Chapter 8 Feeling's

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It is 8:00 A.M and some of the pups wake up and they are wondering when their trip will begin.

Geo's P.O.V

Morning pups, lets go ask for our breakfast then we can start to plan where we will go first when we leave. Morning Geo, what do you think we will have for breakfast asked Rocky? When it comes to mom and dad you never know they changed it up every day when Geo and I were young, replied Marshall. Wait a minute Marshall, are Zuma and Liberty still asleep. They must be, one of us should go wake them up while the others go figure out what is for breakfast replied Marshall. Why don't you go wake them up Marshall and I will go to the kitchen with Rocky to see what's for breakfast.

Geo and Rocky went down the hall to the kitchen while Marshall went to wake up Zuma and Liberty.

Marshall's P.O.V

I wonder why Zuma and Liberty are still asleep. We went to bed early. Then Marshall entered the guest room. Zuma come on, time to wake up it is past 8:00 A.M and Geo sent me to wake you and Liberty up so we can have breakfast. Ok I am getting up," replied Zuma. Hey Zuma, where is Liberty I thought she slept in here too asked Marshall. She was in here when I went to sleep last night but I don't know where she is now replied Zuma. You know what, I have an idea where she might be. I will go check and Zuma why don't you go ahead and go to the kitchen and wait with Geo and Rocky? Ok Marshall, I will see you in the kitchen replied Zuma. It is just a hunch but maybe Liberty is in Geo's room. As Marshall entered Geo's room just as I thought, Liberty it is time to wake up for breakfast and when did you come in here to sleep in Geo's room asked Marshall? Well in the middle of the night I woke up from a nightmare that I was having and then Geo came into the guest room to ask if I was ok and I told him I had a nightmare and he asked me if I wanted to sleep with him in his room. I said yes and for some reason I did not have anymore nightmares last night replied Liberty with a blush. I bet you really loved it when he asked you to sleep in his room with him. Yes, I did it gave me the willy's when he asked me that, but can we just go get some breakfast asked Liberty? Sure, but why don't you just tell Geo how you feel already. I would but I am nervous that he may not have the same feelings for me replied Liberty. Well, if you want my advice you should find time to tell him how you feel.

While Marshall is giving Liberty advice with her feelings, Geo, Rocky and Zuma just got to the kitchen.

Geo's P.O.V

It looks like mom and dad left us a note and it said that they went to get the R.V and the groceries and that they would be back by lunch. Hey Geo, when Marshall woke me up, we noticed that Liberty was not in the room do you know where she is asked Zuma? Oh, about that last night I heard Liberty whining so I went to see if she was ok, and she told me she had a nightmare so I asked her if she wanted to come sleep with me in my room so I could look after her and so she is in my room sleeping. You know I am getting a feeling that you worry about Liberty a lot. Is there a reason that is asked Rocky with a smirk? What is with that smirk Rocky I just wanted to make sure she could get a good night's sleep. You know you cannot fool me Geo, I am a lot smarter than you think, so what is going on? Fine, if you must, I think I am falling in love with Liberty. Then why don't you at least tell her how you feel asked Zuma? I would but I don't know if she has the same feelings, but can we drop this and since mom and dad are not here I guess I can make all of us some breakfast. You know how to cook Geo asked Rocky? Yes, I do so what do you guys want for breakfast? Well can you make bacon and sausage for all of us asked Zuma? Sure, I will go start it right now.

Geo walked into the kitchen and got the bacon and sausages from the freezer and started breakfast for all the pups and Marshall and Liberty were just coming into the living room.

Liberty's P.O.V

Hey, Marshall, what is that delicious smell? It seems like breakfast is being made let's go find out what is for breakfast replied Marshall. As they enter the kitchen, Geo are you cooking breakfast asked Marshall? Yes, I am mom and dad aren't here right now so I decided to make breakfast for all of us and Zuma wanted some bacon and sausages so that is what I am making, is that ok with you guys asked Geo? That's fine with me, I just did not know you could cook replied Marshall. Well dad taught me how to cook just in case they weren't here when you or I got hungry. What can't you do Geo? You are just so amazing in so many ways, you know that, as Liberty blushes at Geo. Thanks for the compliment, I will do anything if it makes my family happy, replied Geo with a embarrassed face. Hey, Marshall, I need to talk to you in private right now. Ok Liberty calm down guys we will be right back replied Marshall. Liberty dragged Marshall into the living room. Marshall I need a favor from you what can I do for you Liberty asked Marshall? I could use your help figuring out how to tell Geo how I feel because what I just saw in the kitchen made me figure out what you told me early was right, I just need to tell him how I feel and not keep it bottled up. Here is what I can do when Geo finishes making breakfast, I will tell Rocky and Zuma to eat their breakfast in the living room with me. You and Geo can take your breakfast outside on the table in the backyard so you can be alone with him will that work for you asked Marshall? That will be perfect, thank you.

After about a half hour Geo told everyone breakfast was ready, and he dished out everyone's food and then Marshall told Rocky and Zuma to eat in the living room with him and Liberty asked Geo to eat outside with her and they went outside.

Geo's P.O.V

Here let's sit and eat and talk ok Liberty. Thank you, Geo, I bet you are wondering why I wanted to be alone with you, aren't you asked Liberty? I am some but I like the times when it is just the two of us. Do you really mean that Geo asked Liberty? Yes, I do, I really enjoy it. Is there something you want to tell me. What makes you think that asked Liberty? You seem to be a little distracted lately and I am still worried about you when you told me you had a nightmare last night. Yes, there is something I want to talk to you about replied Liberty. You know you can tell me anything that is bothering you so I could at least try to help. "well here goes nothing" Geo I know we just met a few days ago but since then I have found out so much awesome and heroic stuff that you have done and all the lengths that you will go through to save your family; I cant stop thinking about you, what I am trying to say is that I am falling in love with you replied Liberty. Look at me Liberty I know that telling me all of this was hard, but you don't have to worry because I am falling in love with you too! I just did not know if you felt the same because of how I look. Geo, I don't care how you look I fell in love with you for being you replied Liberty. Hey, Liberty, do you think you would like to be my girlfriend. Yes, Geo that is all I wanted to be for a while now replied Liberty.

Now that Geo and Liberty were together, once they finished eating they went inside to play with the others until Sarah and Eden get back.

Rocky's P.O.V

What should we do now guys? I am so bored. We can play pup pup boogie replied Geo as he and Liberty enter the living room. You guys have pup pup boogie at your house too. Yes, we do it is in the cabinet under the tv replied Marshall. Dude lets get it and play replied Zuma. Calm down Zuma, I will get it and then we will choose who will go against who. Geo got out the game and pup boards and placed them in front of the tv and put the game in. I want to face Zuma first if that is ok. Go ahead Rocky you guys can play first replied Geo.

While Rocky and Zuma play, Marshall goes to sit next to Geo and Liberty, so he can figure out if Liberty told Geo how she felt.

Marshall's P.O.V

Hey Geo and Liberty, how was your breakfast alone outside? It went well replied Liberty as she snuggled next to Geo on the couch. I am going out on a limb and guess that you two are together now, right? You are right Marshall; we are together is that ok with you asked Geo? It is perfect, I am just happy for you Geo because not even 1 week ago you thought that no one would ever fall in love with you and look at you now! You are in love. I know what you mean Marshall, I did think that any one would ever love me, but when we arrived in Adventure City and I met Liberty I just fell completely in love with her. I just had a glimmer of hope that I could find love in my life, and I did and now I think I have a purpose in life again replied Geo. Did I just hear you right? You and Liberty are in love asked Rocky and Zuma? Yes, we are and I thought you two were playing the game replied Geo. We were and then the match ended so we came to see what you guys were talking about and we just caught the end of it replied Rocky.

After a while, it was now 10:30 A.M and all the pups heard a horn so they went outside to see who it was and is was Sarah and Eden getting home with the RV. All the pups howled in excitement because now they can finally get on the road after they pack.

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