Chapter 6 Geo gets fired

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At the hospital's waiting room Marshall was pacing back and forth very worried about his brother, who the doctors took back to access his wounds. Finally, Sarah and Eden pulled up to the hospital and when they got inside Marshall saw them and he ran crying to his parents.

Sarah's P.O.V

It's ok Marshall stop your crying we are here! I am so sorry mom and dad, cried Marshall. What are you sorry for Marshall? There is nothing to be sorry about. Mom, I was not there to protect him like I always said I would be. Why is it that when he needs to be protected, I am just not there? Marshall was explaining to his parents how Geo was being bullied and pushed around and he did not notice that Geo was depressed and that he was not there to protect him from being bullied. That is why I am so sorry, I failed the job you gave me as a brother before we started the Paw Patrol, which was to always have Geo's back. I was not there when he needed me the most replied Marshall with tears. Marshall Just dry those tears, the most important thing right now is that you saved your brother and brought him here alive and that is all that matters right now. I need you to be strong for your brother and there will be time for you to make it up to him; but knowing Geo he will say you don't owe him anything since you saved his life.

While Marshall fell asleep in his moms' arms eventually Ryder arrived at the hospital with Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Rubble and Liberty. They all ran into the hospital waiting room to be with Marshall.

Rocky's P.O.V

Hey are you Marshall and Geo's parents? Yes, we are, my name is Sarah and this is my husband Eden. Who are you all asked Sarah? I am Rocky and this is Zuma and Liberty. Zuma and I are Marshall and Geo's best friends and we just made friends with Liberty today. Nice to meet you all! Have Marshall and Geo been good, asked Sarah? You would not believe how many dogs Geo has saved today. He is such a hero he even rescued Rocky, Zuma, Marshall and I at the same time while we were waiting for the fire department and police to come. We made sure all the dogs were ok and there were over 75 dogs plus us. Geo came to the warehouse where we were being held on his own and he stopped 3 guards by himself just to save all our lives. We owe our lives to Geo because he risked his life for our lives without thinking about what would happen to himself replied Liberty. Yes, that sounds like our son, always looking out for others than himself but that is just what makes him special in his own way. Rocky is that Geo's backpack you are wearing asked Eden? Yes, it is, he has always told us that he always wants this backpack with him, but we were in a rush to start our rescue mission, so he left it on the Paw Patroller. I thought that he would like to have it when he wakes up, so I brought it in with me. We are all worried about Geo because if it was not for him, we would not be where we are today. He has totally changed our lives forever so we will go anywhere with him as long as he is ok and able to go on then we will be right behind him following his every order.

All the pups were telling Sarah and Eden how Geo changed their lives and then the doors opened up and called for family members to tell them how their son is doing.

Eden's P.O.V

Doctor, please tell us is our son ok. Other than a few cuts and a concussion he will be just fine but I do have to say this is the first pup with red fur I have taken care of, replied the doctor. Can we go see him? Yes, you can, he is awake replied the doctor. Sarah, Eden and Marshall walked into Geo's room, and he was laying on the bed crying. Geo glad to see that you are ok, what's wrong, why are you crying? I am sorry dad; it is just I am in so much trouble right now with Ryder and I know I will get punished for it replied Geo. For what? I hear you saved a lot of lives today why would you get in trouble for that? You don't get it when Marshall, Zuma, Rocky and Liberty were kidnapped I decided not to tell Ryder what happened because they were my responsibility and I lost them on my watch. I turned off my pup tag and went to find them on my own. I was so mad that they took my family away from me, so I was going to save everyone that was kidnapped and make sure the culprit would not do it again. Then I caught Marshall's scent so I followed it which it led me to the warehouse, and I looked for evidence that all the dogs were there and when I put my ear to the wall I could hear Rocky talking to Marshall so I knew that the dogs were in there. I went to the front desk and there was 2 guards and they started making me mad and I drew the line when I heard a yelp from down the hall and they said they can do what they want to the dogs. I was furious so I started to charge at the guards and while I was running I noticed that my fur was turning red and all of a sudden I was engulfed in flames! I changed my target from the guards to the control panel for the doors in the warehouse and when I ran into the panel there was an explosion, and I was thrown back. I slammed against the wall that is the last thing I remember before waking up here a few minutes ago. Did all the dogs get out ok? Are Rocky, Zuma, Liberty and Marshall hurt or are they ok asked Geo? Don't worry Geo everyone got out in time, and you saved over 70 dogs you know that. As long as no one was hurt I am happy that I saved them but I did ignore Ryder so there will be consequences for my actions, but I will deal with it because now I know that my family is no longer in any harm replied Geo.

After everyone visited Geo, Ryder told the pups he needed to speak with Geo alone so they left the room.

Ryder's P.O.V

Hey Geo, everyone told me what you did but still it was very reckless for you to go out on your own. You did not tell me where you were going, and you turned off your pup tag so I couldn't track you. All the dogs could have been hurt in that warehouse so I will have to think of what to do with you. I will decide what your punishment will be tomorrow so get some rest and I will see you tomorrow.

Ryder left Geo's room and he let Rocky, Zuma, Marshall and Liberty stay at the hospital with Geo, Sarah, and Eden after they begged Ryder. Soon it was morning and Ryder got there about 8:00 A.M and he went into Geo's room to tell him what he is going to do with him.

Geo's P.O.V

Morning Ryder just let me have it! What is my punishment? I was up a lot last night thinking and I concluded out of all the years in the Paw Patrol this is the third time you left me in the dark on a mission or disobeyed my orders, so I am sorry Geo I just can't have that keep happening! I hate to say it, but you can't work for the Paw Patrol anymore. Ok Ryder I get it; I won't fight you. Can you just send in Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and Liberty before you take them back to the lookout, I just want to say goodbye to them. Ryder left and sent his family in hey guys I guess this is goodbye because I just got fired by Ryder. Stay strong and keep saving lives out there and I will miss all of you very much. We are not going anywhere without you, even if it means leaving the Paw Patrol to do it, right guys replied Marshall. Marshall is right if you are not in the Paw Patrol, we won't be either because we are a family and families don't abandon each other. Geo, you are the pup that has changed our lives so we are not leaving your side! We are going over to Ryder and handing him our pup tags also because you did nothing wrong, in fact you are always saving lives and if Ryder can't see that then he doesn't even deserve you or us replied Rocky. But if you all quit and stay by my side who is going to take care of all of us? Don't worry about that, last night I was talking with mom and dad and they said they will take us in.

Then Geo asked Marshall to get their parents to make sure what he said was right and Sarah and Eden said they would gladly take everyone in. Then Rocky, Marshall and Zuma took off their pup tags and handed them to Ryder as he left, and now they all must think of what they would do next in their lives.

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