Chapter 14 The Wedding

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Once all the pups returned to Miami, Geo and Liberty decided to get married. In that month before the ceremony, they spent every day planning their wedding.

Liberty's P.O.V

I am so happy that Geo and I will be married in 2 days, but for some reason I have not been feeling well but I don't want to worry Geo because I think he is doing to much by planning our wedding. Maybe I can ask Marshall to take me to get a checkup, so Liberty left the room with a sleeping Geo and went to look for Marshall, when she got to his door, hey Marshall, are you up? I need to talk to you. Rocky walked by, hey Liberty if you are looking for Marshall, he went on an errand can I help with anything asked Rocky? Well, I have been feeling sick the past few days and I was wondering if you will take me to see a vet, sure but have you told Geo that you have been feeling sick you know he worries about you a lot replied Rocky. I know but he has been so busy planning our wedding he has barely got any sleep and he finally fell asleep around 4 this morning so I want him to get some good sleep. Will you take me Rocky? Ok I will take you, but I want you to leave Geo a note so that he does not lose his mind when he notices that you are gone replied Rocky. Ok Rocky I will go put a note on our bed and I will meet you outside.

Liberty left Geo a note and then she left with Rocky to the vets' office and about 20 minutes later Geo woke up.

Geo's P.O.V

I must have fallen asleep, I have no time to sleep, wait what is this? it is a note from Liberty " sorry for not telling you, but you have been so busy with the wedding but I have been feeling sick for a couple of days now so I decided to let you sleep and I asked Rocky to take me to the vet" oh no I better get to the vets office so I can see if she is ok. Then Geo quickly grabbed a few things, and he ran as fast as he could to the vet's office. Ok, I am here! as Geo entered the vet's office, Rocky I got here as fast as I could where is Liberty Rocky? The nurse just took her back and she said only family and loved ones are allowed back replied Rocky. Thanks Rocky as Geo went over to the nurse's station. Hey, nurse I am here so see my fiancé, my friend brought her in. May I have your fiancé's name please asked the nurse? Her name is Liberty, ok let me check yes, we do have her she is in room 2 waiting to see the vet just follow me and I will take you to her room replied the nurse. Thank you so much, as Geo follows the nurse, and when we got to the room the nurse knocked on the door hey Liberty your fiancé is here to be with you replied the nurse. You can let him in replied Liberty. Hey babe I came as soon as I read the note you left me; I am so sorry I did not notice that you were feeling sick. It is ok, all that matters now is that you are here with me.

Geo and Liberty talked with each other while they waited for the vet and then there was a knock on the door.

Dr. Carter's P.O.V

Hello, my name is Dr. Carter and I will be your vet for today. Liberty what brings you in today. Well for the past few days I have been throwing up and I have been having stomach pains and they just seem to get worse replied Liberty. I would like to run a few tests starting with a blood sample and we will go from there. Thank you doctor replied Geo. as Dr. Carter took a sample of Liberty's blood; ok I will be back as soon as the results come in. 15 minutes later Dr. Carter came back, here are those blood results let us see what we got, well that could definitely explain her symptoms.

Geo's P.O.V

I can't believe I got sick a few days before our wedding I am so sorry Geo I know how much work you put into the planning of the wedding replied Liberty. It is ok Liberty, your health is the main priority, all I care about now is that you are ok and then there was a knock on the door. Well Liberty I got the blood results back and I think I know what is troubling you it looks like you just caught a stomach bug it is nothing to worry about I just need to give you some meds for the nausea. It is ok babe I will be here the whole time I am not going anywhere. Thank you honey so if I prescribe you with some anti-nausea meds do you promise to take them asked Dr. Carter? Yes, doctor I will make sure that my fiancé will take her meds on time will we still be able to have our wedding in 2 days asked Liberty? You can still attend your wedding as long as you are feeling up to it Liberty, replied Dr. Carter.

After Geo, Liberty and Rocky left the vets office, they left for the hotel and for the rest of the day and the next day Geo let Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Sarah and Eden finish the last of the details in the wedding while Geo catered to Liberty's every demand, even though he did not have to. Now it is the day of the wedding and everything was set and Geo was at the alter waiting for Liberty to show up.

Geo's P.O.V

Where is she? All of a sudden, the music started playing and Geo looked up and the limo just arrived, and Liberty stepped out and she started walking down the aisle. Liberty, you look so beautiful right now, you know that. Thank you, Geo, and just let me say you look very dashing. Is this just for me asked Liberty? Yes this is all for you and then the music stopped playing and the minister stepped up to the podium; welcome we are gathered here today to see these two get married so if anybody has any objections on why these two should not get married speak now or forever hold your peace. After a few moments of silence, ok then let's continue, well let's hear your vows. Why don't you go first Geo? Liberty ever since the first day I met you I fell in love with you, and I knew we were meant for each other and as the days went on, I just fell in love with you more and more and I will always love you until the end of days. Now it is your turn Liberty, Geo I also fell in love with you the first time I met you and since that day you have changed my life forever and I will always stay by your side. Now that the vows are done, we will distribute the rings will the best man please bring the rings up front. As Marshall walked up to Geo and Liberty and brought out the rings Geo and Liberty, please exchange your rings. Geo put the ring around Liberty's neck and Liberty did the same for Geo. Do you Geo, take Liberty to be your lovely wife to have and to hold for the rest of your life? I do, and do you Liberty take Geo to be your husband to have and to hold for the rest of your life? I do and I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride and then Geo grabbed Liberty and he gave her a very long kiss.

Now that Geo and Liberty are married, they can move on in their lives and during the wedding party there was a sudden explosion over Miami and all the pups looked up at the sky and they saw Zeke coming from above with hundreds of dark creatures behind him and all the pups were thinking this could be trouble.

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