Chapter 15 The final battle

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As the pups watch the dark creatures tear apart Miami it is now time for them to get to work.

Zuma's P.O.V

Geo this is it, we must end this before anyone gets hurt. You are right Zuma but we must spread out replied Geo. What do you want us to do Geo asked Liberty? Well, I am sending all of you to separate locations to take care of the dark creatures. Liberty, I cannot let you into battle, I am sending you and Marshall with our parents, and they will protect you and I will head after Zeke so let's get to work. Geo lifted his paw and teleported all the pups to where they were supposed to go.

After Geo teleported the pups, he took Liberty to his parents and told them to protect Liberty with their lives and then they took off and Geo teleported himself to where Zeke was.

Rocky's P.O.V

Well, it looks like Geo sent me to the east side of Miami, so where can I be of help the most? and suddenly Rocky heard a scream and he ran towards it. Monsters pick on someone your own size that can fight back, then Rocky lifted his paw and smacked it on the ground and then a giant rock hand grabbed the three dark creatures and threw them into the building. It is ok people you are safe now, just go get to safety. I will handle these guys and then the people run away and now that they are safe, I can deal with you three without any problems. Then Rocky lifted both of his paws and once his paws landed on the ground the ground started to shake and three rock solders with pure steel armor were being created. Why don't you three meet my little friends who are about to crush you and then Rocky told the solders to go and get them before they can get up and the solders went over to the dark creatures and started beating on them until they stopped moving. That is enough boys, I want you three to take care of them and I will go and see if anyone else needs my help but before I go, Rocky creates about 50 more soldiers, I want all of you to help me patrol this side of Miami and take out any more dark creatures that get in our way.

Zuma's P.O.V

It looks like Geo sent me outside of Miami to the everglades. Wait, I am in the everglades and crocs live here. I can get them to help me, I just got to get to the right spot. Then all of a sudden, a burst of lightning went flying towards Zuma, but he jumped out of the way, and he ran towards the deep part of the everglades. I only have a minute; I hereby call upon the sea creatures of these waters then about 30 crocs came to the surface I need all of your guys help so that I can save this world and here they come so let's move out. Zuma lay in wait till it was time to attack, here they are, now is my chance, Zuma then engulfed himself in water and then in ice and rushed in to one of the dark creatures killing him instantly and all the crocs grabbed the other ones and put them into a death roll. All right I would like all of you to continue to take care of the ones here, I have to go and help my leader.

Geo's P.O.V

Hey Zeke, it looks like it is just me and you. Let's get this party started! Well, if it isn't the prince himself, I am going to enjoy ending your life, then I will go end the lives of all your friends one by one," replied Zeke. I will never let that happen. I will end your rain of evil today, once and for all, you think you can stop me all by yourself that will be impossible replied Zeke. We will just have to see about that as Geo charges at Zeke, he engulfed himself in lighting and jumped into Zeke with everything he has, but Zeke catches him and throws him to the ground and then Zeke swiped at the building and made it collapse on top of Geo. See you were no match for me. Now I am heading for your friends, but then all of a sudden there was a glow under all the rubble and rays of light shot away all the debris! How can this be? You should be dead now replied Zeke. Well, it looks like I will need all of my power to defeat you" but on the other hand, if I use all the powers at once I will surely die" ok here goes nothing. I call upon all the elementals, please give me your strength so I can take down this foe and free the world from his evil. Then all the spirits gave their powers to Geo. Zeke this is the end for you and then Geo used all his energy to send his enemy to the otherworld and then Geo ran and jumped towards Zeke with everything he had and took him into the ocean.

As Geo took Zeke into the ocean, all the pups noticed it and headed for the beach and Marshall saw what happened and he got worried.

Marshall's P.O.V

Mom, dad, can you come here for a minute? Sure, what do you need Marshall? asked Sarah? I need you to stay here with Liberty and don't let her watch the news. I need to get down to the beach, they need me. Marshall, just be careful replied Eden. I will but I really need to get going, then Marshall left and rushed over to the beach. When he got there, he saw the rest of the pups. I came as fast as I could when I saw what happened on the news, has anyone found Geo yet? No, search and rescue has come up with nothing," replied Rocky. Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing, let's get in the water and help look for him! You are right but what about Liberty? does she know what is going on asked Zuma? No, she doesn't, and I want to leave it that way, so when I left, I told my parents to watch over her and don't let her watch the news. We need to find him before she catches on. If she finds out that I lied to her and if he was hurt and I did not tell her she will kill me then we better get in the water and search for him replied Rocky.

All the pups went in the water, and they spent the next 2 hours searching for Geo and then Marshall spotted a glow at the bottom of a cliff, and he noticed that it was Geo, so he motioned for Rocky and Zuma. They dove down there grabbed him and headed for the surface, when they got on land, they placed him on a towel.

Rocky's P.O.V

Look at him, he has wounds all over his body. Marshall, is there anything we can do? I don't think so. Maybe if I call my dad, then Marshall gets his phone and called Eden. Marshall is everything alright? No dad, I could use your help! Geo is in very bad condition, and I am not experienced enough to handle all these wounds. Don't worry Marshall, I am on my way. Guys, my dad will be here soon. Geo just hold on for a little while longer.

About 10 minutes of waiting ,Eden arrived but with Liberty by his side

Liberty's P.O.V

Is there something you want to tell me Marshall? What happened to my husband? Sorry Marshall, she overheard my conversation with you. I will go tend to Geo and you two can settle your differences. Then Eden went over to Geo and started treating his wounds. Marshall, is there a reason you did not tell me that my husband was in danger? I am sorry Liberty, I just wanted to keep you safe, and Geo would want the same thing replied Marshall. So, Marshall, is this battle over? I think it is. Geo took out Zeke when he tackled him into the water plus no one has found his body and once Zeke entered the water a few minutes later all the dark creatures just died off replied Rocky. Ok now if you will excuse me, I would like to be with my husband, then Liberty went next to Geo and lay down. Eden will Geo be, ok? I don't know Liberty; I have not seen anybody live with this many wounds, but I am trying everything I can and suddenly Pegasus came out of Geo's chest. Do not worry heroes, for what you have done for this world I can heal Geo's wounds then Pegasus leaned over Geo's body and then Pegasus touched Geo's body with her horn and then all of Geo's wounds disappeared. There all he needs now is rest, the battle is over so all of you can rest now. Zeke has been defeated.

All the pups picked up Geo and they carried him back to the hotel so that Geo could rest and a few days later Geo is still resting.

Liberty's P.O.V

If you guys need me, I will be in with Geo, when she walked into their room Geo was not in the bed. Geo, where are you? Wait, is that the water running? Then she heard a crashing noise. oh, my Geo, I know you are in there, was that you that made that noise? I am coming in, what are you doing? Sorry Liberty, I woke up and I wanted to take a shower and I did not want to bug you but then I could not keep myself up anymore. Geo let me help you with your shower, thanks babe and as Liberty helped Geo with his shower and about 10 minutes later Liberty helped Geo out of the shower and back to the bed now you just lay here why I go get everyone.

Liberty left the room and a few minutes later she came back with everyone, and they all hugged Geo. Now that the battle with the dark creatures is over, they can all live their lives.

Paw Patrol Elemental warTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon