Chapter 12 The water temple

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It is the day that the pups attempt to go to the water temple after a wonderful celebration of Geo and Liberty's engagement. It is now 9:00 A.M and all the pups are awake.

Geo's P.O.V

Alright mom and dad, we will see you when we get back from the temple. Please be careful and don't injure yourself too much, mentioned Sarah. You know Geo can't promise that, but once again I fully stocked the first aid kit just in case we need it replied Marshall. That is my boy yelled Eden as they watched Geo and his team leave the hotel and head for the lighthouse at the end of Miami beach. When we get to the beach how far down is the lighthouse? Does anyone know asked Rocky? If my research is correct, the lighthouse is at the top of the rock Island, replied Zuma. Ok, then we better pick up the pace. After getting to the beach and following it down for about a hour and a half they have came across a tall rock wall that was in their way. Look up there Geo, it is the lighthouse. How will we get up there, asked Marshall? That's not a problem, replied Rocky and Geo at the same time. What are you two thinking about asked Liberty? Liberty, I suggest that you hold onto me very tight and Zuma you better hold onto Rocky. Ok, but why asked Zuma and Liberty as they grab their partner tightly. Are you ready Rocky? Let's do this replied Rocky and then Rocky and Geo raise their paws and the ground underneath them starts to shake and then they high five each other as two big stone hands rise from the ground and lift the pups up to the top of the wall. Next stop the lighthouse replied Rocky and Geo together, with big smiles on their faces, and then they stepped off the stone hands and onto the front of the lighthouse where they find a familiar stone with a buoy on it. You guys can let go of us now! Geo doesn't this stone look familiar asked Zuma as he let go of Rocky's neck. Yes, it does, it kind of looks like the monolith that was in the forest. It's odd, this stone was not here before because researchers have been up here before and tried to get in the lighthouse but could not so they took a picture of the lighthouse and there was no stone replied Zuma. Maybe the stone appeared when we finished the first temple replied Rocky. Forget about that for now, lets open the lighthouse, as Geo grabs the book out of his backpack the book opens to the third page and Geo and Liberty repeat the words in the book "oh great Aqua please bring us guidance to your shrine" then the doors to the lighthouse opened. Hey, now I see new writing on the stone monolith, and it says only the two chosen may enter the lighthouse replied Rocky. That means us Zuma, are you ready to go? I think I am replied Zuma. Ok Geo honey, I want you to come back to me ok asked Liberty? I promise to look after him, replied Zuma. Then Zuma and Geo enter the lighthouse and the doors close behind them. Looking around, Zuma exclaimed, dude it is pitch black in here. I can't see a thing! Geo's gold fur glowed bright again illuminating the shadows. I still can't get used to that, replied Zuma. Looks like there are stairs that go down, so let's follow them and see where they go. Geo and Zuma keep going down the stairs for about 15 minutes when they finally reach the bottom of the lighthouse. Geo there is a door over here, let's go inside replied Zuma. They entered through the door and there was another stone tablet visible. Geo what does this tablet say asked Zuma? This tablet says, in the next room there will be a submarine that will take you two down to the water temple. In the submarine, there are two big oxygen tanks and two masks. Since the temple is underwater, when you get there, you will have to swim out of the sub, and into the temple to find a place that is not underwater. When you find that, the trial shall begin. We can do this Zuma; you don't have to worry; we are an elite team and we have been through a lot. You are right Geo, there is nothing to worry about replied Zuma. As Geo and Zuma enter the next room they climb down into the sub and the trip down into the murky depths takes about 10 minutes and then the water temple is in sight. Zuma there is the temple, let's gear up and head in. Geo, it looks like these tanks have about 3 hours of air so let's make every second count replied Zuma. You are right, then Geo and Zuma leave the sub and swim towards the temple and enter it. They navigate through some tunnels and then they find what they were looking for, an exit onto dry land. They swam up and out of the water. We made it Zuma and with 2 ½ hours of air left. Yes, we did it Geo! replied Zuma. Remember it is not over until we finish the trial, so let's move on. They enter the next room. Hey Geo, here is a tablet. Can you read it? Looking over the old text, he replied that he thought he could. Geo read what it says. It says, if you have made it this far well done, and if you want to reach the shrine you will have to pass three tests and in each test room you will be moving deeper and deeper into the temple. Remember the paths you take and good luck. So which door do we take? It looks like there is writing on the walls on the side of each hallway before each doorway. Can you read what it says asked Zuma? Why don't you try to read them because all I see are symbols just like in the book replied Zuma. You have the capability to read the text, all you need to do is clear your mind and let your worries go away and connect your heart with mine. What do you mean Geo? replied Zuma. Close your eyes, count to ten, relax and open your heart and let it speak. I will try, as Zuma closes his eyes and starts to count, he gets frustrated, I am sorry Geo, I can't do it, replied Zuma. Look at me Zuma, I can tell what is bothering you, I know, you don't like these small spaces, but you must relax. I do not, I can't take small spaces, but I kept it a secret, so I did not worry the team replied Zuma. With that knowledge your heart is clouded, but you can trust me when I say this, I will never let anything happen to you and you did not have to keep that secret. We are a team, and we support each other no matter what, so try again and close your eyes and count to ten and then open them. Ok Geo I will try again, then Zuma closed his eyes and counted to ten then opened them. Now look at the text, can you read them? Yes, I can replied Zuma. Then what do they say? The first one on the left says belief, the second one on the left says, wait, the words are disappearing from the walls and so are the other ones! What is going on? We passed the first test. If you look to your left the belief hallway is lit up, so let's follow it. We did not even do anything," replied Zuma. But we did, you opened your heart and told me what was bothering you and you believed in me, and the temple saw that. Let's move on, ok? As Geo and Zuma entered the next hall, they saw that there were only two hallways to choose from. Zuma, what do the walls say? It looks like the one on the left says darkness and the one on the right says diving, so which one should we chose Zuma. Since we still have a lot of air left in our tanks let's choose diving, replied Zuma. Ok then let's go. As they enter the door, they see a way to go down. They put on their masks and tanks, and they dive into the hole. A voice permeates through the darkness, welcome to your next test. What you have in front of you is an underwater cavern and at the end of the cavern is your exit. The exit will only stay open for 10 minutes and if you don't make it in 10 minutes the door will be closed for good, and you will perish. Good luck.

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