Chapter 11 The Special Gift

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All the pups have been traveling for about two months and they have finally reached Miami. In a couple of days it will be Liberty's birthday and Geo wants to do something super special but he has to run it by his parents, and Rocky, Zuma and his brother Marshall.

Geo's P.O.V

Yawn, what time is it? Wow it is 8:30 A.M and good Liberty is still asleep that gives me time to talk to Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and my parents because if I want my plan to work, I need all their support. Geo slowly gets off the bed and out of his room, he heads to the front. Good morning mom and dad, how are you today? Morning Geo, we are fine, how are you doing this morning asked Sarah? I am doing perfectly, are the others up yet? They should be, why do you ask asked Sarah? I need to talk to you all without Liberty, this is super important. Ok we will be arriving in Miami in about 5 minutes replied Eden. Ok I am going to go get Marshall, Rocky and Zuma, I will be right back. Geo goes to Marshall, Rocky and Zuma's rooms and brings them to the front. Geo what did you want to talk to us about and where is Liberty asked Marshall? You guys know that Liberty's birthday is in a few days right. Yea we know so what is your point asked Rocky? The point is that I want to do something super special for her, but to do that I needed to run it by you guys. What did you want to do asked Eden? I wanted to take a few days off before we go to the next trial. Why, what did you want to do asked Marshall? Ok here goes nothing I want to ask Liberty to marry me for her birthday and the ring will be her present. Geo, that is all you have to say to get me on board with this. I will definitely help you get this done! What about the rest of you, asked Marshall? I am in replied Rocky. So am I replied Zuma. Ok then it is settled when we get to Miami, we will find a hotel to stay in for a few days. and we all will help you in any way we can, replied Sarah. Thank you all. This means so much to me. No problem Geo, we have been waiting for this day to happen for a long time now and don't worry everything will go as planned replied Marshall. What are all of you talking about asked Liberty? Nothing, it is a secret. Geo, what are you planning, asked Liberty? We are planning to spend a few days in a hotel in Miami before we head to the next shrine, that is all replied Marshall nervously. I will get to spend a few days alone with my Geo replied Liberty. Yes, that is what it means replied Rocky. Was this your idea Geo asked Liberty? It was my idea since your birthday is coming up and all. Geo, you are the best boyfriend in the world, you know that! Liberty ran and tackled Geo to the ground kissing him all over, don't you mean fiancé replied Rocky with a smirk. Shut up Rocky, do not ruin this for my brother or you will regret it. Got it replied Marshall with a growl. Ok I get the point sorry replied Rocky.

Sarah and Eden parked the RV in front of a five-star hotel while the pups gathered their stuff and then they exited the RV and entered the hotel and got three rooms. One for Sarah and Eden, one for Marshall, Rocky and Zuma and one for Geo and Liberty. After they got settled, Marshall, Sarah and Eden went and knocked on Geo and Liberty's door.

Sarah's P.O.V

I am sorry Liberty, but we need to steal Geo for just a little bit. Why? We just got here asked Liberty. It is ok babe; I will be back in about 2 to 3 hours and the rest of the time it will only be the two of us I promise. Ok? Looking slightly upset, she said, as long as I get you for the rest of the time when you get back. You can go hang out with Rocky and Zuma if you want to replied Marshall. Ok I will head there in a few minutes replied Liberty. Geo left with Marshall and his parents. Marshall, do you think Rocky will keep his mouth shut with you not around asked Geo. I told Zuma to call me any time he tries to talk, and I also told Zuma that every time he tries to warn him what I told him on the RV so don't worry it will stay a secret. As Marshall says that, he gets a call from Zuma. What could this be about replied Marshall as he answered the phone. Hey dude how can you possibly think I can control Rocky. Do you hear him in the background? He is singing how happy he is for Geo, and he will not stop replied Zuma with irritation in his voice. You know what, I am going to solve this problem right now Zuma! Tell Rocky to meet us in the lobby, he is coming with us so I can keep an eye on him. Just make sure he leaves now because Liberty will be on her way to your room in a few minutes. Can you handle that replied Marshall. Sure, I can dude, replied Zuma with a smile. When Geo, Sarah, Eden, and Marshall got to the lobby Rocky was already there waiting for them. Hey Rocky I see that Zuma could not wait to get rid of you replied Geo. I don't know why he wanted to get rid of me though replied Rocky. Maybe because you would not stop singing how happy you are for Geo, and I told Zuma to send you down here because Liberty was about to head to your guys room and I could already tell that you would not be able to keep your mouth quiet around Liberty. You are coming with us so I can keep an eye on you replied Marshall. Where are we going to asked Rocky? We are going to a few different ring shops so Geo can pick out the perfect ring he wants to give Liberty replied Sarah as she rubbed her paw on Geo's head. Thank you so much for helping me mom and dad, and you too Marshall replied Geo as he wags his tail. What about me asked Rocky? Sorry Rocky you are just along for the ride so I can keep an eye on you replied Marshall with a stern look on his face. I can still help though can't I asked Rocky? Yes, Rocky you can be a big help replied Geo. Thank you Geo replied Rocky. No problem now let's get going, time is wasting and if we don't get Geo back in 2 to 3 hours like I promised Liberty she is going to kill me replied Marshall.

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