things and headed for the park. Ok Marshall go and play your father and I will be sitting on the benches if you need us replied Sarah. Well I wonder what is up with this sky but it is very pretty he replied when he gazed upwards.  Then Marshall felt something pulling him towards the woods. I don't know why I am going into the woods but something in my gut tells me that I will find something but to Marshall's surprise he walked up to a river. This is a big river.  Marshall turned his head, what happened to these trees? They looked like they were burnt; and then Marshall walked up to the fallen trees, oh my god is that a pup trapped under the tree branches? How long was the pup there and how hurt was?  Hey pup are you ok? But the pup did not answer. Just hang on I will go get help don't worry I will be back soon.

 Marshall ran as fast as he could back to his parents because he knew that the young pup needed help and he could not do it alone.

Eden's P.O.V

Hey Sarah where is Marshall? I don't see him anywhere? Mom, dad, help! I need your help quick yelled Marshall! Slow down Marshall now tell me what is wrong and where were you? Sorry dad I was playing in the park but for some reason I was drawn into the woods to a river but then there were some burnt trees and under some big branches I saw a young pup stuck underneath them. I don't know how long he was there or how hurt he is but mom dad can you please come and help this pup he might be very hurt asked Marshall? Just take us to where you saw that pup and we will see if we can do anything to help him. Marshall then took his parents right where the pup was, hey pup I am back with help just hang in there yelled Marshall! Ok Sarah, I need you to come with me to where the pup is and when I lift the branches I want you to pull out the pup so I can take a look at him ok.

So Eden and Sarah went down the hill and Eden was able to lift the branches and Sarah grabbed the pup who was wearing a satchel and they went back up the hill to a worried Marshall. 

Sarah's P.O.V

There you go little pup! Eden check out this pup he has blue fur!? We can not worry about that now it looks like he is freezing cold and he has some deep cuts. I don't think I can treat these wounds, we need to take him to the emergency vet clinic now. Sarah I need you to go start the car while I carry him. Marshall go with your mother and turn on the heater when you get there. Ok asked Eden? Ok Marshall lets hurry back to the car and get it started and ready for the pup.

So Eden, Sarah and Marshall got in the car and they drove 25 minutes to the vet clinic.  Sarah dropped Eden and Marshall off at the front door with the unusual pup and they rushed him in to find a doctor.

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